Apex Level Family! Is My Music System A God? Destroy The Alien Race!

Chapter 69 My Bodyguard Is In The Early Stages Of Development, The Rising Sun!

When we walked out of the villa, there was already a driver waiting for us.

Lin Wu saw the driver in a black gold-trimmed suit running towards him and said, "Hello, senior, thank you for sending me resources!"

Seeing this, the driver responded: "Hello, Mr. Lin, this is what the second young master ordered!"

Lin Wu was startled by the name of the young master, and he hesitated and wanted to say something.

The driver said to them: "Masters, get in the car."

Chen Xiyin walked over and came to the car. The door had already been opened. He sat in, waved to Lin Wu, and shouted: "Lin Wu, hurry up!"

Lin Wufan suddenly woke up and quickly got into the car. He closed the door with his right hand and closed the door.

"Phew~" The Cayenne hearse drove the two of them quickly towards the direction of the superpower hall.

Speeding all the way to the exclusive passage inside the superpower hall.

The two got out of the car and looked around at the empty parking lot.

They looked at each other.


It doesn't matter whether you wear a mask or not.

Then follow the receptionist, walk into the internal passage, and take the elevator to the top floor.


The top floor is reached and the elevator doors open.

The manager of the superpower hall is a middle-aged man.

I am very busy on weekdays and have many things to do every day.

After learning that the two people were coming.

Put down what you are doing early and shirk all invitations...

At this moment, he was already waiting at the elevator door.

The two stepped out of the elevator, and a middle-aged man came up to them and said, "Welcome~~"

"Hello, Second Young Master, I am the manager of this superpower hall. How can I help you?"

Chen Xiyin glanced at the middle-aged man and said without too much nonsense: "Arrange for me the largest training room, with testers, and with the psychic environment turned on to the maximum!"

The supervisor nodded, indicating that he understood, and then ordered his men to get down.

"Hurry up, open the No. 1 training room, go to the warehouse, take out the alien crystals and spiritual cores, and put them in."

Then he personally led the two of them into the training room No. 1

Leaving the two of them alone, he turned around and left, closing the door to the training room.

Training room No. 1.

Lin Wu felt the rich spiritual energy in the air.

I couldn't help but take a deep breath.

I don’t know if it’s a psychological effect or environmental reasons.

He felt that the supernatural power in his body was running faster.

Moreover, his own cultivation speed is also faster.

It is worthy of being called the No. 1 training room.

The usage fee of 1 million per day is really worth it!

He feels that in such an environment, it doesn’t take more than a day.

It takes about half a day to break through to Azure Bronze Level.

Then he sat down and took out the elixir and spiritual liquid from the ring.

When you are ready to swallow it and start practicing.

Chen Xiyin stopped him.

"Wait, Lin Wu!"

Then he took out a copy of the SSS Level Cultivation Method from the ring and handed it to Lin Wu.

Zhao Hanyun gave this to him before going out.

Then he said: "Take it, take a look at it, and start practicing!"

Then he took out a practice book and sat down to read it.

This is the SSS Level special system training method that grandpa won in a bet with the Zhang family.


Ten minutes passed.

The two of them put down their skills, began to take out their resources, and started swallowing them.

The surrounding spiritual energy quickly gathered and poured into the two people's bodies.

It is more than ten times faster than using the S Level training method before.

In Chen Xiyin's dantian, the spiritual whirlpool absorbed the surrounding spiritual energy and kept accelerating.

In Lin Wu's body, the gaseous spiritual energy gradually transformed into a vortex form...

Time flies, half a day passes.


The surrounding spiritual energy accelerated into Lin Wu's body.

Originally it was like a 1cm water pipe, feeding water into a pool.

Now it looks like water is entering the 5cm water pipe.


A moment later, Lin Wu made a successful breakthrough!

Chen Xiyin looked at this scene and smiled like an old father.

My bodyguard has just grown up!

Then he suddenly remembered the newborn sun.

Remember that only when you play by yourself can you achieve perfect results.

An eager idea appeared in my mind.

Chen Xiyin recalled the movements and the required melody.

He stood up and said to Lin Wu who was still sitting on the ground: "Gouzi, I will teach you a set of secret moves to strengthen your body and spirit, as well as your cultivation speed and pill digestion speed!"

Lin Wu's eyes widened, his mouth opened, and he said with some surprise: "What secret method is so magical? You are worthy of being an Apex Level family!"

Chen Xiyin smiled and said, "I'm not very proficient in this secret technique yet. If you need me to perform it later, you can learn the moves from me first."

Lin Wu nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice, and then stared at him.

Chen Xiyin took a deep breath, calmed down, and then said to Lin Wu: "Watch it, remember the movements, follow the rhythm!"

"Get ready...get up..."


"Stepping exercise."

"one two three..........."

"Tidy up the movement... one and two stops"

Accompanied by Chen Xiyin's shouting.

His body makes various movements.

Some are standing still

Some raised their hands to their chests and spread them out

There are those who clap it with both hands and then open it from left to right.

Some waved their right hands to the right and their heads moved to the right.

Stretch your right leg diagonally and open your body and arms accordingly

Some jump and squat in place

Finally, it turns into a set of finishing actions.

Lin Wu watched in stunned silence as Chen Xiyin completed these actions.


His heart is resisting!

There is an inexplicable sense of shame!

In the end, with the mentality of trusting my brothers, I firmly remembered this set of actions and did it again.

after the end.

Lin Wu felt his body.

It feels like nothing has changed!

Can't help but become suspicious.

Was it being used for fun?

Chen Xiyin looked at Lin Wu's expression and instantly understood what he was thinking, and then said: "This set of secret techniques is centered on me and requires the activation of musical powers!"

"Have you remembered the moves? I'm going to start playing!"

Seeing this, Lin Wu nodded repeatedly and made gestures.

He said he remembered it, no problem!

Seeing this, Chen Xiyin took a deep breath, and then the sound system power in his body started to work.

The nascent sun music was recalled in my mind.

Depend on!

a little complicated!

Spiritual power emanates.

Then he raised his hands and began to swing his fingers back and forth, creating ripples in the void, like ripples on water.

Accompanied by his soft drink.

A magical music sounded, like a trumpet blowing, accompanied by drums, gongs and other sounds...


"Get ready...get up..."

Lin Wu started to follow the beat of the music and did the movements.

The rhythm drove the surrounding spiritual energy to converge towards Lin Wu.

At the same time, as the movements progressed, the rhythm entered Lin Wu's body.

It seemed to be a continuous state, attached to his body, and did not dissipate for a long time.

Lin Wu sat back on the ground, took out the elixir from the ring, swallowed the spiritual fluid, and began to practice.

After about 10 minutes, he stood up with excitement and said to Chen Xiyin: "Son, I feel that my cultivation speed has been at least doubled. Your secret method is really amazing!"

Chen Xiyin nodded and said nothing more.

I was a little speechless inside.

He found.......

newborn sun

All he needs to do is play, he doesn't need to do any movements...


What an indescribable feeling of shame!

Fortunately, there is no one else here except the two of us!

When I go back to shoot the gymnastics video, I’d better let Lin Wu do it!

Help Lin Wu expand his popularity!

Good brothers should know how to share!

Immediately afterwards, he felt the effects of the nascent sun.

Probably, the speed of practicing and digesting the elixir was doubled, and after playing, the body and spirit were increased by 5 points each.

Duration: one day.

Ever since, he had greater expectations for the shape of the pentatonic body.



Get ready to give the pentatonic a try!


Outside the No. 1 training room.

The middle-aged man respectfully saluted a girl wearing a rabbit mask and stood behind her.

The girl held the tester data panel in her hand.

Looking at the scene in the room with some curiosity.

"???What are the Second Young Master and Lin Wu doing?!"

"Do these movements have any special meaning?"

"The head of the family and Uncle Zhao asked me to keep an eye on their status at all times. Do I want to pass it on to them??"


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