Aoba Office

Chapter 385 No. 081-Subway Crazy Man (2)

"How about it?"

"There is a handprint."


"I...will something happen to me? Am I going to be killed? How could this happen..."

"Did you do anything special before this happened? Did anyone you know die?"

"No, no, nothing, just going to and from work, and at home on the weekends. I didn't do anything, and I don't know why this happened...Am I going to die? Am I going to die?"

"Don't worry, Miss He. The yin energy in your body is not heavy, and it will not be fatal. If you are willing, it will be rush hour soon. We will accompany you to take the subway and catch that thing."

"Should I... go too? Do I have to go?"

"We are not yet sure what it is, its purpose, scope of action, and mode of action. The best way is to go with you to where it appears and catch it on the spot."

"No... no way to ward off evil spirits?"

"It's not on you, and there's no use in exorcising it. If you're afraid, our office sells amulets."

"Huh - then I can just buy the amulet, right?"

"The amulet can protect you to a certain extent. But as I said just now, we are not sure what this thing is yet. How much effect the amulet can have, we have to put a question mark. It is best to eliminate it completely. method."

"...I'll still wear the amulet before I go..."

"Wearing the amulet, it's possible that thing won't appear. Miss He, as long as you cooperate with us, it can't hurt your life. In such a densely populated area, it targeted you, and you resisted a little bit. , it retreats, indicating that it also has scruples. You don’t have to worry about it killing you directly.”

"Does it have to be this way?"

"Of course, the choice is yours. We just recommend that you choose the most appropriate method. If you have concerns, we can also do some research first and check the subway surveillance and other content."

"Let's just leave it that way...I'm a little scared..."

"Okay. Do you still remember the route, time and approximate location of the train car that you used to commute to and from get off work?"

"I don't remember... I mean, I took Line 6, and the car... I entered the station through Gate 2. It was just the cars that went down from the elevator. It's not fixed. The time... was around 7 to 7:30 in the morning. , I get off work in the evening and go to the subway station around six o’clock.”

"Okay. Then we will investigate the surveillance first."


On April 9, 2014, the subway surveillance video was investigated and the video passages where the client appeared were found, but no unusual objects were found. Video file 08120140409.avi.

The date, time and carriage number are displayed in the upper right corner of the video, which are 7:14 on April 6, 2014 and 6124 respectively. The scene is filled with people, and a young woman is marked with a red circle. She often looked around, looked left and right, and sometimes twisted her body. When getting on and off the bus at the station, she would take advantage of the flow of people to move, turn around, look around, and move. She looked very uneasy, and it wasn't until she got out of the car that she showed a relaxed expression.

The video screen switched, and in the same crowded carriage, the date, time and carriage number displayed in the upper right corner changed to April 6, 2014, 18:07 and 6145. The woman was still circled in red, standing in the corner, with her back against the car, and the door and seat panels on the left and right. She stared closely at the person in front of her and kept squirming, as if she was itching all over and felt uncomfortable anyway. People around her noticed something strange about her. People kept getting on and off the car in front of her. She looked down at the ground and the person sitting next to her, with an obvious expression of horror on her face. After a while, her figure was blocked by two tall and strong people and she was invisible. When she got out of the car, she ran forward as hard as she could, as if she was in a hurry, but her expression also seemed like she was running away from an evil ghost.

The video ends here.

On April 9, 2014, the client was contacted. Telephone recording 201404091853.mp3.

"Hello, Miss He."

"Ah, hello, it's... Qingye, right?"

"Yes, we have checked the subway surveillance video today. Unfortunately, only the surveillance video on the 6th captured you riding the subway, and the surveillance footage at other times did not capture it."

"Oh...huh-it's okay. I didn't encounter anything like that again on the subway today."

"You mean you haven't been attacked again?"

"Yes, no more. Your amulet works very well."

"Well. We have some other bad news for you."


"We didn't find the thing that attacked you from the surveillance. Maybe because of the flow of people, we didn't see the figure of the thing, or even the Yin Qi emanating from it."


"Are you still unwilling to accept the last proposal?"

"Well... I don't really want that."

"Okay. Then I will take the subway to check the situation. If there is any new progress, I will call you again."

"Ah? You want to sit this...?"

"You don't have to worry. This is our job."

"Oh, okay……"

At 18:05 on April 9, 2014, I took Metro Line 6, changed at each station, and traveled from Car No. 4 to Car No. 7. No abnormality was found.

At 20:17 on April 9, 2014, Car 6124 of Metro Line 6 was inspected and no abnormality was found.

At 21:41 on April 9, 2014, Car 6145 of Metro Line 6 was inspected and no abnormality was found.

On April 10, 2014, the client was contacted. Telephone recording 201404101321.mp3.

"Hello, Miss He."

"Hello. Did you catch that thing?"

"Unfortunately, we didn't find any in the subway."

"Oh...I think that's it. With your amulet, I'm fine. That's it."

"Do you want to end the commission?"

"Okay. Let's end the commission. I'll call you the final payment later."


On April 10, 2014, the investigation was suspended. This incident is classified as "Unfinished" and the keywords "subway" and "sexual harassment" are set. If related incidents occur, the investigation will be restarted.

Client: Lu Wenshan

Sex: Male

Age: 37

Occupation: Sales

Family relationship: parents, married, has a child

Contact address: Room XXXX, No. XX, Wisteria Garden, Minqing City

Contact number: 139XXXXXXXX


On April 12, 2014, the client visited. Audio file 08120140412.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, please describe in detail what you encountered."

"Uh... This is really a bit... I encountered something when I was taking the subway... It was the time when there were the most people commuting to and from work. I was squeezed in among the people. I don't know who it was, but... I just... Put it on my leg. At first I thought it was the person next to me who was touching me, but then I felt something was wrong. Because that hand was touching... I could feel it as soon as she touched it, that hand was like this , just touch my leg like this. It’s impossible for a normal person to do this, right?"

"You mean, with the finger on top, he seems to be standing underneath you and reaching out to touch your leg?"

"Yes. Isn't this strange? I felt strange. At first I thought I had made a mistake. I felt it carefully... and then... that hand touched me... uh..."

"Did you touch your genitals?"

"Uh...yes...touched there...she not only touched it, but also...opened the zipper and reached in...I couldn't react at once. The zipper was even opened. I couldn't scream again and let others Look here, right? I wanted to grab her, but as soon as I stretched out my hand, I found that the hand was gone... I didn't grab her, but when I got home, I found that... there was a wound there, It was like a wound scratched by a fingernail. I didn't feel pain before, and I don't feel pain now. But the wound never healed...and when I went to work the next day, the hand came again..."

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