Aoba Office

Chapter 2062 About this world

From the bottom of my heart, I have always been grateful to Ye Qing for helping me, but I have always had a grudge against him.

A long time ago, Gu Mo and Master Xuan Qing said that people with abilities have to bear unpredictable side effects and suffer from supernatural events.

But in fact, if you are not seeking death, this risk should be limited.

Such was the experience of the man in the video. He didn't mention that he suffered from side effects, that he had constant contact with ghosts and the dead, and that he didn't suffer much persecution.

For most ability users, encountering one or two major events in their lifetime should be their limit.

And how many things have I encountered in this year?

Without these experiences, my abilities would not have grown to where they are now. But without this experience, I should be just like ordinary people, worried about the unknown changes in the world.

Whether this is good or bad, I can’t tell.

The people of Aoba made all the stops, and I lost the right to choose from the beginning.

The fat man seemed to have read through my mind and deliberately changed the subject and asked the thin man: "In this case, this ability should rely on someone's cognition to change the world. Your ability also falls into this category, right? It's just a little weaker... Maybe, like him, he hasn’t discovered the true use of his abilities.”

The thin man scratched his head, "How can this be used? I really can't think of it. It's impossible for me to create any magical weapon, right?"

"If you work hard, you might be able to do it." The fat man didn't know whether he was joking or serious. He said this and enthusiastically gave his advice, "Weren't there often such artifacts in ancient times? What contains national destiny, and Determine the ownership of a certain continent, slay dragons, slay gods..."

"That kind of legend..."

"Isn't your ability just that the legend you believe in will come true? You have to believe in God..."

They talked and then shut up.

"It's already messy enough. Don't cause any more trouble." I said immediately.

If you really want to create a god, it will probably be another troublesome spirit.

The thin man nodded obediently, looking a little afraid that he might accidentally cause an uncontrollable mess.

The room fell silent.

"What should we do next? Are the phone and the Internet not working?" Fatty took back the phone.

"The network must have been cut off. I wonder who is so courageous and makes a decisive decision." The thin man also fiddled with his mobile phone.

"Maybe he is the third person who has the ability to save the world." Fatty said immediately.

I was silent, still thinking about the abilities I had encountered, and the more I thought about them, the more uneasy I felt.

These abilities are given by God.

Ordinary people have nine circles of chains around them, but those of us with abilities will have one more chain around us.

Those of us with abilities were all evil people who committed crimes, committed murders and set fires in our previous lives.

It gives us abilities... It has long created spirits to deal with ghosts... and the four stages mentioned by the man in the video...

"It has been predicted...not to kill me..." I felt a little dazed for a moment.

I remembered what happened in the hospital a long time ago.

God wants to catch me, Ye Qing, that new guy who opened a restaurant, and his men all in one fell swoop.

I still remember that scene vividly.

God took action himself, as if the gods could arrange a series of coincidences to bring together the targets they wanted to kill.

If God has long wanted to deal with ghosts and the King of Ghosts, why did he involve me?

Does it give us these abilities just so we and ghosts can fight each other?

The ability it gives can also save the world.

When I came to my senses, I found myself sweating.

It's winter, and my clothes have gotten wet several times. The fat man's house still had the floor heating on, and the sweat leaked directly through his clothes, leaving traces of varying depths on them.

My head suddenly hurt, and the marks on my palms also ached.

My body and soul were imprisoned. I could see the chains around me tightening.

When this wave of pain passed, the chains on his body seemed to relax a little.

I gasped and slowly calmed down my violent heartbeat.

The buzzing in my ears also disappeared.

The fat man and the thin man looked at me worriedly.

"Brother Qi, did you see something again?" the thin man asked, his eyes falling on my palm.

I shook my head and touched my palms.

Not Phensite.

At that moment, I seemed to be stared at by something.

The feeling of thorns on my back made me turn around and look around.

There is a wall behind and no one at all. I didn't feel any strange aura through the wall.

I raised my head again and looked at the ceiling.

There was naturally nothing on the ceiling, no dust or cracks to be seen.

I looked at my body again.

The ten coils of chains were still wrapped around my body, but they had produced subtle changes.

The chain became thicker, and the color and luster were different from before.

To describe it... it should be said that it has become more physical.

The chains that were originally phantoms, a symbol that could only be seen with Nangong Yao's ability, now seemed to have become a reality.

I raised my hand and felt the cold metal.

I shuddered.

Inexplicably, I felt like the chains were protecting me.

The sight that fell on me has disappeared, but the feeling remains.

The changes in the chains are visible. After materializing, they slowly returned to their original state.

But I knew something was different.

I remembered what Aoba and the others used to say.

I now know what is behind the forbidden door in the office.

That Behemoth-shaped monster was not the reason they stopped me from exploring it in the first place.

That monster, the monster in the future world, is probably the root of everything.

Ghosts, spirits, espers, and monsters... the disappearance of the underworld, the espers kidnapped by the King of Ghosts...

I suddenly realized that I had eliminated God’s personality before I could figure out all of God’s arrangements.

Maybe it's not crazy. It knows exactly what to do and follows the plan step by step.

But now, everything is ruined for me.

But Ye Qing was happy and happy at that time.

Their plans were different and even conflicting.

It was only then that I came to this conclusion.

This made me confused again.

Follow Ye Qing's plan to reverse the time of the entire world, allowing Ye Qing to replace God and establish new rules for this world. Is this really the right thing to do?

I knew I was shaken.

This will definitely affect the use of my abilities.

"That's too bad." I looked at my phone.

That man was firmly against the Ghost King. But the death world he imagined must be different from reality, the future, and Ye Qing's vision.

Each of them has their own expectations for the world. Maybe there are people in this world that I don’t know about who have the ability to change the world and also have their own ideas about the world. Like God, like Ye Qing, like the man in the video, they are all moving towards their vision, fast or slow, confused or determined. Some of them will inevitably conflict with each other, and it is also possible that some of them will go hand in hand.

but me……

I smiled bitterly and found that when I was thinking about this question, the first answer that came to my mind was Ye Qing's answer.

Ye Qing's confidence was really not wrong.

I have no other way to go.

But on this only road, my mentality has changed.

That uneasy feeling was uncontrollable and occurred involuntarily. I couldn't explain why, but it just made it impossible for me to maintain the determination I had in the past.

"That's really bad. Worst case scenario..." I muttered.

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