Aoba Office

Chapter 538 No. 009-Public Telephone (8)

"Hello, Mr. Lin."


"Mr. Lin?"


"Mrs. Lin? Is it Mrs. Lin?"


"what happened?"


"Mrs. Lin, what happened? Where are you now?"


"Mrs. Lin?"

"I...I am, I don't"

"The number you called is the number Mr. Lin left us. It is your home phone number."

"'m...yes, I'm back...I...just returned from...wuwu..."

"Where did you just come back from? Where is Mr. Lin?"

" husband...ah...wuwu...wah...wuwu..."

"Mrs. Lin, please wait at home, we will be there soon."


On February 15, 2002, he went to the client’s residence. Audio file 00920020215.wav.

Ding dong——ding dong——

"Mrs. Lin? Mrs. Lin, are you there?"


"Are you looking for this company?"

"Yes. We just had a phone call with the hostess of this house."

"Oh, what a sin, their husband just died, just today during the day."

"Excuse me, what happened?"

"I do this too..."


"Mrs. Lin."

"You guys, come in..."

"Mrs. Lin, please forgive me."


"Can I ask, what happened during the day?"

"During the day...someone came during the husband's colleagues, they husband asked for leave, you got something here, he was at home on leave...after they came, they said that my husband looked wrong...they wanted They took my husband to see a doctor. They also saw the talismans posted and painted inside the house... They, they just..."

"Did they destroy these things?"

"Yes... they said my husband was superstitious, and they also scolded me, saying that I made my husband crazy... My husband... he heard the phone ring... he heard the phone ring, it was our home phone... we He didn't even hear it, but he... He was about to run outside, but he was held back by those people. Then..."

"Then what happened?"

"I don't know... I don't know! I saw my husband suddenly became weak... His body suddenly became soft... Those people didn't expect it, they all fell... My husband just had his head... On the head, there is a...a hole on the head...he...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..."

On February 17, 2002, police investigation records were obtained. Attached: Photocopy of investigation record.

No. 00920020217 (1): Inquiry transcript. According to the client’s colleagues, they believed that the client had a disease and used superstitious methods to treat it, so they helped him. During this process, the client strongly resisted and acted crazy. As the client rushed out of the room, his body suddenly lost strength. They pulled the client and fell down together, only to discover that there were wounds on the client's front and forehead, and that the client was dead.

No. 00920020217(2): Autopsy report. The client's cause of death was shot in the forehead and he died on the spot. No bullets were found on the body. In addition to the gunshot wound to the forehead, there were minor wounds on the back of the hands and arms. The client had dander remaining in his fingernails.

No. 00920020217 (3): On-site inspection report. No bullets were found at the scene.

No. 00920020217 (4): After visiting and investigating the area where the crime occurred, the police did not find any suspicious persons, and no witnesses said they heard gunshots.

On February 18, 2002, the investigation was suspended. The incident was classified as "unfinished" and the keywords "public telephone booth" and "call from the deceased" were set. If relevant incidents occurred, the investigation would be restarted.


I stared blankly at the ending of this file.

In the autopsy photos, client Lin Si's face was calm and serene, only the big hole in his forehead was shocking. His death can be said to be very unlucky and an unforeseen disaster.

And that phone booth...

Now that I think about it, my only impression of phone booths is from movies and TV shows, and I no longer see public phones in real life. I vaguely remember seeing a phone booth when I was a kid. I don't have a good impression of phone booths. Because at that time, phone booths were no longer a necessity in people's lives. Those phone booths that still existed were almost abandoned. The phone booths were filled with garbage, and they seemed to have become another kind of trash can. Apart from being dirty, my remaining impression of the phone booth is that of advertising. The large advertisement on the back can always be seen when taking the bus.

I have never used a phone booth, nor have I seen anyone use one.

Think about what Master Xuan Qing said that the world has changed, and they, the successors of Taoism, have become weak. So, what about this ghost parasitic in the phone booth? Was it simply eliminated, or did it exist in another form?

I was lost in thought when the phone rang. The vibration of my phone and the sound of music startled me.

I looked at it and saw it was a call from the thin man, but when I was about to answer it, he had already hung up. A missed call reminder popped up on the phone screen, as well as a group message reminder.

In the group messages, Shouzi and others @me several times. It's probably because I didn't reply that the thin man called.

I got on the line and they were debating whether to make another call. I casually posted a question mark and scrolled up the records. The first thing I saw was the discussion that they were suspicious of ghosts and suspected that I had encountered ghosts. I darkened my face, and when I looked up, I realized that it was Chen Xiaoqiu who had mentioned something serious.

As grassroots civil servants, we can actually hear some gossip. Ordinary citizens can only care about the mayor and deputy mayor. In addition, there are leaders who have been in the news all year round. We have a wider view.

People like Chen Xiaoqiu who have "acquaintances" in high-level positions have more information.

For example, recently, we have all heard that the higher-ups are going to make some moves. We think it is because of the Nian Beast incident last time. Officials of all sizes who are responsible and punished have to vacate their positions, which will naturally trigger a chain reaction. We also gossiped about who would go up and who would go down, but the final result was somewhat beyond our expectations. As a result, there are endless theories about what is a shady story and what cannot be seen.

This time, Chen Xiaoqiu heard Chen Yihan tell some other inside stories, and they were related to Qingzhou Manufacturing Bureau.

"Two more died some time ago." Chen Xiaoqiu's message was very direct. "One was hanged in front of his house, and the other was drowned in his swimming pool. It was not suicide. No clues were found at the scene. There is one similarity. That is, both people had one hand chopped off and then sewn onto the other person's hand. The two hands of those two people are still missing. The two hands found on them belong to the same person, but this person's identity It hasn’t been found out yet.”

The thin man and the others immediately guessed that it was Ye Qing who did it.

I think so.

The thin man asked me: "Brother Qi, who do you think those two hands belong to?"

A person immediately popped into my head. Of course, I have no idea what this person’s name is or what he looks like.

"Didn't I mention before that the Nian Beast's visit to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants was driven and lured by someone?" I sent a message.

They had a row of nodding emoticons.

"If this is the case, how strong must Ye Qing be?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked, "Judging from the files, it seems that he does not have such ability."

"He wasn't so cruel when he was alive." I sighed.

From the files I have read, except for when Gu Mo disappeared, Ye Qing became violent, at other times he was quite calm. Even that time in Gu Mo, he didn't really threaten to kill him.

But now Ye Qing, Ye Qing who turned into a ghost, is really killing people without blinking an eye.

I didn't feel fear, just worry.

If this continues, can Ye Qing still maintain his current rationality?

Congratulations to the fourth alliance leader, Jinyi Bingye, and the fifth alliance leader, pen, ink, paper and inkstone~~Spread flowers! *★,°*:.☆\\(T▽T)/$:*.°★*. (←That’s right, I was crying when I was scattering flowers QAQ)

The debt I owe should be more than 100...I will do the math one day and make a list of thanks for the previous rewards.

P.S. I have always kept a record of the reward list, and I thought of a screen recording software. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ(This is another reason why I regret the launch of Creation. The rewards from MD starting point are not displayed in my backend, nor in the book review area_(:3 ∠)_) However, Your enthusiasm makes me want to be's too much QAQ

I once again call on everyone to consume rationally. /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

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