Aoba Office

Chapter 1937 The Beginning of Death (2)

"Mommy mommy……"

The moment the call rang out, I saw my surroundings clearly.

The first thing I saw was the front seat of the car.

There was no one in the driver's seat, and the car was still moving forward.

I looked to my side and saw a teenage girl.

She held my hand, chirped, and begged me to attend a classmate's birthday party.

"It's too far. You have to stay there for one night. I don't have time to go with you."

"Many classmates are going. Some of them don't even have their parents with them." The little girl pouted.

Listening to this conversation, I quickly flew out of Jin Haifeng's body, eager to find the black cat.


No black cat was seen.

The driver's seat was empty, but the steering wheel was spinning, which was very strange.

Are there ghosts?

I reached out and touched nothing.

what happened?

What did the black cat do?

I was anxious, and suddenly I heard the sound of a horn in front of me.

There was a traffic jam ahead, it seemed like there was an accident.

My heart tightened, and I immediately got out of the car and looked at that place.

"Someone has been hit and killed! Someone has been hit and killed!" someone shouted.

The accident site is ahead!

Already here!

I'm even more anxious.

At this time, the sound of a roaring engine came from behind.

I turned my head to look and saw that the speeding sports car did not slow down and directly hit the vehicle that Jin Haifeng was sitting at the end of the car.

I felt my heart was in my throat, and my heartbeat and breathing had stopped.

Without thinking, I landed in the car and reached out to grab Jin Haifeng.

Gotta stop her ability!


The huge impact sent the entire car forward and rear-ended the car in front.

The windshield shattered, the airbag deployed, and the girl and Jin Haifeng screamed in the car.

Jin Haifeng rushed towards his daughter, trying to protect her.

The two people's bodies were buckled by the seat belts, but soon the vehicle was squeezed and deformed, and both of them were pressed against the front seat.

I have already grabbed Jin Haifeng's hand, and the other hand has grabbed Jin Haifeng's daughter.

The last time Jin Haifeng lost control of her abilities was because her husband had an accident. I still remember this.



Jin Haifeng didn't seem to feel my presence, and he didn't react when I grabbed him.

She stared at the driver's seat, unable to take her eyes away. She was hit on the forehead and bleeding, but she didn't react.

She seemed to have seen the most terrifying thing in the world. Her pupils slowly shrank, her lips trembled, and then her whole body began to tremble.

"No! Don't lose control! Jin Haifeng!"

"Ah! Ahhh! Ahhhhhh-" The one who screamed was not Jin Haifeng, but the girl next to her.

The little girl was also staring at the driver's seat, with a collapsed expression on her face and screaming hysterically.

I had no idea what was going on.

The driver's seat had been crushed and deformed, leaving only a pile of debris.

But I know from my imagination that somewhere I can’t see, Jin Haifeng’s husband is probably already...

"Jin Haifeng!" I shouted Jin Haifeng's name loudly, but I couldn't cover up the little girl's scream.

I could feel the power surging through the body I was holding.

Unable to control it, and no one to control it, a little bit of power leaked out.

My ability has also been activated, but at this moment, I still heard the subtle sound of electricity.

Jin Haifeng's ability is different from other ability users I've seen. She doesn't need to touch foreign objects at all!


There was an explosion, and black flames and fireballs rose up.

Jin Haifeng was hit by the air wave, his head shook, and he seemed to be dizzy.

The airwaves passed through my soul without leaving any trace.

I looked at the explosion flames that continued to spread and roll forward, and only a kind of anger spread in my chest.

It's too late... No, there is still a chance! There's still a chance!

I looked at the little girl.

Jin Haifeng's daughter. I had never seen it before, but I have now.

She was supposed to be dead, in an accident.

I can possess her.

still have a chance!

What happened just now can happen again, or go to an earlier time, directly preventing Jin Haifeng's family from driving here.

It can be must be done!

I tried my best to use my abilities, and my soul was pulled.


"Mom...Mom...I want to go..."

The surrounding scene has changed.

Not an earlier point in time than I expected, but the same point in time.

A little further!

As I was thinking this in my mind, I heard the sound of a vehicle's engine.

"No! No no no! Wait!" I rushed to the back seat of the car and stood in front of the sports car.

I felt that Jin Haifeng in the car seemed to have turned his head and his eyes fell on me.

I stretched out my hand towards the speeding car.

Make it disappear...disappear!

"Ah!" Jin Haifeng's cry came from behind.

I saw electricity coming from the hood of the car.

My eyes widened.


The car exploded and the hood was blown off, but the car's frame was still moving forward and hit the vehicle Jin Haifeng was sitting in.

My outstretched hand was filled with power, but it only touched the lifted hood.

The hood disappeared before my hands and the car passed through my soul.

I heard Jin Haifeng's painful cry behind me, and turned my head stiffly.

The girl's body has been squeezed into a meat pie.

After the car exploded, the front of the car deflected slightly. The position where the girl was sitting received a frontal impact, but the side where Jin Haifeng was sitting only received the remaining power transmitted.

Jin Haifeng stretched out his hand, but did not dare to touch the girl's bloody face.

Her face was pressed against the passenger seat, her eyes were still open, and there was no expression on her face.

Jin Haifeng's pupils shrank and his body trembled.

"Wait, I can resurrect her! Jin Haifeng!" I shouted.

I don't know if my voice was heard by Jin Haifeng, but Jin Haifeng's ability has already emerged.


There was an explosion.

I looked at the billowing smoke and the hot fire, and all the strength in my body was taken away.

no no……

not like this……

A little further!

Let time go forward a little further!

the voice in my mind repeated.


Another explosion occurred.

I saw flames engulfing the vehicle Jin Haifeng was in, and explosions were heard from the shops along the street.


I watched this scene in vain. I could only pray that my power would activate quickly and take me to an earlier time...


The body was suddenly pushed away by a hand.

I heard the sound of the sky breaking.

A huge yin energy and an equally huge black shadow rushed past me.

I saw the black panther falling into the black smoke of the explosion, a pair of big amber eyes staring at me closely.

An idea flashed in my mind, and I reached out my hand to the black panther.

The soul fell to the ground at this time, and my body also fell to the sofa.

Back to reality...

Just a little bit!

"Just catch it! Just like the time with the Love Tree! If I catch it, I can eliminate it from the source! Everything is gone! Everything! That commission you accepted, this car accident and Explosion! Jin Haifeng, Xiao Gu, and Gu Mo will not die!" I jumped up from the sofa and shouted to the empty room, "Why push me out! Just grab it..."


I was pushed back to the sofa.

I still wanted to stand up, but I felt a Yin Qi pressing on my chest, making me unable to move.

"It's not a love tree. You can't kill it, you will only be eaten by it." Ye Qing's cold voice sounded.

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