Aoba Office

Chapter 175 No coincidence

Gu Mo was dissatisfied, "Don't you have any feelings at all?"

"I've guessed it a long time ago, what do you think?" Wu Ling hit the nail on the head.

Gu Mo muttered something, "I don't know what happened to that ladybug."

"Dead." Ye Qing turned a page of the book.

Gu Mo sighed, "Yes, it was caused by some kind of voodoo."

"Its mission has been completed, and it will definitely die." Wu Ling still had the same tone, and was also reading a book, but the text on it was not in Chinese or English. "It should have been burned to death."

Gu Mo asked: "You know all this? Aren't you unsure about the effect of that voodoo?"

"You're sure when you see the ladybug." Wu Ling waved the book in his hand, "That voodoo is not only your mind, but also mine. My mind power is related to Greek mythology. The twelve spots on the ladybug are ten Two miniatures representing the twelve tasks accomplished by Hercules."

Gu Mo was stunned for a moment, "Hercules? The Hercules in Greek mythology, right?"

"That's right. I just happened to see this recently." Wu Ling read the book again, thought for a while, and then looked at Ye Qing, "There are twelve flies and maggots in total, right?"

"Yeah. There should be twelve victims." Ye Qing didn't even raise his head.

Gu Mo gave a thumbs up after a while, "It's really twelve, you guessed it right. Hey, this voodoo is so magical."

"It's not voodoo that's magical." Ye Qing said, "It happened to happen to you. Wu Ling happened to be studying voodoo some time ago and was watching Hercules recently. It happened that the rapist raped twelve people."

Gu Mo listened and gradually stood up straight, no longer so lazy.

I became nervous, always feeling that Ye Qing was going to say something outrageous.

"For people like us, there are no coincidences."


The paper was turned.

Knock knock!

There was a knock on the door outside.

Ye Qing put down the book, stood up, and looked at Gu Mo, "How about it, Gu Mo, have you thought about it?"

Wu Ling and Liu Miao both looked at Gu Mo. Nangong Yao was standing by the other door of the office at some point, leaning against the door.

Gu Mo swallowed.

Knock knock!

"Is there anyone?" The person knocking on the door outside asked. Judging from the voice, it was a young man.

"We have work. Gu Mo, what's your decision?" Ye Qing asked again.

Gu Mo's expression was changing and it was difficult to make up his mind. I know that he is very curious about Qingye, and he is very excited after just seeing voodoo, but after all, he loves his original job. He enjoyed that job and did it for many years. Supernatural, he had never thought about this before. Even after seeing the magic of voodoo, he never thought about learning it.

Ye Qing's words shook him.

There are no coincidences.

People like them...

"I met an old man in the park. He died and never reincarnated, but he didn't turn into a ghost. He still lived happily. I told you that he provided the clue." Gu Mo said.

"He is quite rare." Ye Qing commented, "Only an unusually determined person can do this kind of thing. People can deceive themselves, but ghosts can't, and spirits can't deceive."

Gu Mo continued: "He saw what that beast did, but he couldn't do anything."

Ye Qing laughed, "You don't look like that kind of righteous superman."

"Indeed not." Gu Mo also laughed, "Little brother Ye Zi, I am an uncle now. I only liked and wanted to be a Justice Superman when I was a child, but I lost interest in it when I was a teenager."

Gu Mo took out his cigarette and took a deep breath.

Ye Qing was not angry even when he was called "little brother".

"I'm not the same as you. You're all in your twenties, right? You're so young..." Gu Mo leaned on his desk and puffed away.

There was someone knocking on the door outside, but none of the five of them responded.

No one does this kind of business.

Liu Miao blurted out: "The boss is not even twenty yet."

"Cough cough cough..." Gu Mo choked on the smoke and looked at Ye Qing in surprise.

Ye Qing was very calm, "Are you surprised?"

"Of course. It's so surprising." Gu Mo laughed, "Young people today are really scary."

"You're not too old either." Ye Qing said.

"Well, I've never felt old or useless before. But at that moment, I was... helpless. It felt uncomfortable." Gu Mo took another puff of cigarette.

Director Chu decided to cancel the movie. He suddenly heard abnormal sounds, his boss died, and he was almost killed by a female ghost. He wanted to find the rapist but couldn't find him at all...

This series of things made Gu Mo feel uncomfortable.

Apart from Gu Mo himself, I am the person who knows this best. During this period of time, I have been following Gu Mo, watching him like a trapped animal, watching him try his best. In the end, the solution to this series of troubles was the beginning of this series of troubles. His ability to hate allowed him to do things that he would have never been able to do before.

Gu Mo has not put on that amulet these days. He was not used to the strange sounds around him, but he tried hard to listen, and sometimes even looked for the source of those sounds. He also went to the old man who raised birds, saw his wife, Lao Liu and the orange bird named Phoenix, and had some conversations with the old man.

The knocking on the door outside continued.

Gu Mo finished smoking.

Wu Ling came in with the ashtray from outside.

Gu Mo thanked him and put out his cigarette.

"Okay. I'll join." Gu Mo patted his thigh and made his decision, then rubbed his hands and said, "Hurry up and open the door."

Wu Ling went to open the door.

"Ouch, Xiao Wu, what were you doing just now? Why hasn't the door opened for so long? By the way, I brought some salted duck eggs from my hometown. I made them at home. They are very oily. They are perfect for eating porridge and rice. ."

Gu Mo, who was about to start a fight, was stunned.

"Thank you, Director Zhou." Wu Ling took the things.

"What are you calling director? Our neighborhood committee doesn't like this."

I drifted over and saw that she was a fat aunt with a similar style to Director Mao. She should be the previous director of the neighborhood committee. Twenty years later, she retired, and the thin man and the fat man went to see her when they asked about Qingye. I remember that she had a cerebral infarction and no longer recognized people.

"Okay, I've delivered the things, so I'll go back to the neighborhood committee first. Remember to eat." Director Zhou, with a loud voice like a Maitreya Buddha, told Wu Ling and went downstairs.

Her attitude puzzled me a little.

Yu Xinrong said that everyone in the community was afraid of Ye Qing, but looking at Director Zhou's look, it didn't look like he was afraid. Instead, he seemed very familiar and somewhat caring.

Gu Mo sighed: "This kind of old community has a human touch."

Liu Miao snorted.

Wu Ling closed the door, put the salted duck eggs in the kitchen, and said as he walked: "She has this attitude after helping her solve the trouble."

Gu Mo was speechless, "Has she seen a ghost too?"

"Who here hasn't seen ghosts? They just don't know it." Liu Miao said.

What he said made my skin stand on end.

"Didn't Ye Qing just say that there are no coincidences for people like us?" Nangong Yao stretched his body and returned to his room full of computers.

There are no coincidences.

Four simple words, but they weighed on my heart like a huge stone. Before I could think too much, the surrounding scenery changed.

"Youmakemefree"...kaka..."lov"...rustling...cha! …“play”…

I was suddenly startled and turned my head sharply when I saw the two figures gathered in front of the gramophone.

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