Aoba Office

Chapter 484 Escape

Zhuge Wen's crying sound was like a strange sound of wind, whining and dull. In this environment, the sound floated faintly, adding to a strange atmosphere.

The bird-faced girls and monsters didn't leave, they were still watching Zhuge Wen. Their gazes seemed to have substance, piercing Zhuge Wen's skin. This does not bring real pain to people, but it is a real torture.

Zhuge Wen pressed his forehead against the ground, sobbing and whispering. His emotions began to collapse, and the car accident in the past began to occupy all his consciousness.

"...I'm sorry...I'm sorry...Xiaoque...I'm sorry..."

In an instant, I saw the figures in the mountains and forests change.

The faces of the girls were changing, and the beaks and feathers fell off, revealing the somewhat ordinary faces of the little birds.

On the top of the mountain, the clothes on the bird monsters fell apart, and their shapes changed, becoming real birds of prey.

The hawks chirp loudly.

They flapped their wings and flew high, disappearing into the dark sky.

The figures of those little birds began to fade and turned into nothingness.

Da, da, da, da...

The sound of footsteps came from the front.

When I looked up, my body suddenly froze.

A dark shadow appeared at the end of the road, and the outline of a huge door could be vaguely seen. The person who was walking over was dressed in black, wearing a black top hat and black-rimmed glasses. His leather shoes were all black, and he made rhythmic footsteps on the road.

Zhuge trembled when he heard the footsteps and quietly raised his head.

The man in black had no shadow. He was like a light source. After standing in front of Zhuge Wen, a long shadow appeared behind Zhuge Wen.

Zhuge Wen's expression fell into a trance, and all those distracting thoughts disappeared. He stood up and the shadow disappeared. He looked just like the ghost I first saw, numb and empty.

The man in black turned around and walked ahead. Zhuge Wen followed him. The two maintained a fixed distance.

Da, da, da, da...

The two walked away, and I stood there, not daring to move.

Why haven't I woke up yet?

Zhuge heard that he was going to be taken to the underworld by ghost messengers to be reincarnated, right? Why haven't I woke up yet?

What do I do now?

I tried desperately to wake up, but I was still standing on the road leading to hell.

The shadow was growing, and so was the dim door before my eyes.

The roads are being eaten up.

Zhuge Wen has gone a long way, and has gone as far as I could from him. The connection between us was also severed. I'm free now.

But this is the worst case scenario!

This is worse than what I encountered with the cornucopia!

This is Huangquan Road, the gate of hell. Let alone looking for Ye Qing, I don't even know how to return to the earth!

Finally, Gui Cha and Zhuge Wen disappeared into the shadows. I seemed to see a gap opening in the door.

In the blink of an eye, I had to look up to see the top of that door!

I no longer hesitated, turned around and started running.

At least you can't fall into the underworld!

Moreover, since the road below is the underworld, one end is connected to the underworld, and the other end should be connected to the earth, right?

I looked up and looked ahead.

The road was empty, and the mountains on both sides of the road disappeared at some point.

There is nothing on this road and there is no end in sight.

It was dark except for the road itself that was glowing.

My heartbeat increased and my breathing became heavy.

There must be a way out, and we must reach the end!

I felt the yin energy spreading behind me. That kind of yin energy was not particularly scary, but the amount was so terrifying that it stimulated me and accelerated my speed.

There is no exit in front of me, no that legendary light.

Is there any other way?

As soon as this idea popped into my mind, the road ahead forked. As my eyes moved, there were more and more forking paths.

This change did not make me happy, but made me even more frightened.

what to do?

what do I do?

The only thing I can do is...

In an instant, I thought of my ability, the ability of dreams.

If the object of the dream can change from Yuan Zhiyi to Zhuge Wen, then it can definitely become someone else!

Yuan Kang, Liu Xiangqian, Lei Ge... anyone!

Come on, come on, change it!

I screamed loudly in my heart.

Suddenly, the yin energy from behind swept in and swallowed me up!

I fell into real darkness, and even the road to hell disappeared from my eyes.

Am I... dead?

Or are you in the underworld?

I thought doubtfully, my mind a little sluggish.

In this environment, I could only hear my own heartbeat and breathing, nothing else.

Is this what death is...

Am I going to die like this?

Parents, sister, Shouzi and the others, and Aoba's people...

They want to know the news...

Suddenly there was a light above my head.

After being stunned for a while, I finally came to my senses and was ecstatic.

My body began to float upwards, breaking free from the darkness.

The light and air make me feel comfortable.

Then I saw a shadow appear in front of me, floating forward.

I was shocked, and I saw clearly that it was a ghost, and I also saw clearly that he rushed into the body of a man in front of me. The man's body shook, his raised hand fell, and the thing in his hand fell to the ground, undamaged.

I was stunned.

Because I know this man, he is Su Cheng!

The thing that fell to the ground was the snuff bottle that Su Cheng once wanted to use against me!

what happened?

I couldn't figure out what happened for a while.

Su Cheng laughed, laughed wildly, stood up and spun around in circles, moving his muscles and bones. He also found a mirror and took a closer look at his appearance. Having seen enough, he turned to look at what was inside the house.

This is a storage room with a lot of stuff.

Just now, a wooden box was opened in front of Su Cheng.

Su Cheng flipped through other things and laughed again.

I had sorted out the situation now. Looking at the faint yin energy on Su Cheng's body, I realized that Su Cheng, or should I say the real Su Cheng, had been taken over by a ghost! He may be dead!

"Su Cheng" opened a wooden box, took the gourd inside, shook it, listened to the sound, and showed a happy smile. He opened the mouth of the gourd, opened his mouth and sucked in. He didn't know what he swallowed. Throwing the gourd aside, he dug out a wooden box. After opening it, I saw another familiar thing - a porcelain bowl.

This is your chance!

I was pleasantly surprised and reached out to reach for the porcelain bowl.

"Su Cheng" turned his head suddenly.


My forehead seemed to have been slapped, and the scenery in front of me became blurry.

I blinked and saw an equally blurry figure looking down at me.

When my vision became clear, the figure disappeared.

I was still lying on the sofa in the office, and there was hazy sunlight on the windows in the office that were covered with window paper. The room did not become warmer because of this, but remained in that cold state.

I sat up, opened my sleeping bag, and checked the time on my phone.

It was the next morning, and only one night had passed.

By the way, Master Xuan Qing!

Thanks for the tip. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

I owe you another update_(:3」∠)_

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