Aoba Office

Chapter 1483 New Dreamland

At this moment, either she dies or I die. It just depends on the abilities of the two of us, who will kill the other first.

At this time, I couldn't think of fear anymore, I just let my ability flow out uncontrollably.

I saw her appearance change in the blink of an eye, and the leopard pounced on me.

I felt the cold breath coming out of my body.

The leopard disappeared, and a yin energy swelled in my body.

I screamed in pain, and my body was a little sluggish. Only then was I knocked to the side by the momentum.

The female ghost immediately stepped back, wanting to return to the black hole.

I heard the voices of Shouzi and Nantian.

The three little ghosts turned into black whirlwinds and blocked the female ghost.

For a moment, the Yin Qi was flowing wildly.

In this atmosphere, I saw a strange Yin Qi.

A pair of feet appeared in front of me.

Looking up at the feet, I saw the hem of the white coat.

The white coat brushed off my hand and floated in the direction of the female ghost.

The female ghost screamed, and her appearance changed drastically. She looked like a ghost in a horror movie. Her face was distorted, and her entire body was stretched into a long strip, exuding an extremely terrifying Yin Qi.

The three little ghosts cried loudly and were immediately thrown away by the female ghost.

Cheng Lin had already stepped forward and stood in front of me.

The female ghost ejected like a snake, but hit Cheng Lin.

I saw a strange aura coming from Cheng Lin.

There seemed to be a shadow on him, which overlapped with his body and seemed like his shadow.

Cheng Lin looked back at me, but the phantom raised his hands and pinched the female ghost's neck.

The female ghost was wrapped around his body.

As soon as Cheng Lin and Xu Ying separated their movements, I could clearly see Xu Ying's appearance. It was an unshaven, unkempt face. That face felt familiar to me.

Before I could recall anything, the black hole trembled violently.

The female ghost's distorted face became more ferocious. She wanted to get rid of Cheng Lin, but was tightly hugged by the shadow.

In an instant, the black hole twisted, like a black cloth bag containing living creatures, and the living creatures inside were still struggling.

My brain seemed to be struggling with something, and the Yin Qi in my body flowed out of my body as if it was leaking.

My eyes suddenly went dark.

I heard shouting.

Someone is yelling at me.

I felt heart palpitations and wanted to run away in a panic.


It’s not that I want to run away.

Before I could clear my mind, my eyes lit up.

The sky was dark and the moon was shrouded in dark clouds.

Flashlight light swept through the darkness.

There were footsteps behind me.

With a bang, a small hole appeared on the cement floor in front of me.

My body froze.

"Run! Run again! If you dare, run again!" The people behind him caught up.

I turned around and saw a man with yellow hair hitting me on the cheek with his elbow.

I fell to the ground and looked up to see the gun in his hand.

He was wearing a police uniform, but he didn't look like a policeman at all. That yellow hair is the first problem.

He spit on the ground, cursed, and kicked me in the stomach.

I curled up in pain.

I saw the outlines of buildings in the dark.

Without thinking too hard, I knew it was the bell tower of the University of Finance and Economics.

It was so close, but I couldn't get in. Found halfway.

No, not me!

My confused and sluggish brain finally started to work.

My body floated, and I looked down to see Cheng Lin lying on the ground.

Before I could do anything, Huang Mao pointed his gun at Cheng Lin's head.

With a bang, a bloody hole appeared on Cheng Lin's head, and my soul was pulled by a huge force. I only saw the scenery retreating rapidly.

The scenery gradually turned into blurry patches of color, and when the scene stabilized, I found myself in a room.

There is a wooden bed and an old-fashioned wardrobe in the room.

I floated up again and saw Cheng Lin lying on the bed.

There is a wedding photo hanging on the wall beside the bed. It is also an old-fashioned wedding photo. The husband and wife are side by side and head to head. There is no wedding dress or suit.

That man looked familiar to me, and I seemed to have seen the woman’s face somewhere before.

Boom, boom...

The soft sound of a cane came from outside the door.

I turned around and saw the down-and-out man coming in with a cane.

He looked at the unconscious Cheng Lin with an expressionless face and sighed slowly.

My memory came back instantly.

This is Cheng Jiu!

By the way, Cheng Lin is the son of Cheng Jiu and an ordinary woman!

I thought of many things, and I also thought of Liu Miao!

Where is Liu Miao?

I had a bad feeling in my heart.

Memories came flooding back to me, and I just felt dizzy.

It took me a while to sort things out.

I found that the entire alien space in Yangshan District was trapped in a chaotic state of time. Time has been reversing here since I arrived. The time and space in which I appear are constantly changing as a result.

I can't tell whether I am dead or alive now.

This state is very much like a dream.

However, in the dream, my soul travels alone, with at most one Ye Qing.

Now, everyone's memory has been erased, and everything starts again from another point in time.

I'm a little excited.

If I were still alive, that would be great news.

This at least proves that Ye Qing's plan was half successful. The time of the whole world may also be restarted, from the time node when the supernatural things did not appear. As long as at that time node, the whole world takes another path, this world will become different.

I don't know whether Ye Qing made such a plan because he had seen and experienced the state of the different space in Yangshan District, or he guessed such a possibility out of thin air. Both situations are possible. Ye Qing and Liu Miao were both in Yangshan District at that time. It's just that one was trapped here, and the other let his soul escape. And guessing such a thing out of thin air is not impossible. Over the years, many movies, TV shows, novels and comics with time travel as the theme have discussed various possibilities of this concept. Based on this, in a desperate situation, coming up with such a method and trying hard can't be said to be whimsical.

I looked at Cheng Lin and Cheng Jiu.

Before the dream began, Cheng Lin and Cheng Jiu saved me.

Otherwise, I might have been killed directly by the female ghost in that situation.

Cheng Jiu seemed to be unable to see my existence.

Cheng Lin slowly woke up, opened his eyes, was dazed for a while, turned his head and looked directly at his father.

Cheng Jiu's body was tense.

"What did you do?" Cheng Lin asked.

"Just to make you resurrect faster." Cheng Jiu lowered his eyes, "I said, don't go to that university. That ghost is too powerful and too dangerous."

"That ghost is also the key, right?" Cheng Lin sat up.

Cheng Jiu shook his head, "I can't deal with her. You... are almost an ordinary person. If this place hadn't become what it is now, I couldn't save you. You died at that time. Here... there are many things I can't deal with."

My heart skipped a beat.

"A lot"?

In addition to the courier ghost, what else is here? The boss of those little ghosts? Liu Miao? Me?

I stared at Cheng Jiu.

"And she is also trying to make this place back to normal." Cheng Jiu said again.

Cheng Lin smiled sarcastically, "Do you think what she did is right? Do you really want to restore this place to normal?"

Cheng Jiu said lightly: "I can guess what she wants to do. As long as this space is unbalanced, the barrier that originally surrounded this place will fail. This place will be connected to the outside world again."

"Do you really think so?" Cheng Lin asked again.

Cheng Jiu avoided Cheng Lin's sight.

"Don't be fanciful. You also said that Mom is dead. What if I go back to that world?" Cheng Lin got off the bed, "I won't go there. I won't go to such a disgusting place and become a ghost who kills people for fun!"

Cheng Jiu closed his eyes.

Cheng Lin stood in front of Cheng Jiu and looked down at the top of Cheng Jiu's head, "You said Mom died there. When she died, she should have seen the real appearance of that world, right? Not the Taoyuan Township that you beautified, but the original appearance of that world. Do you feel it? Did she become disgusted with you?"

Cheng Jiu's body shook, and his back slowly hunched up.

Cheng Lin walked past Cheng Jiu.

The surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

Cheng Lin and I stood in the hospital's carport.

Cheng Lin took out a bicycle from the carport, rode it, and slowly left the hospital.

It was still dark.

I looked at the direction Cheng Lin was heading, and I felt something.

He was going to the University of Finance and Economics?

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