Tokiwadai Junior High School is one of the top five middle schools in the world in terms of superpower development, and at the same time, it is also the world's top aristocratic girls' school!

Because of the school's elite policy, the total number of students in the school is less than 200. However, among these two hundred students, there are two LV5 superpowers and forty-seven LV4 powers. The rest of the students are LV3 strongholders.

After all, one of the admission conditions of the so-called aristocratic girls' school must be above LV3!

Although the number of students in the school is not large, there are still large and small groups, and these groups are called pies!

At present, the leader of the largest faction in Tokiwadai Middle School is the fifth superpower in Gakuen City, "psychological control" bee eater prayer!

"If you have no choice, you really don't want to find that 'star eye'!" Mikoto Misaka stood outside the dormitory inside the school garden and sighed deeply.

After all, there are two people left to communicate, one is a researcher and the other is a party.

In contrast, the 'Star Eye' bee-eating prayer is the most harmless.

[The world's first beautiful girl: Speaking of which, Sister Cannon turned out to be a big miss. ] I really didn't see it...]

Mikoto Misaka, who was just about to "break into" the garden of the schoolhouse, almost stumbled and fell.

[Mikoto Misaka: Don't call me Sister Cannon! ] 】

【Manga artist Samisi: Cannon... Mikoto's sister really doesn't look like the

eldest miss...] [Mikoto Misaka: Is it your common sense error, what do you understand the eldest miss in China? [

Megumi Kato: Well, it's like a bud suit?] That kind of look that looks like he knows how to read. Or is it... Keqing kind looks very strong and majestic. Or or... Sister Kanae, very gentle, very beautiful...

] [Raiden Bud Yi: Blush JPG.] [

Keqing: I, very majestic?

Keqing touched his little face a little unconsciously. "Can't it, obviously, I have also integrated into the life of ordinary people and worked as a part..."

[Mikoto Misaka: I'm sorry not to satisfy your eldest miss's fantasies...] [

Manga artist Sagiri: Poof, actually, some tsundere Mikoto's sister is very good. 【

Mikoto Misaka: ......】......

"You mean... That Bilibili standing right in front of the dormitory door? "Bee eater prays that the eyes of the stars widen, but she knows that she and Mikoto Misaka can't look at each other, and even after meeting, they will have some physical disgust, Mikoto Misaka will come to herself?

"Let's go, come out with me." Bee Eater stepped out of the dormitory door.

On the other side, Mikoto Misaka is also walking towards the dormitory.

"Oh, why did Bilibili come to my territory? Could it be that you want to surrender under my skirt? The beeeater nodded his lips, stood on the steps, and said condescendingly.


The electromagnetic waves fluctuated violently. Mikoto Misaka looked up at the bee-eater, "I said, ah, can you use your ability on me every time you see me." It's useless! You're a star..." As

if thinking of something, Mikoto Misaka did not continue.

"Shhh." The bee eater smacked his lips in dissatisfaction, that guy really protected his brain with his electromagnetism all the time, it was really unpleasant!

In a sense, Mikoto Misaka is a natural enemy of bee-eaters. Perfect restraint of her psychological control.

Because of some upbringing, Beeeater only trusts those whose memories she has checked, and she is always wary of others. This other person naturally includes the same level five super electromagnetic cannon!

"I have something I want to ask you for help."

"Huh?" Bee eater prays that this is the only news that can make her happy these days. "Tell me, what's going on."

Although the bee-eater showed a very enthusiastic look, Mikoto Misaka knew that this guy's bad taste was just to laugh at herself after she wanted to make herself talk about her difficulties.

Still, even if ridiculed, there are things to say!

"Can you let them leave first?"

The bee eater pondered for a while and waved his hand, "You guys go back first."

"Yes, my lord."

In the bee-eating faction, she is a well-deserved queen!

"Okay, now there are only two of us left, let's talk." The bee-eater blinked, with a melon-eating crowd ready to watch the lively expression.

"Do you know the 'Absolute Ability Program'?"

The bee eater's expression changed, "No, I don't know! Okay, what a messy plan, I'm not interested! Good bye! Never again!

"Wait..." Before Mikoto Misaka could reach out and grab her, she left Mikoto Misaka's sight.

Sure enough, she definitely knew about the 'Absolute Ability Plan'!

[Mikoto Misaka: Alas, it failed. Sure enough, that star-eyed won't help me...]

[Bronia: If you need help, Bronia can go to your world to help you. What Bronia has learned recently also needs to be tested in real combat. 【

Mikoto Misaka: If necessary, I will ask for your help! 】 Now, I can cope with it myself! 【

The world's first beautiful girl: what are you going to do? 【

Mikoto Misaka: First... Hack into the network, find the location of the Misaka sisters, and then hit the door! 【

Shi Jiu: Knock on the door? Just by you? [

Mikoto Misaka: I also know it's hard, but... I don't have any other way. Maybe it would be safer if that Star Eye would help me, but that Star Eye didn't want to communicate with me at all. [

Shi Jiu: Uh. Let's first calculate the combat strength of our enemies and friends. First of all, there are several madman researchers of the Kihara family and researchers of the experimental base and talent workshop. These should not pose much of a threat to you who can control electromagnetism. The second is that you may encounter one side pass, and if you encounter one side pass, you will directly hit GG. 【

Mikoto Misaka: I'll go while one side is away.】

After all, it is a proactive attack, there is a gap in information, and it is not difficult to stagger the time.

[Shi Jiu: Okay, then let's talk about the [prop] dark part organization. If you make a move on the research institute, the garrison department will not talk about it, and the dark department will definitely attack you. The most likely of these is the [prop] organization. Can you protect all the Misaka sisters in the hands of [Items]? 】

【Shi Jiu: Take another 10,000 steps back, even if you keep it, so many Misaka sisters, how do you place them? Even the doctor who chased the soul of the underworld could not treat 20,000 Misaka sisters at the same time. [

Hubby: When Jiu said this, he was definitely playing some bad idea. It's in... Flickers? 【

Shi Jiu: Ahem. This is obviously a fact, okay! How can this be foolishness...].

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