Aoba Office

Chapter 511 The night is getting darker (3)

Chen Xiaoqiu's news undoubtedly shows that the current situation is the worst.

The Nian beast is preparing to breed and give birth. In the next few days, it will hunt humans for food and reserve energy for childbirth.

I looked at Ye Qing, but the position was empty, and Ye Qing was missing.

I didn't know what to do, so I called Gumo. They are more professionals than us.

Nangong Yao answered the phone and wished me a Happy New Year in a relaxed tone, and then asked me what I wanted.

"Nian, Nian beast..." I don't know where to start from.

When Nangong Yao heard the beginning of my words, he said "Oh", "So, this year is its breeding season?"

My head was a little foggy, "You know?"

"Yes. The Nian beast is like a natural disaster." Nangong Yao suddenly said, "This kind of thing is inevitable."

I had the urge to curse.

"At least, so far, we have no way to stop it. If Ye Qing is still alive, maybe..." Nangong Yao paused, "Are you in the office now?"

"Yes. Do you think that if Ye Qing were still alive, he could kill that Nian beast?" My heart was in my throat.

"As far as I know, he has a way. He has been waiting for some years, waiting for the moment when it reproduces and reveals its original form. But it is a pity..." Nangong Yao sighed.

Ye Qing turned into a ghost before the Nian beast could reproduce.

"Isn't it okay for him to be like this now?" I asked doubtfully.

Ye Qing's abilities should still be there. He can also amplify my abilities and can kill living ghosts. He seems to be more powerful and domineering than before.

"Of course not." Nangong Yao did not explain, but directly denied this possibility.

I'm a little depressed. Nangong Yao refused to go into details, and Ye Qing also "escaped". I'm afraid there was something involved that made them choose to hide it from me.

"Now, what should we do? Just sit back and do nothing?" My heartbeat has been very disordered and restless.

Knowing that there is such a thing as Nian Beast, I can't settle down no matter what.

"Just think of it as cancer or a car accident. Natural and man-made disasters are inevitable." Nangong Yao said calmly, "Perhaps, after a few years, your ability will be able to kill it."

"It can't be done now anyway, right?" I felt so depressed that I walked around in the office.

"Yes." Nangong Yao gave an affirmative answer as usual.

I had no choice but to hang up the phone, looked at the empty office, pulled up a chair and sat down.

The phone rang with a group message.

The thin man and the others are still asking about the situation, the fat man has not been online, and Guo Yujie cannot contact Xue Jingyue.

I became even more worried and patiently relayed Nangong Yao's statement to them. Shouzi and Guo Yujie could only express their feelings at this moment with expressions of collapse.

Chen Xiaoqiu's message popped up: "There was a new report, and the head disappeared. The deceased was found in a private room of the hotel. There were five people in total, three generations of grandparents having a New Year's Eve dinner."

I tightened my grip on the phone.

What can the police do in this matter? Is the city government issuing a mandatory order to make all citizens put on red clothes, affix red banners in all places in the city, and organize people to set off fireworks across the city?

My mind was in a mess, I started thinking wildly, and I subconsciously sent voice messages.

Chen Xiaoqiu replied in a clear and coherent manner: "It is impossible to issue a mandatory order. Moreover, at this time, news spreads very slowly. It is also impossible to organize people to set off firecrackers. There is no fireworks factory in Minqing, nor are there such a large number of fireworks. .”

I originally came up with some whimsical ideas, so I expected to be rejected by Chen Xiaoqiu.

It's just that this feeling of powerlessness makes me so uncomfortable.

I thought of Ye Qing's sarcastic smile before.

Yeah, that's ironic. It's as if the Nian beast, which was created specifically to destroy people like us, has now become a monster that slaughters ordinary people. The person who could stop it is already dead, or died under this damn fate!

My body tensed up so hard that the phone creaked when I squeezed it.

The phone suddenly rang, and the contact name that popped up was "Xue Jingyue".

I jumped up excitedly and answered the phone.

"Xue Jingyue, where is Daguang? Is the fat man with you?" I asked Xue Jingyue anxiously. I had sent a text message before about Nian Beast and told her in detail. I'm more concerned about Fatty's safety now.

Xue Jingyue's voice was filled with tears, "No, he's not with me! I'm driving back to Minqing. I saw the omen! I saw it!"

My heart sank and I was a little unsteady, "What?"

"There was something wrong with Yuan Guang's photo... In the photo of us on the phone, the half of the photo he was standing on was flowered! He is sure, it must be..." Xue Jingyue's voice was trembling.

I heard the car on her side.

"I've passed the toll booth. Let's not talk anymore. I'm going to his house right now." Xue Jingyue sniffed and hung up the phone.

I listened to the beeping tone of the phone and almost couldn't hold the phone. As soon as my heels turned, I rushed out in a hurry.

"Where are you going?" Ye Qing's voice came from behind.

"I'm going to find the fat man. It's very, very likely that something happened to him." My voice was trembling. I felt weak for a moment and couldn't open the door lock. "Fuck!"

A hand appeared in my sight, stretched out from behind me, unlocked the door, and opened the door.

"Remember, you have hope only when you are alive. Don't forget your abilities." Ye Qing reminded me.

I nodded casually, and he had already rushed out of the office, taking three steps at a time and taking two steps at a time, and stepped down the stairs.

When I accidentally looked up, I saw that the door to the office upstairs had not yet been closed, and Ye Qing seemed to be standing there watching me leave.

I took a deep breath, jumped down the remaining steps in one breath, and hurried down to the next level.

Fatty lives not far from the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, but today is New Year's Eve. He should not be in his bachelor apartment, but with his family. I remember Fatty said that his family always ordered New Year’s Eve dinner out for New Year’s Eve. In order to take care of the elders in the family, the restaurant has always been a restaurant near his grandparents' home. His family eats New Year's Eve dinner there every year. Even the private rooms are the same, a large private room that can seat three tables.

While I was running, I called the thin man and asked him to look through the photos shared by the fat man.

"He sent us a group photo, right in front of that hotel!" I shouted.

The thin man agreed immediately.

After I ran out of the community and reached the commercial street, I saw a taxi. I almost rushed to the taxi and stopped the car.

The driver stuck his head out and yelled: "You don't want your life!"

I was about to apologize and get in the car when I caught a glimpse of a shadow in my peripheral vision. I turned my head sharply and looked at the roof of the shopping mall building next to me.

The three-story house is much taller than ordinary residential buildings, but it is only about twenty meters tall.

In the dark night, the neon signs shine brightly. The black shadow was extremely fast, but it still left traces as it passed through the light.

"Can you get in the car? If you don't get in the car, get out of the way!" the driver yelled.

I got out of the way and ran forward.

Guo Yujie called. I glanced at the screen and saw that it wasn't a fat person, so I clicked on it and continued to stare at the black figure.

"Lin Qi, did you read the message Xiaoqiu sent just now?" Guo Yujie asked anxiously.

"No." I apologized absently after bumping into someone while running.

"Xiaoqiu said that the thing should still be near the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants. The resident who died before was from the Seventh Village. The restaurant where the accident happened is on Linjiang Road!"

I ran past the road sign, and the words written on it were Linjiang Road.

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