Aoba Office

Chapter 1524 Number 020-Horror Story (9)

On June 25, 2003, Tong Ranran’s father, Tong Yun, was contacted. Audio file 02020030625.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Tong. We have some questions to ask you about your daughter, Miss Tong Ranran."

"Well. Ran Ran's matter... I actually didn't want to mention this matter."

"We understand how you feel. It's a pity that Miss Tong passed away like this."

"Oh, I have thought of such a day for a long time...sooner or later..."

"Is that so? We thought Miss Tong was suddenly hit and couldn't think about it for a while."

"No, she...her mother is a should I put it..."

"Don't be impatient. Speak slowly. You can say whatever comes to your mind."

"Huh... Actually, her mother and I have a lot of responsibility for this matter. She is our old daughter. We were already very old when we gave birth to her. She was not in good health before, and her mother had been seeing doctors and taking medicine. . I suffered a lot when I was pregnant with her. I don’t agree. She wanted to have a child. She almost died in the hospital. It's scary to think about it. Fortunately, both mother and daughter are safe... Ranran is a little weak, but we took good care of her and she was fine when she was a child. She got better when she got older... …We doted on her a little bit. We doted on her a lot. My mother and my mother-in-law, Ran Ran’s mother, used to worry that she would not survive until she was an adult. She was really sick when she was a child. Let her suffer...these women are a bit superstitious. They also do things like praying to gods and Buddhas. This is just their intention, and they don't go too far. They don't let the child suffer. , I didn’t have much to do, I just went to temples here and there, donating sesame oil money and so on... I really didn’t take it seriously, and our family didn’t think much about it..."

"Hmm. So, your family has always believed this?"

"No. Just for psychological comfort. After Ranran got better, they stopped doing this. They used to worship Bodhisattva at home, but later they stopped doing it. They returned it to the temple, which is a wish. After my mother-in-law passed away, My wife doesn’t do these things anymore. I was so scared when I saw Ran Ran doing those things..."

"Can you tell me more specifically?"

"... Once in high school, that was the first time. They were kids playing, with several girls together, and I didn't understand that. She later explained to me about pen fairy and so on, but I actually didn't understand it either. It seemed like it was like asking a god to get on top of her, or something like that... She said that after playing, something happened, and one of her classmates died. We were not superstitious, either. She was crying and shaking at the same time when she suddenly said this. We were also afraid that something bad was going on. Her mother took her to a temple and took her to bathe with grapefruit leaves and mugwort. People asked, and teachers at school also asked. In fact, it was not the case at all. One of her classmates had a job transfer, and her family moved. After she transferred to another school, it was an accident. No one said anything about encountering ghosts or encountering evil spirits. It was just a few classmates who were playing together, and the words were passed around, and it turned into encountering ghosts, and people were killed by ghosts. It was also a bit funny... I thought it would be nice to explain things clearly and teach them a lesson. It’s better not to listen to something like this. After entering, she should stop playing with those things. Her mother was still worried, so she took her to worship God for a while, and invited the Buddha to her home to worship her for a while. Later, she was admitted to college, and she usually stayed there from Monday to Friday. They all live in the school, so the Bodhisattva doesn’t have much to offer.”


"This time... last year, it was the second time... it was almost the same as last time. I was crying and shaking at the same time. They said they went out to play and encountered a ghost on the way back. They said they saw a female ghost and bumped into a female ghost. She brought out the newspaper and showed it to us. Her mother was also scared because she was not the one driving the car. She just... couldn't listen. I don't know what happened to her. She found the Bodhisattva herself, burned incense in the temple, and made a lot of things. Her mother said that she felt at ease. Okay. I think she is getting more and more wrong. She seems to be... scared. She can't listen to what others say. The news will not continue to report this matter, and I don't know how to be a reporter. Yeah, I didn’t know the traffic police or anything like that... I went through a lot of twists and turns before I found someone and asked her about it. I told her that it wasn’t them who killed someone..."

"What was Miss Tong's reaction?"

"... She... She had that expression, very serious, the way she looked at people... She said, she told me that she saw a ghost, and that woman came to her... She was alone at home , sometimes she screamed suddenly, it was that kind of scream, it was very scary. She kept screaming and stared at one place. Her mother and I didn't see anything, but her mother seemed to panic after seeing something. I tried various methods to take her to see those masters, but they were all lies. I wanted to take her to see a doctor... We tried various methods. Her mother and I couldn't bear it. Do you understand? She couldn't do anything... she couldn't behave like a normal person... I took her to the doctor, and the doctor prescribed tranquilizers and medicine. After taking it, it will get a little better, but after the effect of the medicine is over, it won't work anymore... The doctor also taught me not to let her behave like this, and we can't let her continue to think like that... Her mother said, What if we really encountered a ghost? I really regret it now. At that time, we were hesitant. We looked at both sides and gave her medicine, incense, candles, talismans and so on. Her symptoms were getting worse and worse... We couldn't stay at home at that time... We couldn't... well..."

"Did she attack you?"

"No, there was no attack... She just said that she saw a female ghost sometimes, and sometimes... sometimes she sat there and kept talking... I went to listen, but I couldn't hear clearly... She seemed to be missing someone. The name seemed to be a curse...she was crazy...sometimes she looked at me and her mother with her eyes wide open. Her mother cried and begged her, but she didn't respond at all...then we. I came back from work. When I came back, I saw her lying on the floor... She... Her body was stiff, and there was something like vomit next to her mouth... Her eyes were still open... I closed my eyes now , you can even see her look like that... ugh..."

"Mr. Tong, my next question may be a little offensive. I would like to ask, did you see your daughter after her death?"

"I see it every day, every night..."

"No, I don't mean you saw it in your dream, or recalled your daughter. Have you ever seen your daughter's ghost? Have you ever seen anything unusual in your home?"

Happy Year of the Dog~~

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