Aoba Office

Chapter 586 No. 030-Car accident scene (2)

"Is there an investigation into the cause of the accident?"

"The police said it was old or something. It's the same as the brakes."

"Hmm. Is there any driving record or other video? Or surveillance video from the time of the accident."

"Yes, it's right here. I copied this."

"We'll check it out now, please wait a moment."


"Mr. Niu, may I ask, have you experienced anything related before the accident? For example, have you been to a cemetery, attended a funeral, or seen the deceased..."

"My grandpa passed away. He passed away last year. I attended the funeral and there was a colleague..."

"What's wrong with that colleague?"

"He...he was a very problematic person. He embezzled the company's money. The company was about to fire him before, and he was even arrested by the police. He seemed to have died in a car accident. He rushed onto the road and was directly hit and killed. At home, People are still clamoring for compensation from the driver. His funeral has not been organized, and the family is still arguing with the driver. couldn't be him, right? I have nothing to do with him, it doesn't matter at all, we are not in the same department. There’s no contact at all!”

"Please calm down first, Mr. Niu."

"How can I calm down? I'm going to die! That thing is going to kill me! I can't stay at home and not go out, right? If I want to go out, he will... you guys think of a way!"

"Our office makes amulets for sale, which should protect you. However, this is a temporary solution rather than a permanent solution. We hope you can cooperate with us to completely eliminate that ghost."

"Yes, what should I do?"

"Please recall carefully first. Apart from your grandfather and that colleague, are there any other clues?"

"The others... I really don't know. They're all gone. It should be just these two... I didn't attend the funeral, I went to the grave... I went to visit the grave during the Qingming Festival last year. Does that matter?"

"It should be close to the time before the accident."

"It was close to before the grandfather and that person were not before the all happened in the middle of last year."

"So, do you have any enemies? Is there anyone who might hate you? Living or dead?"

"How is this possible? No more. I'm a very generous person. If I don't make enemies with others, no one will hate me. It's impossible."

"In that case, would you like to travel in our car later?"


"If that ghost follows you, it should continue to appear. If he appears, we will have a way to eliminate him."

"Taking a car..."

"When you go home, you still have to take the car, right?"

"Well... then, then... okay!"

"Please don't be nervous, Mr. Niu."

", drive slower, in slower."

"Don't worry, Mr. Niu."

"...Um, take the road with more traffic, don't take the road with more slower, be sure..."


"Hey, the car wasn't checked just now, was it? Check it! Check the tires and so on. Just in case... I'd better check it... Hey, why did you just drive it right away? Hey..."

"Relax, Mr. Niu."

"How can I relax? You have never encountered this before! I have...I have done it several times...Ah, slow down, slow down, slow down! You are driving too fast!"

"No matter how slow it is, it's almost like a bicycle."

"No, please slow down, really... How long have you been driving? You are so young, you don't have much experience, right? Otherwise, if we change taxis, the same goes for taxis..."

"Be careful! Be careful! The light is red!"


"Mr. Niu, he knows how to drive."

"Huh... ha, huh... too, too fast... Slow down, really drive slower..."


"Mr. Niu, you are too nervous. You are driving normally and there is no violation of traffic regulations."

"It's not a matter of traffic regulations... Ha... wait, wait a minute! Look behind, there is a cement truck measuring behind. We don't want to go here. Let's turn around. Don't go the same way as that one. Turn around, really... Hey hey hey hey hey!”

"Mr. Niu, you will disturb his driving."

"I-I'm not...slowly...coming here...coming from behind..."


"Mr. Niu, are you okay?"

"Well, I... I'm here... here... then I... eh?"



"Ah, ah ah!"





"What was it just now?"

"Are you guys okay?"

"The tire fell off. Is it broken?"


"The action is very fast, and the purpose is a bit strange."

"Mr. Niu, are you okay?"

"Ha... you, did you see it just now? The tire... ah..."

"It's okay, Mr. Niu, it's just that the tire fell off..."

"It's okay! If I had been like this a few minutes earlier, when I was driving, I would have... No, this really won't work... You guys think of a way! That talisman! The talisman you are talking about!"

"I'm afraid the talisman is of no use to you. That ghost's target is the car."

"Ah... then, what should we do..."

"We can make some arrangements in your car. But the safest way right now is for you to stay at home."

"How is this possible? I can't possibly..."

"You can't go on the road in your current mental state, right? You can't ride in a car at all."


"Please think about it, Mr. Niu."


Video file 03020060225(1).avi.

The video footage is of a section on the highway.

A vehicle drove over at the end of the road, passed the ramp, and continued forward until it hit the vehicle in front and then stopped suddenly.

When the video was played for the second time, the playback speed changed to slow playback, and the screen was enlarged, locking the high-speed vehicle causing the accident in the middle of the screen. The picture has undergone some processing and the clarity has been adjusted.

Looking through the windshield, the scene inside the car was a little blurry, but there was no doubt that there was a male driver sitting in the driver's seat. The other person was wearing dark clothes, but there was another half of his face in front of the dashboard and in the gap between the steering wheel. The face was also blurry, but it was different from the driver's body. It could be clearly seen that it was half a person's face, not the pattern of clothes.

When the vehicle rear-ends, the picture becomes blurry and it is impossible to capture a clear picture of the driver's seat.

When the vehicles stopped moving and the driver was the only one in the driver's seat, the face disappeared.

Video file 03020060225(2).avi.

The video footage is surveillance footage from the intersection.

The horizontal road has a red light, and there are vehicles waiting in both directions; the vertical road has a green light, and several vehicles can pass normally.

On the left half of the cross-travel road, the third car in the second lane suddenly started to move, directly hit the previous car, crashed all the way from the middle of the two lanes, and accelerated towards the intersection.

Vehicles traveling longitudinally braked suddenly and reversed direction, and several vehicles still collided.

The vehicle that caused the accident directly pushed a car to the opposite side of the road, hit the opposite vehicle and the guardrail, and traveled another ten meters before stopping.

The video was played a second time, again at a slow speed, with the picture enlarged.

Through the window glass of the passenger compartment, you can see the driver in the driver's seat and a black figure in front of the driver.

Still, because the picture was blurry, it was impossible to confirm the clear face of the figure.

February 26, 2006, audio file analysis. Audio file 03020060225G.wav.

"...I took a taxi, and the car spun around so fast that I hit the door..."

"...I...I'm here...he's here...then Ta! Bang! Ah, ah ah!..."


"How about it, mushroom?"

"There was no sound from him. Just as Ye Zi judged, this ghost seems to be targeting the car."

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