Aoba Office

Chapter 787 A lonely boat in the sea (1)

"Save daddy... daddy..."

The girl's soft sobs startled me.

The next second, the sound of the waves reached my ears.

The sound of waves is accompanied by the salty smell brought by the sea breeze.

The chirping of seabirds pierced the sky, revealing a vibrant atmosphere.

What broke it all was the sound of engine engines.

The chugging sound was so noisy that it became the most discordant note of all.

I opened my eyes in surprise and felt the sea breeze blowing against my face.

The sun shines directly on your body, and what is hotter than the sun is the breath of the people around you.

"Hahaha! Little girl, why are you shrinking! The wind blows like this on a speedboat! Come on, open your hands, come on!"

An uncomfortable male voice came from the side.

I felt the possessor shrink back and lean against the cold plastic.

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't pull my daughter!" A woman's scream came from behind.

However, what she responded to was the unbridled laughter of the men.

I moved my body and separated myself from the possessed object.

The body floats into the air, and as the speedboat advances rapidly, he looks down at the scene in the speedboat.

The person driving the boat is a foreigner. He seems not to understand our language and focuses on the posture of the speedboat.

The person sitting next to him was smiling, pretending to be looking at the excitement behind him.

The men on the boat were the same people I saw in my previous dream.

To be honest, they were wearing beach pants, beach shirts, and sunglasses. In terms of appearance, they were no different from normal tourists.

The girl and her mother were separated from the front and back, with the men in between. Both of them looked like they were about to cry.

The mature and stable faces of these men all turned into hateful faces because of the distorted expressions on their faces.

The speedboat finally stopped in the middle of the endless sea.

The man sitting next to the foreigner handed the foreigner a cigarette and stuffed a few banknotes into his pocket with a smile.

The foreigner was smoking a cigarette and leaning back in his chair. He seemed completely inaudible and unaware of what was happening behind him.

The orange life jackets worn by the girl and her mother were forcibly torn off.

I heard both men screaming, yelling, and begging.

At this time, I also grabbed one of the men's arms.

I don't know if this anger stimulated me, but I successfully controlled that arm and pulled hard.

The man stumbled and bumped into the person next to him.

"What are you doing!" the man asked in surprise, "You don't have to be in such a hurry even if you want to eat your head and soup?"

"What?" The man he asked looked confused.

And I already hit one of them in the face with my fist.

At this moment, I really couldn't think of anything else, so I waved my fist based solely on the anger in my heart.

"Ouch! Fuck!" The man who was punched fell directly onto the speedboat.

The small speedboat shook violently.

The foreigner let out a laugh and finally turned his head.

The people on the boat laughed, but were dumbfounded when they saw the man stand up.

"Brother Hu, what are you..."

"There's something! There's something on the boat!" Brother Tiger shouted.

I had already raised my foot and hit the man standing next to the speedboat in the stomach.

"Ah!" The man fell backwards and fell into the sea with a thud.

Everyone on the boat was shocked.

The foreigner's eyes widened and he suddenly screamed.

The person next to him screamed in disbelief, grabbed him a little anxiously, and said something in the same language.

This should be the tour guide invited by this group of men.

However, the foreigner waved his hand, pushed the man away, jumped into the sea with a leap, and swam away with his arms swinging.

When I saw this scene, I couldn't help but stop.

"What's going on?" people on the boat shouted in panic.

One of them grabbed the tour guide.

"He said it was Crewe. I don't know what Crewe is, but he said Crewe is here, so..." the tour guide was confused, "I don't know! It may be some local superstition..."

"Damn it! Can superstition give me a punch?" The man's face was already swollen and his eyes were split.

When I came to my senses, I felt that my first impulsive reaction was to punch, which was a bit embarrassing for my ability.

Reversing the time of their bodies and turning them into fertilized eggs?

However, Li Xingfang's wife and daughter saw such a scene...

"What the hell? Come out!" Another man yelled at the sky.

I looked at the driver's seat of the speedboat.

The key is still on the dashboard.

I also saw a few of the actions of foreigners driving speedboats just now.

I thought silently in my mind, reached out and held the key, and twisted it half a turn.

The speedboat's engine roared suddenly, and the entire speedboat began to vibrate.

The first person to scream was not the mother and daughter hugging each other, but the tour guide.

"It's haunted! It's haunted!" The tour guide pushed away the man who grabbed him and cried bitterly. He followed the foreigner's example and jumped into the sea, causing the seawater to stir up waves.

Those men couldn't help but turn pale. The one I kicked into the water put down the hand holding the side of the boat and swam slowly back.

Seeing that the situation was deadlocked, I looked at the mother and daughter and made a decision.

Faced with the specter of looking at their home, these men had no power to fight back.

I rushed forward and knocked another man off the boat.

"Run! Jump into the sea and run!"

"Damn it! Don't come over here!"

The remaining people on the ship were divided into two groups.

One of them grabbed the girl's hair and lifted her up.

The girl screamed.

Her mother rushed forward and was choked by another.

I gritted my teeth and reached out to grab the man's wrist.

"What? He caught me! He..." The man screamed in fright, and grabbed the girl's neck with his other hand.

I thought to myself and felt a power emanating from my palms.

The man's voice changed its tone.

In my field of vision, except for the girl who couldn't see the man, everyone else's eyes widened with horror.

"Ah!" The girl's hair was let go, and her body fell on the boat.

"It's haunted... it's haunted! Run!"

The men finally screamed in unison and hurriedly jumped off the boat.

The arm I held was getting thinner and thinner, the strength I felt in my hand became weaker, and the weight I felt in my hand became heavier.

The man's life jacket and beach suit were left on the boat.

I only felt that my hands were empty, and the man I had captured completely disappeared.

The girl was stunned and motionless.

Her mother crawled to her side and hugged her tightly.

There is still the endless ocean, sea breeze, waves, seabirds, and the sound of speedboat engines.

Not far away, you can see those people swimming away without looking back. Their cries, their gasps, their paddling could no longer be heard.

I looked down at the mother and daughter paralyzed on the boat, and suddenly felt at a loss.

This is the first time I kill a person, a living person.

I felt confused and terrified.

Another thing that makes me at a loss is how to face this mother and daughter. I saved them. But now, in this vast ocean, my abilities are of no use. How can I send them back to the shore? How will they view this incident after they return?

I don’t know how much time passed, but the engine made two sputtering sounds as if it was still gasping for breath, then completely stopped.

The blazing sun is reducing its power.

The girl's voice was hoarse and dry: "Thank you..."

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