Aoba Office

Chapter 468 Room 2107 (2)

There was darkness outside the opened curtains, and Liu Xiangqian's own reflection appeared on the window glass.

Liu Xiangqian may have thought of the moving mirror in the elevator in his last dream. When he saw the reflection, he was filled with fear, turned his head away, and subconsciously turned around to leave the room.

His hand stretched out desperately and grasped the door handle. The fat body was kneeling on the ground, with its belly and thighs squeezed together.

The cold touch in his hand made Liu Qianqian's head sober up.

There are equally scary things outside the door, maybe even scarier than inside the house, at least in terms of quantity, there are more things outside the door.

Sweat dripped from Liu Qianqian's body and fell to the ground, and his palms began to sweat, which made his hands slip.


The door lock made a crisp sound.

Liu Qianqian was as frightened as a bird, letting go of his hand and staring at the door.

The door didn't open.

Liu Qianqian breathed a sigh of relief. His face showed an old look, and now he had become much older.


There was a knocking sound from behind.

Liu Qianqian, who had just had a false alarm, turned back instinctively.

The sound came from the floor-to-ceiling windows, as if someone had knocked on the window glass, and it was from outside.

Liu Qianqian, who turned around, saw that it was still dark outside the window, no change from before.


Suddenly, a black shadow fell from the top of the window and hung outside the window.

Liu Qianqian made a strange "ho ho" sound in his throat, as if there was phlegm blocking his throat.

I was also shocked by this thing, and there was a layer of white hair sweat on my back. Looking closely, there was a person hanging outside.

He was hung upside down, with a wire extending from his crotch to above, and a large plate was stuffed in his mouth, covering his face. You can see the other end of the thread passing through the plate, and you can also imagine how it goes through his body.

The man's limbs drooped and his posture was weird.

This is also the appearance of the corpse I have seen in my dreams.

It's Wei Xiaozhong. Even though the man's face was hidden by the plate, I could tell that this man was Wei Xiaozhong.

Even though I had guessed before, seeing Wei Xiaozhong hanging outside like this made me shudder.


Wei Xiaozhong swayed, clenched his hands into fists, and knocked on the glass window.

Liu jumped forward and looked at Wei Xiaozhong in horror.

Wei Xiaozhong was struggling. The two ends of the rope seemed to be soaked in blood, turning a dazzling red in the dark.


Wei Xiaozhong hit the glass window again.


He shook harder.

Liu Xiangqian was so frightened that he couldn't move, and he wanted to close his eyes in embarrassment to stop himself from looking.

A hand stretched out from Liu Qianqian's back, and his fingers forcefully opened Liu Qianqian's eyelids.

Liu Xiangqian's eyes rolled around in his eye frames. He was so frightened that he couldn't even make the "ho ho" sound.

"Look. You see how it kills people. That's how he killed me. It's all your fault! It's all your fault! Because you didn't stop the construction, I died!"

The person behind Liu Xiangqian is Wei Xiaozhong.


The person outside the window hit the floor-to-ceiling window, and the porcelain plate covering his face shattered together with the window glass.

The line that hung him lost its fixed end, and he slipped directly from the line, falling downwards along with the broken glass.

I saw the person outside the window clearly. His face looked exactly like Wei Xiaozhong’s, but he had a weird expression on his face. His mouth was crooked and his eyes were slanted. He looked a bit like the monster in the movie who occupies a human body and is not used to human appearance.

But he was happy and fell down full of joy.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from below.


The next second, laughter came from below, and gradually disappeared along with the sound of brisk footsteps.

Liu Qianqian trembled. Wei Xiaozhong, who suddenly appeared behind him, still refused to let him go and held his eyes tightly. Liu Xiangqian wanted to turn his eyes away, and Wei Xiaozhong pressed down with his fingers, as if to dig out his eyes.

Liu Xiangqian didn't dare to move, not even his eyes.

I saw Wei Xiaozhong's resentful expression. He stared at the back of Liu Qianqian's head with hatred, his mouth was full of blood, and blood even dripped on his chest.


A hand stretched out from outside the broken French window and grabbed the edge of the window. Then the other hand also stretched out.

Liu Qianqian shivered even more.

Those hands were weird. The first one is normal, and the latter one is reversed, with the palm facing up and the back of the hand pulling the ground.

There are more hands reaching out, and normal hands become abnormal. At the elbow, there were bones sticking out, and the cracked flesh was twisted into twists. The abnormal hand continued to crawl in that unnatural way, with the entire arm behind its back.

The man's face was not exposed, and he stretched one leg into the room sideways. The knee of that leg was folded in half in the opposite direction, and the posture was awkward. With such a severely fractured body, he was still able to climb into the room, turned his head, and showed an exaggerated smile to Liu Qianqian.

Liu Qianqian opened his mouth, a name was shouting crazily in his mind, but he couldn't get his vocal cords to come out.

The name in his mind was Rego.

Lei Ge entered the room and walked towards Liu Qianqian with his severely fractured body.

Liu Xiangqian's brain was in chaos and he was starting to lose his mind.

Lei Ge stretched out his bent hand towards Liu. The hand was bone-cold and touched Liu Qianqian's head, which froze Liu Qianqian's thinking.

At this moment, a light appeared in the room.

Lei Ge and Wei Xiaozhong both screamed, let go of Liu Xiangqian, and stretched out their hands to block the light coming from above their heads.

I squinted my eyes and saw that the light was coming from the porch light above Liu Xiangqian's head.

What else does this hotel want to do?


The lightbulb above his head exploded, and broken glass fell on Liu Xiangqian.

The surroundings became pitch black.

Liu Qianqian opened his eyes in reality and gasped. His wife beside him slept soundly, while he lay in a cold sweat until dawn.

After dawn, a new day begins.

Liu Qianqian was in a state of disbelief. He hugged the newly bought collection at home and asked his secretary to invite the master to come back and recite sutras.

At night, the secretary called Liu Xiangqian in panic and told Wei Xiaozhong that he had committed suicide by jumping off the building.

Liu Xiangqian hung up the phone and hesitated for a long time before calling his secretary again and asking him to send the details to his email.

"Details, detailed body... Also, where and how he died, send them all!" Liu Xiangqian was like a trapped animal.

After seeing the video taken by witnesses, Liu Xiangqian changed from a trapped beast to an old beast waiting to die.

His hand holding the mouse trembled with the mouse. The mouse clicked on the desktop, making a "click-click-click" sound that was deafening in the silent office.

The police came to the door soon. Liu Xiangqian was in such a mental state that he naturally let out some words. Only then did he somewhat believe that Rego's words were true. The hotel is really alive, it is the hotel that is killing people. Otherwise all this cannot be explained. It's impossible for just one Rego to do that.

I saw Chen Yihan coming to investigate the case, but I didn't know what I should do now.

It is only now that I vaguely remembered that I entered this dream because I was attacked by the ghost of Liu Xiangqian in the morgue.

My real it okay now?

Good night everyone~

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