Aoba Office

Chapter 1698 Game Video

I was in a trance for a while after watching it, and there was always an indescribable weird feeling.

I can't figure out what the problem is.

At this time, my mother knocked on the door and asked me to eat outside.

I put down the file and, with continued confusion, left the room.

"What's wrong, brother?" My sister reached out and poked my forehead.

I frowned. She poked me like this, but it didn't do anything to me. She giggled first and then pressed it twice.

I avoided my sister's hand and picked up the rice bowl, "It's nothing, I'm thinking about work."

"Oh. Didn't you all sign the contract?" My sister asked vaguely while picking up the vegetables and eating.

"The contract is signed, but there are other things to do." I replied.

My sister nodded.

"Don't work too hard." Mom advised, "You still have to think about these things on weekends. Take a good rest."

"It's nothing. I know it myself." I nodded.

After dinner, I went back to the room and looked at the file again. I read the words again and found nothing strange. But the feeling of something stuck in my throat made me very uncomfortable.

I opened my laptop, inserted the USB flash drive, listened to the recording again, and opened the game video uploaded by Xiaomi.

As soon as the video file is opened, the first thing you see is some interfaces.

The interface of the official version of "Souling" is gray and black, which is a very common horror game style. The right half of the screen is an apartment building, and the left half has options. The background sound is the patter of rain, accompanied by thunder from time to time, and flashes of lightning special effects appear on the screen. Although a bit crude, the atmosphere is full of atmosphere.

There aren't that many tricks in the beta. The picture lacks a bit of texture, a bit like the difference between a novice's painting and a master's painting, with a lack of details.

For example, the apartment building in the beta version is a gray building, but in the official version, the mottled paint on the building is faintly visible.

The beta version has no sound effects or special effects, and the game options box on the left half is just a simple box.

Xiaomi's introduction is eloquent: "This game is a horror decryption game independently produced by an individual. You can try it for free on the S official website. After writing a test version, the author also said that it will be optimized in the future, such as this screen, There are also background sounds and so on. However, the game quality should be very good. I read the reviews..."

Click the mouse on the window in the start bar to open the official release page of the game, and you can see the comments under the game. There are negative reviews, but they all complain that the game has no sound effects and the graphics are unsatisfactory. Most of the reviews for the NPCs and storyline in the game are positive.

The mouse scrolls to the game introduction above.

"We can see this. The producer is very ambitious. I don't know if it's a gimmick or something... there are hundreds of endings. I don't know if this is true or false. But look at the comments..."

The screen scrolled to the comment area again.

"... There are so many ways to die in this game. If you are not careful, you will step on a thunder and die immediately. Instant death. And there is no save. I don't know how many times I have to die before I can pass the level. I don't see anyone now. Passed.”

The screen window switches to the game window.

"I've actually played it twice before and died twice. It's so miserable. However, I roughly understand the thinking of the game maker."

Click "PLAY" with the mouse, and the main game interface turns into a black screen with text appearing on it.

There is no narration or background music, Xiaomi read the words next to it.

"My name is Ye Zi, and I am a detective. Three days ago I received a commission to investigate a murder case nineteen years ago. The deceased was a thirty-one-year-old man, unmarried and single, renting a house A man was found dead in his home in an apartment building. The police found four suspects, all of whom were tenants of the apartment at the time, but they were all proven innocent. The person who entrusted me chose to remain anonymous, but sent a check and a sincere letter. I was also very interested in that bizarre case, so I accepted his entrustment and started investigating. "

The narration ends here.

Xiaomi said: "The background and goal of the game are already very clear. We just want to play a detective and find out the truth about a murder case."

The screen lit up and an image of an apartment building appeared.

The picture is zoomed in, and the background music is exciting, but it is a familiar and classic piece of music.

"The soundtrack is actually okay and meets the needs. But the author probably doesn't have much money... little investment. The music he chose is from the public version, and there is nothing new."

The sound of footsteps and the sound of pushing the door sounded, and the scene switched to the entrance hall of the apartment building.

"This sound effect can also be heard, it is the content of the public material library. There is no difference, all characters in the game have such sound effects. Okay, we have come in now. You can see that this is the lobby, basically everything No. There's a long corridor ahead... There's a door here."

The still picture switches again.

This game mode is also different from the official version. It is not about controlling the character to walk, but to find clues in the still pictures.

"The trouble with this game is that the mouse won't change, so you have to click on many places to try. But the click range is quite large, just touch it to the edge. This is the house of the landlord of the apartment building, he is the manager. We are now Talk to him."

The door opened and a male NPC appeared. It’s the same as the prawn memory I saw in my dream, and it’s also the same shape as the landlord in the official version. It just lacks a lot of details and looks like a random sketch, but it’s also quite distinctive.

"The paintings in this game are actually quite good. You can see the author's skill."

A dialog box appeared on the screen, and the landlord seemed to be talking to himself. After asking a question, he gave his reaction after getting the answer. This process does not require the player to do anything.

"We are now renting a room in the apartment and investigating nearby. The room where the crime occurred was 901. We can't rent that room... 'That room leaks and cannot be inhabited.' We simply refused. Let's see again... …”

The landlord disappeared for a while, then reappeared with a notebook in his hand.

"'There are 304 and 711 vacant rooms...that's it. You can choose one. The rent is the same.' I had chosen 906 before, which is on the same floor as the room to be investigated. This is easy to think of. The result is Dead...Hey, okay, I'll show you how I died..." Xiaomi said and clicked "906".

I watched the scene change and Xiaomi recited the landlord's lines, and I couldn't help but think about it.

Room 906 is a trap, but it is a trap that explains the background of the game.

There is a ghost living in that room, a drunkard who died there before. He attacks the player on the first night, killing the detective.

His appearance also shows that there is a ghost setting in this game.

I then watched the video. As I remembered, the player character controlled by Xiaomi heard the sound of a wine bottle breaking in the middle of the night. He got up and saw the ghost of an alcoholic. He resisted, frightened, and ran away, realizing that there was an invincible ghost here. Killed by a drunkard.


The serial number in the previous chapter was still wrong... I may not be good at counting above 1,600. _(:3 ∠)_

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