Aoba Office

Chapter 722 Waineck Village (1)

As this sigh came from the boss's mouth, a flash of lightning lit up outside, illuminating the originally dark sky in white.

After this flash of dazzling light, followed by the rumble of thunder, I vaguely saw the boss's body tilt and fall heavily to the ground, and the old man sitting at the table completely disappeared.

After the thunder, there was dead silence.

The rain outside stopped, the dark clouds dispersed, and the sun came out again.

The room also lit up. As I saw before, the boss fell to the ground, a little confused, rubbed his head and body, and got up from the ground.

The seat where the old man originally sat was empty, and his figure disappeared.

Chen Zian felt like he was going crazy. He jumped up and down, pointed at the empty spot, and opened and closed his mouth several times, but could not say a complete sentence.

I looked at the boss.

The boss didn't know what happened yet, but his tough temperament didn't change at all. He glared and shouted loudly: "What are you looking at? Can't you give me a hand? Do you have the eyesight? Do you have any sympathy?" "

I don't know if she is soft-spoken or soft-hearted, or because we are several steps away from her, she can't rely on us to blame us for falling to the ground.

However, the current situation is a bit strange.

The boss rubbed his head and cursed.

Chen Zian was a man who would seek death, so he went up to him and asked the boss if he knew that the old man was a ghost.

The boss spat again, "What the hell! You are the devil!"

She scolded her for a long time, and we finally heard some of the situation.

The old man was the boss's father-in-law. Her man went to work elsewhere and ran away with a woman outside. She stayed at home to take care of her parents-in-law and children. She found out about the incident when the child she had outside was about to enter junior high school. She made a big fuss and did not bring her husband back. Instead, she made that family disappear from the world, never to be seen again. Can't find it. She had no choice but to return to Huixiang, thinking that the man had died outside and she was a widow. Her mother-in-law passed away a few years ago, and her children were admitted to universities in other places and lived and worked in other places. They sent money back every month, so she didn't have to worry about food and drink, so she casually opened a farmhouse, treating it as an opportunity to make a fortune.

In her impression, of course there was a father-in-law like the old man. The old man was still in good health and would go for a walk in the fields from time to time. Although her family's land has been outsourced, neither she nor the old man has to do any work.

The old man was not in the building, so she thought he was out for a walk and didn't take it seriously.

I guess that ghost either took advantage of the boss's father-in-law's absence to deliberately approach us, or that he had already established himself in front of this family with a simple population and simple social relations - or the boss. Now it's just a matter of leaving this home and going somewhere else to temporarily escape the limelight.

Why did Chen Zian talk to his boss, but the answer he got was just that. Apart from the boss, he had no other witnesses to question for a while.

Of course I don't want to waste time here. I'm here to see Chen Xiaoqiu and the others. I can't stand by and watch what other ghosts here in Huixiang are going to do in front of me, but the old man doesn't mean to hurt or harm anyone, and his experience is a bit pitiful, so I just Too lazy to meddle in this business.

Among the four of us, Chen Zian is the only one who is happy, but Chen Zian is the one who has the least say.

We left the small building, and Chen Zian was not very happy.

He looked at the Weeping Grave Ridge over there and said, "Hey, don't you go to that mountain to have a look? Are the old ghost's family members there? Why doesn't he go back? Is there some formation or barrier? "

Chen Zian didn't know which ghost story he heard these "professional terms" from, but he told them the same thing.

I heard the crying coming from Wailing Grain Ridge. The gentle crying of a woman was the sound I heard first. The sound of many people crying together has stopped.

Walking on the muddy roads in this village due to heavy rain, I couldn't say I felt relaxed.

I don’t want to come into contact with the ghosts on that mountain. What the old man said made me feel troubled.

If what he said is correct, then everything started in that cave hundreds of years ago. A female ghost who died unjustly, several innocent villagers who were killed, plus the things arranged by a person who knew a little bit about the art, and the guide who came out of it... these together, are all A big thing, not just a simple haunting.

Zhuang Huai and Lu Qiaolan also remained silent.

We returned to the police car, and people in the village had already walked out of the courtyard again, seeming to be discussing the terrifying rainstorm just now.

From this village to Waigou Village, we took the same route. Half of the road was full of potholes and not very nice to look at. But when we got to the remaining half of the road, it was the same as before, without any traces of water. The rainstorm was clearly demarcated, and we even saw a clear dividing line.

When we arrived at Wainneck Village, the surroundings were unusually quiet.

Although the old man mentioned a cave, we don’t know the specific location of the cave.

After driving along the road for a while, we had to get off the car and walk.

The village was abandoned and deserted, with weeds growing in many places. The further you went toward the mountains, the denser the weeds became. It seemed that no one had been there for a long time. It was a real wild environment, uninhabited.

Lu Qiaolan and I have never been to a place like this. That is, traveling to natural scenic areas, which are also developed tourist attractions, and follow travel routes that are familiar to tour groups.

Zhuang Huai is quite adaptable to this environment.

Chen Zian didn't look like someone who had never been to a place like this. I suspected that he had committed suicide and walked through the messy places like Huixiang, looking for ghosts.

I looked at Chen Zian and couldn't help but ask: "You have heard the crying a long time ago. Why didn't you go and see it then?"

Chen Zian looked surprised, "I'm not stupid! Even if the ghosts here don't kill our own people, I will lose half my life if they make fun of them!"

I feel depressed. He caught me emotionally and treated me like a talisman. After wearing it, I can look for ghosts without restraint and open my eyes.

Zhuang Huai brushed away the weeds that reached his chest and said with some trouble: "This won't work. We have to find some tools to continue walking."

I also noticed that the environment here was getting worse and worse. The weeds that originally only reached the calves had grown several meters tall, and their texture had become hard, making it easy to make a gash on people's skin.

Chen Zian said: "That cave, people used to go there often, right? It can't really be deserted like this. It's just that after it became haunted, no one went there. Doesn't it mean that in such a dark place, not even a blade of grass can grow? The cave should be Not in this direction?"

This kind of logic makes it impossible to refute it.

However, we cannot move in this direction now.

Zhuang Huai wanted to call the police station for support. Let's not talk about catching ghosts, just say that underground casinos or traces of missing persons have been found here, and then the police station cannot just sit back and watch.

Returning to the police car, Zhuang Huai began to call the police station using the walkie-talkie in the car.

A rustling noise came from the open intercom.

I turned my head sharply and looked behind me.

Oops, it’s a fine product! Throw flowers! *★,°*:.☆\\( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★*.

Okay, actually it was a great product a few days ago, but I can’t help but think about the lack of updates...

I decided to use my thick skin where it counts. For example, please give me a monthly ticket! o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ

Forget those owed updates and high-quality products, let’s talk about monthly votes~ Have you voted for monthly votes today?

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