Aoba Office

Chapter 616 Number 010-After school (10)

The boy lowered his eyes and kicked his feet, "They have other people to play with and they have to go home..."

"You ghost, you killed those children!" The man suddenly became excited.

The boy raised his eyes and said seriously: "I didn't kill them, we just played together. They don't want to go home like me, so we just played together."

"Han Yun, this is wrong." Ye Qing said.

The boy's eyes moved, he pouted, and his cheeks bulged, "I asked them. They asked me to come, and they agreed to stay and play together."

"So, a contract has been reached?" Liu Miao turned around.

"Li Shengting doesn't want to join you." Ye Qing said.

The boy seemed to think about it for a moment and nodded reluctantly, "Okay."

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved to the camera and disappeared, and the classroom door behind him closed.

In the empty corridor, the boy's voice was still floating: "Goodbye."

" I okay? Am I okay?" the man asked.

"Well, there should be no problem." Ye Qing replied.

The man let out a loud breath.

"Mr. Li, please think carefully about what you did and thought before the incident happened."

The scene turned and showed the man's life after the disaster.

The man was helpless, "I really haven't done anything weird."

"Have you ever mentioned that you wanted someone to accompany you, or expressed your current feelings of loneliness, envy, etc.?" Wu Ling asked.

The man thought for a while, his expression was dazed for a moment, "If you say so..."

"What did you remember?"

"Yes... there have been some... because another art teacher is pregnant, and a teacher in the same office resigned some time ago... I sometimes feel a little bored in the office... I..." the man's eyes widened, "Just because this?"

"Maybe part of the reason is that thing in the library." Ye Qing said.

"Ah..." The man opened his mouth wide.

"Now that you know, Mr. Li, please avoid this kind of behavior in the future." Wu Ling said.

The man nodded hastily.

On April 20, 2002, Han Yun's identity was investigated, and the only existing record of him was a copy of the ancient book "Strange Relics".

According to the book, about seven hundred years ago, there was a son named Han Yun from a wealthy family. He was born with a weak body and was bedridden for a long time. He died at the age of seven or eight. After that, there were many cases of missing children in the town, which lasted for many years. The author of the book interviewed local people and learned about his childhood experience from one person: when he was five or six years old, he and his brother met Han Yun. At that time, Han Yun was playing with several children. His brother took the initiative to join in. Han Yun introduced himself and looked at him again. Because he was timid, he ran home directly. His brother just disappeared.

Attached: Photocopies of book publications.

On April 21, 2002, the client's safety was confirmed. End investigation. Investigation results: Set the keywords "school", "boy" and "Han Yun". If you encounter similar incidents again, go directly to the disposal link.


I looked at the photocopied paper fastened with paper clips in the file, and I felt a little mixed.

This is the first time I have heard of the name Han Yun. When I saw such a name, the people in Qingye did not know where to find a little bit of literature. But just looking at some records in history and archives, we know that the number of children Han Yun "abducted" was quite large.

As far as Han Yun's true intentions are concerned, there may not be any malicious intent. Up to now, his existence form has become strange, and he is no longer a ghost.

However, he did take away many children, killed people, and probably broke up many families.

What would have happened to Li Shengting if Qingye hadn't intervened? Will Han Yun drive him crazy?

I felt a little itchy and hesitated for a few seconds before searching the Internet for Li Shengting’s name.

Li Shengting is easy to find on the Internet because he was an art teacher at Bihai Elementary School and later transferred to the Elementary School Affiliated to the National People's Congress. He also won several teacher awards and there is a lot of relevant information on the Internet.

Li Shengting is now nearly fifty years old, but he keeps up with the trend and opens a social account with not much content. He occasionally posts some of his paintings and photos with his family. The people who comment below are also family friends.

I read some and found that Li Shengting's life is stable and happy. It seems that Han Yun really didn't look for him again. He is doing well now.

I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When I was at work, I told Shouzi and the others about Li Shengting.

"This seems a bit like that..." The fat man looked like he was remembering.

"The one who plays the flute!" The thin man slapped his thigh.

Chen Xiaoqiu said calmly: "It's the flute player from Hameln."

The Pied Piper of Hameln is now a well-known fairy tale with countless extended versions. The fairy tale itself is not beautiful. The protagonist of the story, the flute player, was originally just a rat catcher. He was hired by the residents of a city to play his flute to lure the rats in the city to jump into the river and commit suicide, thus solving the rat problem. But the residents refused to pay the piper after he completed his work. The angry flute player chose extreme revenge and played the flute again, this time to lure more than a hundred children in the city to the mountains on the outskirts of the city and jump into the cracks in the ground in the mountains.

Although some historians have investigated the historical truth, the truth has nothing to do with the magical piper, but in various interpretations of modern stories, he is the embodiment of evil.

"Actually, there are many such fairy tales about child abduction." Chen Xiaoqiu continued, "They can be found in history all over the world. Han Yun... should be considered unique."

"This is true, not a story." Guo Yujie frowned.

"Those stories may also be true." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

The thin man trembled and rubbed his arms.

"But this Han Yun is okay, he is the kind who can communicate, not a naughty kid." Fatty said optimistically.

This is true.

Han Yun finally gave up pestering Li Shengting and left obediently. However, this might be because of Ye Qing. He should be able to feel Ye Qing's ability, right?

"We shouldn't be able to touch that thing, right? I don't have children at home." The thin man raised his hands.

Fatty and Guo Yujie said that their relatives have primary school students.

"That client is not a primary school student." Chen Xiaoqiu pointed out another point.

"But he is mentally ill." The thin man said seriously, "And he also encountered some evil spirits before."

"Generally speaking, we are not in any danger." Fatty sighed and concluded, "My nephew is quite obedient and will not run away with others."

Guo Yujie nodded, as if to say that her relatives' children were fine.

"Then let's not mention this for now." Chen Xiaoqiu said, "My brother-in-law received news from Huixiang yesterday. The results of the DNA comparison came out. The two corpses there are not Chen Li and Zhang Qiong."

The thin man directly put his hands together in a posture of worshiping Buddha.

Those two people are not dead, which really reduces our workload.

"However," Chen Xiaoqiu changed the subject, "the blood stains of two people were found in the room where the bodies were found."

Good night everyone~

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