Aoba Office

Chapter 1374 No. 086-Shared Bicycle (1)

Incident number 086

Event name: Shared bicycle

Client: Zhang Qing

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Occupation: Company employee

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XXXX, No. XX, Haiyang Xinyuan, Minqing City

Contact number: 188XXXXXXXX


On October 1, 2014, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 08620141001.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang. You said that you encountered something strange. Can you tell me specifically what happened?"

"Yeah. I've been seeing a car recently. A shared bicycle, a fast-riding orange car."

"You mean, you keep seeing the same fast-riding bicycle?"

"Yes! It's the same one! There was a small advertisement posted on the crossbar of that car, an advertisement for small loans. The pannier of the car was also scratched, and one corner exposed the wire inside. I remember it very clearly. That small advertisement The position is the word "riding" in the word "Quick Riding". I see that car... and it still moves..."

"Can you elaborate?"

"It was parked on the side of the road. I walked from one end to the other. The front of the car was originally pointing at me, and it was tilted like this. I walked over and looked back, and the front of the car was still pointing at me... I heard Sound! When the car was turning, I heard a sound! That’s why I looked back! Once or twice, I didn’t feel it, but three or four times, I noticed the car... that car was staring at me. ...I watched it specially during the weekend! I kept wandering around. There were people there, but the cars around were all taken away, so I stayed there the next day. When I looked, the car's position changed and it followed me..."

"When did you first notice this anomaly?"

" should be October...October last year, not this year. December last year...I can't remember clearly. It was last winter, not yet the New Year. I rode back from the subway station that day Home. I was working late, and the subway was the last train. It was almost 12 o'clock. There was no one on the road. I rode to the back, and there was no one on the road. I felt... something was strange... I couldn't tell. Come on, something doesn't seem right... I looked back several times and saw no one in front of me, and no one behind me. It was a big road with four lanes, a non-motorized lane, and a sidewalk. I was the only one. The street lights were very bright and I could see clearly. I was so flustered that I couldn’t tell... There was something wrong with the car... so I took a few more glances. I saw the small advertisement and saw that the car basket had been wiped. There were no other cars on the roadside, and there was only a small stretch of road... I rode to the gate of the community, parked my car, and ran away. "

"That is to say, you noticed something abnormal when you first rode that car last year."

"Yes. I remember it very clearly. I didn't sleep well that night. When I got up the next day, I didn't ride a bicycle and walked to the subway station. I didn't ride a bicycle for the next few days. I thought that was it. . Then there was a free ride event organized by Xiaobai Car. I rode Xiaobai Car around the Chinese New Year, and it was only recently that I discovered that strange car was following me. . I always see it not only at the entrance of my community, but also at the entrance of the subway station. Sometimes in the pile of bicycles, sometimes I... I feel uneasy. I feel like I’m being targeted and I don’t know what it is.”

"Did you do anything special before you first encountered this situation? Have you ever attended a funeral? Have you seen dead people?"

"No. None. Oh..."

"What do you remember?"

"There's just one thing... I can't tell if it was... or if it was at that time. I just saw it on the news. There was a child, a primary school student, who was hit and killed while riding a bicycle. He seemed to be riding fast... too Maybe it was other shared bicycles. I told my colleagues about it at that time. The child's parents sued the truck driver and the bike-sharing company. Isn't this blackmail? The child was running around on the road, running red lights, and being pulled under the wheel of the turning truck... No matter how you put it, it was all. Children should be more responsible. I just said this to my colleagues. I didn’t know the person who had the accident, and I had never been on that road. The car must have been scrapped... Now you say, I think there’s something, something like that…”

"Yeah. Apart from this, have you done anything else?"

"It's gone. That should be...that's it. There's nothing else."

"Can you take us to see that bike? We need to see that bike before we can determine what you encountered."

"Okay, okay. On my way here...before I entered the community, I saw it. It was very scary. When I turned around, I saw a car. When I walked over, it wasn't there yet."

"Was there anyone on the road at that time?"

"Yes. But those people don't seem to notice..."

"Let's go take a look first."


"Hey, that's weird. It was right here just now. Just under this tree, parked here. The front of the car is still tilted, pointing at me. Maybe someone rode away..."


"Everything I said is true! Something strange happened to me! That car kept following me!"

"Mr. Zhang, we just went to see it with you. The car may have escaped. However, as far as we can see, there is no evil spirit in that place. What you encountered should not be a ghost."


"Have you ever thought of any other options before coming to us?"

"Of course I have thought about it! I have confirmed it many times. That car really followed me. I always see it! I..."

"I would like to ask, do you have a history of mental illness? In your family..."

"I'm not! I'm not crazy! Aren't you a supernatural agency? Why do you say that!"

"Has anyone else said that to you?"

" parents. I told my dad about this. This is so weird. I...I said it jokingly at the beginning. My mom is retired. I can't keep looking at that car. Car. I told my mother to look for it. She told me that she looked around and couldn't find such a car. , They also looked for it on the weekend. I went out with them and didn't see it... I suspected that it was hiding from people. I... I'm really not crazy!"

"Please don't worry, Mr. Zhang. We still recommend that you go to the hospital for a check-up. You are too nervous now. If there is really something following you..."

"Really! It really does!"

"Even if there is, you need to treat it calmly. If you are too nervous, you may put yourself in danger."


"We will also investigate here. Can you mark the places you usually pass and the places where you saw the car? We can check the surveillance of those road sections. If there is such a thing, the surveillance should It will be photographed.”

Good night everyone~

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