"This is a good place to live in Gakuen City." Although Zhibao is not very satisfied with the small villa, but in the school city where every inch of land is expensive, it is not easy to get such a single-family villa.

It's not that it's not better, but those have already been lived in.

And the first owners of this cottage are the three of them!

"Okay, the accommodation has been seen, let's go out and play!"

Bronia glanced at the person who knew the law and said lightly, "No, Bronia still has to study new abilities." "

Shhh." The person who knows the law sets his sights on Shi Jiu.

Shi Jiu accepted it gladly, isn't it fragrant to visit the night market with her sister?

Zhibao looked at Bronia again, "The Law of Knowledge has modified your consciousness, and you want to hang out with the Law of Knowledge." "

Bronia: ###.

"Okay, go and go!" Bronia is really afraid that the Law of Knowledge will modify her consciousness. Although Zhibao should not make a move on her own people, with her character that one play is one out, maybe she will really modify it.

However, as a player, memory modification is not unsolvable. But after reacting afterwards, it will also make people crazy if they are controlled!


"Three new LV5s have emerged in Gakuen City

"Phase shift also began today."

"So, what are you going to do? That kind of existence is not something you can solve. "

In a few hours, the 'angel' of the laws of physics had a preliminary understanding of this phase change.

The world is controlled by the Demon God, and today, a stronger being than the Demon God has robbed the Demon God of control of the world.

No, it is not accurate to say that it is plunder. To be precise, in order to save his life, the demon god gave up all the authority he controlled after sensing the existence.

It is very likely that the unknown being is locating the demon god along the power, and in order not to be discovered, he can only survive with a short tail!

It's just that what Evas can't understand is what kind of existence can scare the demon god to that extent...

"No, first I want to make sure that they can communicate. As long as communication is possible, there is a possibility. After all, what He did was, in a sense, exactly what I wanted to do. "

All Aresta wants to do is destroy the magic side, destroy the phase laid down by the demon god. And this, the unknown being has already done.

Today, although the magic side exists, the magic related to the demon god and the angel cannot be released.

Although I don't know what the purpose of that existence is. However, He did pull the strength of the scientific side and the magic side to a level!

Without those powerful magics, magic may not be able to defeat the LV5 of Gakuen City.

What the school city lacks now is the number of LV5!

"Although I had expected your madness, I am still shocked. That kind of existence won't be your pawn.

"No, I didn't want him to be my pawn. As long as it can achieve my goal, what if I become his pawn.

"Then, I wish you what you want

..." "It's not a good idea to approach that kind of existence rashly, you still need to observe..."

Shi Jiu didn't expect that he just wanted to analyze the demon god, but instead scared the demon god into handing over this authority and did not dare to show his head.

In fact, the strength exerted by Shi Jiu's sixty or seventy percent of his world control could not make the Demon God fearful.

After all, the combined control power of all the demon gods over this world definitely exceeded sixty or seventy percent. Coupled with the advantage of the home field, the demon god is not without the power of a battle.

What really scared the Demon God was the breath of the fourth heavenly disaster.

Even the weakest fourth heavenly tribulation has to make them wait for it, and when encountering a fourth heavenly tribulation higher than them, running away is the best way.

As the initiator Shi Jiu, he picked up a world for nothing without knowing anything.

Shi Jiu and Bronia and the Law of Knowledge played in the game city until late at night before returning to the cottage to rest.

Just lay down, the message came from the chat group.

[Mikoto Misaka: @识之律者, that... Is your superpower the same as [Mental Control]? 【

The Law of Knowledge: Huh? I suspect you are looking down on the great Lady of the Lawyer. Can psychological control be compared with those who know the law?

Mikoto Misaka is a little crazy, so say... What is the law of knowledge!

As a newcomer who has just joined the group chat, Mikoto Misaka just gave a cursory look at the plot of her own world, and did not understand the concept of a lawyer at all.

[Bronia: @御坂美琴, you can think of the Law of Knowledge as the psychological control of LV6. 【

Mikoto Misaka: Shocked JPG! Are you sure?! 【

The world's first beautiful girl: I looked at the psychological control of your world, even the psychological control of LV6 is not as good as the authority of the law of knowledge. Psychological control is the fine manipulation of various cells in the brain and other things to achieve the purpose of controlling the spirit. But the law of knowledge is aimed at the concept of consciousness, which can be controlled as long as consciousness exists. [

Mikoto Misaka: So, can you help me.] 【

Shi Jiu: Didn't Sister Cannon say this afternoon that we made too much trouble? Nose picking jpg

] [Mikoto Misaka: ...] [

The Law of Knowledge: Don't worry, the great Law of Knowledge lady will not be careful. Offer delicious and fun food, I'll cover you! 【

Mikoto Misaka: Thank you then... Thank you, the Great Lawyer lady. However, on the chairman's side...]

[Shi Jiu: Don't worry, the demon god has been suppressed by me. Without the Demon God, Treasure Reading is invincible. 【

Shi Jiu: Speaking of which, is Celine's side okay?】

[Celine: I don't know, but what is certain is that Otto started to act, and I don't know what kind of action. But at my current level, I can handle any action. 【

Shi Jiu: If you need help, you can help me.】 [

Bronia: Why, is Lord Shi Jiu eyeing Celine? Obviously he did that to Bronia at noon today. 【

Shi Jiu: How about I go to your room tonight and continue to do something like that?】 [

Bronia: I'm sorry, but Bronia got too carried away just now.

In the room, Shi Jiu smiled softly. Seconds to speak?

[Mikoto Misaka: May I ask, what are your plans?] 【

The Law of Knowledge: Plan? The plan is to push the past. With absolute strength, no planning is required! 【

Shi Jiu: I am responsible for the bee-eating exercise. 【

Mikoto Misaka: Tired of Heart JPG】Although

Mikoto Misaka knows from her strength that Shijiu is an all-knowing and all-powerful god, but... Shi Jiu's words and deeds really don't have a bit of a sense of godhood...

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