Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 2 Chapter 526: Intensive shelling

Seeing here, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that the first layer of the front line can't be kept, the human heart has been disbanded, not afraid of zombies, afraid of his own man's cannon, a bite of teeth, rushing to the urgently dizzy Zhao Deyi, Da Dao said:

"Retreat, all retreat, the position is not..."

With the command of the highest sergeant, the soldiers on the front line carried rifles, squatting with ammunition boxes and heavy machine guns. No one was scattered, and the zombies were close to the front, only a small number. Hundreds of rifles made the final block, while the machine guns in the back positions ceased, and they did not want to make mistakes in the artillery.

Although the retreat was chaotic, Zhang Xiaoqiang took the person to take over the dead body of the dead soldier. He carried the soldier who had no brain, and ran backwards. While running, he was still wondering. The soldier behind him did not die. Can you survive without a skull?

When Zhang Xiaoqiang returned to the second line with the defeated troops, the first line of positions had been occupied by zombies. It can be said that it was effortless, and Zhang Xiaoqiang’s hope of dragging the zombies with the first layer of battle for a long time was lost.

"Huang Quan, you go to assist Zhao Deyi to reorganize the soldiers who have retired, Huang Tingwei, give me orders against the artillery, don't worry about the zombies in front of the battle, let them go far, don't take any volley, give me the shells. All go out..."

After all, Zhang Xiaoqiang carried the soldier who had no brains and took the other wounded to the back. At this time, the second front was 1,500 meters from the zombies. The ground of this thousand and five hundred meters was densely covered with three hundred. Shallow ditch, the shallow ditch is 1.5 meters wide and one meter deep. There is one every three meters. With these shallow ditch, the zombies will come over, at least two to three hours, so there is enough time for Zhang Xiaoqiang. Handle these wounded people well.

"Hey, let me go, I can't do it, just ask you to burn me, I don't want to be eaten by those things."

The wounded person behind him woke up and saw Zhang Xiaoqiang carrying him. He was moved, but he knew he was going to die. He didn't want to bother Zhang Xiaoqiang.

"What is your name?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang carried the wounded to the back of the team, put him in the back seat, gave him a moment to protect his life, the soldiers did not refuse, eat it, and then said:

"My name is Fan Jinkui, an ordinary migrant worker, who has no money and no ability..."

After Zhang Xiaoqiang saw Fan Jinkui ate the life-saving Dan, after talking a little bit in the air, his heart relaxed slightly and smiled and said to Fan Jinkui:

"Have you seen Korean movies? There is a triad that has no brains and a stainless steel. The name is "My wife is a big man? You can live well, you can."

Fan Jinkui obviously did not believe that this matter appeared on others. He may not care very much, but he appeared on himself, and he was desperate. Zhang Xiaoqiang patted his shoulder and finally said:

"Anyway, you think that you have reached the worst point. Why don't you want to open it? If you have hope, you may be alive. I will let the speedboat send you to Lake Island. When a doctor has surgery for you, before that, you are the only one. What you have to do is not to give up hope."

After all, Zhang Xiaoqiang put five life-saving Dans in Fan Jinkui's pocket.

"Eating one day can guarantee you to live to the heart of the island..."

Looking at the back of Zhang Xiaoqiang's turn, Fan Jinkui lived in the pocket of Bao Mingdan, and there was a hope in his heart. On his head, the scary wound did not seem so painful.

Zhang Xiaoqiang used the life-saving Dan and the hemostatic powder for each injured soldier, and Li Zhi was responsible for transporting them to the dock, and the speedboat was sent to Huxin Island first.

Everything Zhang Xiaoqiang did was seen by other rectified fighters. The fear in his heart was eliminated. Many of the wounded people have become disabled, but Zhang Xiaoqiang did not give up on them. He treated everyone equally, while ensuring that they have no food for life. Worry, this is enough. The end of the world is like a dog. Is there a leader who can guarantee them, what are you afraid of?

When Zhang Xiaoqiang appeased the wounded soldiers, the artillery position's cannons again roared. The five-meter-high artillery flame formed a huge fireball at the muzzle. The shells whistled and tore the air and landed in the distant zombie sea.

Ding Jianwei ran on the position, screaming at each running group, allowing them to speed up and speed up. The guns that made a big mistake also went out. The artillery fired when the guns fired. In the hot air, they would wear the whole body clothes. Take off, hung up and revealing the light, holding a cannonball to close the cannon, followed by a loud noise, opened the running bolt, braved the shell of the blue smoke rolling on the ground, slammed.

The flames of the shells raged in the corpse, and the booming sound continued for a moment, and they continued to form a line. The continuous explosion caused a huge blow to the corpse.

Back to the command center, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw countless flames and smoke spread in the corpse. Numerous soils and corpses were incessant, and huge caves appeared in the dense sea of ​​corpses. It became a sieve.

At this moment, a far-reaching projectile actually emptied, and a flame was blown out from a hill 10 kilometers away. Looking at the smoke rising from the empty hills in the distance, Zhang Xiaoqiang had some headaches. The quality of the artillery was Too bad, those big zombies don't hit the sea, but they hit the mountainside without zombies. The technology is really stinking home, and this is not once or twice, almost two or three shells have two or three, to say, the corpse The area is much larger than those without zombies.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly saw the zombies at the foot of the hills rushing to the hills, and a faint high-frequency sound came from there, and then numerous zombies fell to the foot of the mountain.

Zhang Xiaoqiang quickly lifted the telescope and saw the hillside halfway up. In a pile of scattered stones, several zombies fell to the ground and died. A D2 zombie fell from behind the stone and threw himself on the ground and struggled with his head.

Then, the D2 zombies stopped struggling, and they landed on the ground to allow a Z2 zombie to turn over to its shoulders. Then seven or eight D2 zombies carrying Z-type zombies rushed out and ran down the hill, behind them. ~www.readwn.com~ Dozens of S2 zombie guards around.

"Fast, let Ding Jianwei hit all the 85 guns and 76 guns, and bombard the hills that smoked 10 kilometers away..."

The zombies rushed to the middle of the mountain, and the intensive artillery fire screamed with a piercing whistle. More than a dozen S2 zombies immediately became crumbs, followed by more shells in the hills. The hills were not big, the distance was also Not too far, more than 30 cannons can reach such a long range.

Intensive fire blasts blasted on the top of the mountain. For a time, the fire and the smoke filled the hills. From time to time, you can see the zombies being blown up, or the S2 zombies or the D2 zombies. Thirty rounds of shells continued to blow up in the hills. The entire hill was almost plowed by the bombs. When Zhang Xiaoqiang ordered the stop, the whole hill was a blackened, broken stone, a loess, and a crater on the surface of the moon.

The zombies are invisible, and even the bodies of the zombies are not covered by countless shells. When the artillery ceases, the zombies suddenly become confused. Countless zombies are like wild headless flies. Chaotic.

For a time, the entire front line was zombies that entangled each other, leaving the frontline soldiers a little confused, and could not help but put the warning down, turning to look at Zhang Xiaoqiang, seems to wait for new orders.

Zhang Xiaoqiang held the telescope and his hands trembled slightly. There were only two possibilities for this. Either Z2 was killed or Z-type zombies suffered a lot of casualties. No matter which one, Zhang Xiaoqiang is beneficial. If it is the first one, At least before the emergence of the new Z2, they don't have to worry about the zombies coming over, just to eliminate the scattered zombies that they came over. If they are ground, at least until tomorrow morning, they don't have to worry about the zombies launching the attack again. You know, die. The Z-shaped zombies in the hands of Zhang Xiaoqiang are not one or two.

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