"... heh. You've changed a lot, too."

With pure surprise, the young lord looked seriously at the princess.

Clovis turns his purple eyes to Jude, who is taken aback. It was, nevertheless, also like a wolf setting a goal for the prey.

"There, Sir Jude. I want you to help us. I want you to be the head of practice for the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce."


Jude looks completely dodged as she reaches for the mug. Clovis goes on further, as he folds there all at once.

"The breadth of our connections with merchants, which is a necessity for the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce. Aristocrats and others, the acuteness of their exploration as merchants. Either way, no one deserves to be at the heart of this plan more than you."

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Is it a habit when I panicked, Jude lifted my forehead?

"I just sent advice that I should do that. You wrote that in your recommendation, right? Heavy towns in the Privy Council, saying we should go ahead with our heads."

... its lack of spontaneity may also be the reason why it was rejected by the Regional Council. Alicia smiled vaguely as she watched the upset Jude.

Next to that, Clovis persuades with patience.

"Of course, we will make domestic adjustments. But we need a hub somewhere central to the Chamber of Commerce we seek. It is a chamber of commerce with a view to strengthening trade, so its best place is the town of Held. I mean, it's in your realm."

"The sea route. But there will be other candidates by land. With Viola from the Duke of Sheraford? Anyway, I can't. Even the other noblemen, the freak Jude, are on the arrow, they'll never get here."

"Sir Jude!

Alicia calls the risen young lord to rest. Jude's face, looking back at the voice of the chasing princess, was stained with confusion.

"Excuse me, Princess Alicia. Honestly, I'm not used to this kind of situation."

"It's okay. I'm sorry I surprised you."

As she shook her head, Alicia also rose and looked up at the handsome young man seeping of tenderness.

"Rumor has it that you are completely oblivious to connections between nobles. But even if I subtract it, I need your ability."

"So how about this?"

After a few nods, Jude lined up early.

"I'll introduce you to as many merchants as you can count on, and if you can ask me for my opinion as a single lord, I'll give you a proper answer. But you can't just sit around me. Rather than that, this is advice. If you put me in the center, you'll fail."

That's all I said, the lord left early enough. Alicia tried to stop it again, but Clovis controlled her.

"Let's put some time aside. By the time you return to the castle, you will still have a reprieve."


As Jude stared out at the door, yes, Alicia answered.

In the end, that day, I couldn't go any further than that.

Even so, I wasn't spending it for no reason. The wife of Jude had a meaningful time telling us about the life of the people of the Rosenland, about the bustle of the harbour town Held, and about the rare objects beyond the sea gathered by generations of our lords.

Jude, too, was back in a flamboyant and casual condition when we met at the dinner table. However, while it fascinates Alicia and the others with the topic purchased from the Oriental merchants, a verse was seen that distracts them from their efforts regarding the whereabouts of the recommendations.

"I'll have to talk to him again tomorrow."

"Ahhh. After all, the negotiations were broken."

At night, in a given room, exhausted Alicia sinks herself on the couch and blurs. Then Ani answered immediately.

It should be noted that only Alicia and the two maids are in the room.

Clovis and Roberts. The escort knights are staying in another room prepared by Jude. Looking at Alicia's perimeter guard, the perimeter of the mansion and the vigilance of the harbour town should be resting on a dizzying body as the Northern Knights stationed on Marquis Rosen territory are taking over.

With her soft cheeks swollen, the princess corrected the samurai's words.

"We're not cracking, we're cracking.... but after all?


"'Cause, hey"

Quite quickly, Ani and Martha face to face. Concerned about how they were, Alicia tilted her neck.

"I really didn't know you were a my-paced person when I first met you. But you're not a tough guy to get into, are you? I didn't think you'd like it so much."

"Even so, princess. Looks like you're doing your job as a lord, but you're not supposed to be a nobleman."

Oh man, shrug your shoulder, Ani answers. What follows is Martha.

"Looking at Sir Jude reminds me of a merchant who sometimes goes in and out of the castle."

"Yes, yes. So I can't think of a moment when he would give his opinion to the nobles in the Privy Council."

That's right, from time to time, I'm just observing the various people in and out of the castle. While impressed by the sharpness of her eyes seeing the two samurai, Alicia reconsidered.

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