Aoba Office

Chapter 290 Going Home (2)

I was really scared.

It's not that the group of ghosts around are so scary. Compared with the ghosts I've seen before, these ghosts around me are no different from normal people except that their expressions are not right.

But he was standing on the balcony normally, and suddenly he was among a group of ghosts. This change of scenery caught people off guard and shocked him all of a sudden.

After a few seconds, I calmed down. It was also at this time that the ghost in front moved, and the ghosts behind followed, filing into the community.

Qian Zhong was among them, and as soon as he followed me, I separated from him and saw his back. Turning to him, I found that Qian Zhong's expression was different from the one I saw in the bedroom. He was now dull.

The footsteps of those ghosts were very loud and chaotic. Although the ghosts did not speak, they still seemed particularly noisy at night because of the footsteps.

I remembered that this was the footsteps I heard when I met that ghost's eyes.

I couldn't help but drift forward.

Qian Zhong's position is quite forward, and my range of action can reach the front of the team, but I didn't see any ghosts there. The leading ghosts were all ordinary and unfamiliar, so I only glanced at them twice. , and moved to the end of the line. But because of the position of the money clock, my range of action could not include the end of the team. After looking up high, I could not find the ghost.

I originally wanted to find the ghost driver, but when I saw the number of people in the team clearly, I was surprised.

There are at least fifty or sixty people here. In terms of numbers, of course it's nothing. It's just the number of people in a class in high school or college. But if it were ghosts, it would be a bit scary.

Fifty or sixty ghosts gathered at once, but I didn't feel the Yin Qi. After further identification, I found that the six workers and peasants villages were shrouded in Yin Qi, which made me feel nothing.

I was worried in my heart, and when the team passed by Building 6, I couldn’t wait to stretch my neck and fly as high as possible to take a look, but I didn’t see anyone on the sixth floor. I couldn't help but be disappointed.

Isn't Ye Qing here? Or is he unable to come out?

As the group progressed, the group dwindled in size and the ghosts dispersed, each going back to his own home.

I also saw Chen Yaqin among them, and wanted to follow her, but because of the scope of my movement, I could only watch Chen Yaqin go away.

Qian Zhong entered the residential building, went up the stairs, passed through the door, and entered the bedroom in a familiar way.

When I saw this, the dream suddenly ended. When I opened my eyes, I realized that this dream was very short-lived and it was not yet dawn.

Although it was short-lived, I was not without gains. At least I know that there are fifty or sixty ghosts in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. When I think about it...

I shivered.

Qian Zhong didn't harm people's hearts, maybe he just went to wait for Director Zhou. Chen Yaqin went to wait and see, waiting for the lost property to be delivered to her door. Where are the other ghosts? Why did they return to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants?

Suddenly I thought of another thing.

Qian Lan said that Director Zhou said that he had met Qian Zhong before the cerebral infarction, and that Qian Zhong had come to pick her up. But Qian Zhong clearly followed the large army into the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants after Director Zhou suffered a cerebral infarction. What's going on?

My head is spinning.

I couldn't go to the office to ask Ye Qing, which made me a little confused.

Normally, even if Ye Qing didn't answer my questions, I would feel much more relaxed if I talked to him and wouldn't worry too much.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sigh, and turned over in bed, preparing to have a normal sleep.

That's what I expected, but I didn't expect that it took me a while to fall asleep this time, but I still fell into a dream.

This was the first time I had two dreams in a row in one night.

Especially this time, as soon as I fell into a dream, I found myself standing in a pile of ghosts again, and I couldn't help but feel frightened.

This time, the ghosts around him were no longer so "friendly".

There were two ghosts standing in front of me. One had a knife tip sticking out of his back, and dried blood spread from the wound, leaving a dark red mark; the other had a broken neck, with his head lying on his shoulders. , there were also terrible blood stains on the clothes. The clothes of these two ghosts are also different from those of people nowadays. They look more like people in costume movies. They wear short-sleeved outfits and have their hair upright. From the back, they look like two bit parts pretending to be dead in the movie.

In front of them, there were several heads.

Because we were standing so crowded, I couldn't see clearly what the ghost in front looked like, but the head with the bun tied up was the same.

The two ghosts in front of me suddenly moved to the left. I didn't react for a while. When I saw other ghosts appearing in my right field of vision, I realized that my eyes were moving to the right.

It's been a long time since I've felt this kind of uncontrollable vision. I wanted to move, leave the possessed ghost, and see who this ghost was. Unexpectedly, I had such consciousness, but I couldn't feel my body at all.

It seems that once I returned to before liberation, I lost the right to move freely within a certain range in the dream, or the ability.

This makes me panic.

The ghost's eyes moved again, turning to the left.

I can feel his heartbeat at this moment, which is very rapid, and I can also feel his breathing, which is almost non-existent, and he must be holding it, his body swaying slightly, and even the beads of sweat falling from his body.

This feels a little weird.

At first, when I couldn't control the dream and could only be a bystander, I could feel the emotions of the possessed ghosts and knew their subtle physical reactions, but it was not so clear and real. To put it simply, I knew at that time that these emotions and reactions were not mine, and this body was not mine. But at this moment, I felt for a moment that the sweat was slipping from my own skin.

It was as if a consciousness had invaded my body and taken away control of my body. I still exist and can still feel, but I cannot freely control my body.


He swallowed and moved carefully.

My mouth also felt dry, my throat seemed to be pinched, and my chest was being pressed. My heart struggled to resist, jumping out of my chest and out of the control of that hand.

I should be scared right now.

Of course, it is different from that conscious fear. He was frightened by the ghosts around him. The death conditions of those ghosts were very miserable. Except for the two people standing in front who were beheaded and stabbed, there was another one on the right who was drowned. He was swollen and changed beyond recognition. His skin was as smooth as a toad. There was another one on the left. A piece of his head was cut off, his eyes were hanging out of his eye sockets, his brain was exposed, and there were red and white things attached to his ears.

Horror movies are not that gory and realistic, and horror movies don't stay on one bloody scene for too long, giving the audience a chance to observe carefully.

The sweat on the body was flowing more and more, and the clothes were soaked.

The night wind blows, and it's chilly, but it's not as cold as the feeling in my heart.

A possibility suddenly occurred to me.

Could I be dreaming? Not that kind of dreaming ability, but ordinary dreaming.

I don’t often dream, let alone nightmares. The things I dreamed about in the past were very trivial and daily, such as getting up in the morning to go to school, and then realizing that it was a dream when the alarm went off; or writing a report in the office, tapping the keyboard with my fingers a few times, and then the report was completed. The full text was handed over to the leader, and then the alarm rang, and I realized that I was dreaming just now...

Although I have never had nightmares before, maybe I will now?

It's just...when I'm dreaming, I can still have so many mental activities. Do you think I'm dreaming?

This kind of experience has never happened before.

Thanks to Black Python for the reward~

That's it for today, good night everyone.

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