Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 45: New information

"Europe also..."

Li Prairie made a strange call and slammed on the gas pedal. As the arrow of the string rushed to the plane that forced the landing, he pulled the door and pulled out his 92-type pistol and rushed down.

When the pilot who escaped his life was pulled to Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang was still stealing and playing three helicopters in one breath. This is better than watching him at home. The plane has a sense of accomplishment.

The record of the three planes also allowed Zhang Xiaoqiang to ease the depression of the old base being cleaned up. He stood up and looked down at the pilot who was lying on the ground and pointed at the head with a pistol in Li Pei, and asked casually:

"Where did the plane come from?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang asked this, but he saw the pilot staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang. He didn't seem to understand what Zhang Xiaoqiang was saying. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the pilot seriously. He was less than thirty years old. His skin color was no different from that of Han Chinese. His hair was slightly rolled and his face was flat. The eyeball is brown and the cheekbone is prominent. If it is in the Mainland, Zhang Xiaoqiang really can't recognize that this is a Mongolian.

Obviously, this Mongolian does not understand Chinese. Zhang Xiaoqiang does not understand Mongolian. He is depressed. A horse is gathered from all directions in the distance. A big car roars and runs here. The plane is in the sky. The target is naturally eye-catching. The escaped warriors see that there is no plane in the sky, and they rush to their nest. They don’t necessarily want to save the wounded. It’s not impossible to get into a fire, but when they see two huge fireballs and one After the intact helicopter, the eyeballs almost fell, and one of them was all sluggish.

After Zhao Jun and Zhou Jie appeared, they were also shocked by Zhang Xiaoqiang’s record. Two people looked at the two big fireballs on the left. They looked at the captives on the ground with their hands on their heads. Zhou Jie did not speak and digested this incredible miracle. Zhao Jun couldn't help it. He swallowed a slobber and hesitated to ask Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"Is it you?"

"Is it you hit it?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not answer, and asked one sentence, he turned to the off-road vehicle full of scratches and dirt. After pulling the door, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to Zhao Jun, who was still stupid:

"Look for the individual to let the pilot open, and get them to know the ins and outs of the plane. At the same time, I will give me all the information inside the Golden Wolf flag. If he doesn't say it, what should I do? You know... ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang said this, let the excited Li Pei carry him to the market, the crowd behind him surrounded the helicopter, constantly stroking on the fuselage, and some people excited, got into the driving Room, provoked Zhou Jie to drink.

"It was completely destroyed, Lao Zhu also died, and our market is over..."

This is the first sentence and the only sentence that Zhang Xiaoqiang said after he saw the ragged clothes. Then he looked at the fire at the entire market. The last time the golden wolf flag lit a lot. The tents killed a lot of people, but the overall impact was not great, and the two helicopter gunships destroyed the entire market completely, as long as the visible buildings were all burning in the flames.

The warehouse is gone, the red light district is gone, the roadside stalls and goods are burning, the body is Chen Heng, all the dead are extremely disabled, almost no whole body, the weapon area that the last golden wolf flag can not attack is also destroyed, two The machine gun nest was blown up, the door was blown up, and the wall collapsed in half.

It’s no wonder that to the Flying Club, it’s better to rebuild a market to fix these things, but this may never be possible. The two attacks on the Golden Wolf flag made the survivors here live by themselves. They don’t believe in the set. The city can give them security, the order collapses, all people want to escape, but they are big and big, and they don’t know where to escape.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the messy market, turned and walked to the side of the car, pulling the door and getting on the bus...

"So, apart from us, all other forces are attacked? That is, we are lucky. The people are flying planes, the others are all infantry. The Golden Wolf flag is to use us as a chicken."

Temporarily spread around the small lake, some tents have obvious signs of burning. In one of the biggest tents, Zhang Xiaoqiang sits in the main position, Zhao Jun and Zhou Jie sit on both sides, Li Prairie sits next to him, and is flying around him, and Zhu Tianle And Gao Qilong was killed in the daytime attack, Zhang Xiaoqiang discussed the big move of the Golden Wolf flag with them.

In addition to the attack on the market, other forces were also harassed by the Golden Wolf flag. However, the main attack of the people was the market, apparently in revenge for the last two wolf camps.

"Things are like this. The most serious loss of this time is us. Other forces have lost more than a hundred people together. Maybe they just want to contain it, maybe they want to demonstrate..."

Zhou Jie nodded, but Zhang Xiaoqiang did not relieve it. He frowned and said:

"You said, is the Golden Wolf flag expected that we will launch a counterattack, so we must first make a man-made, or else they will directly send three helicopters to the three forces and use the infantry to assist the attack. Can it be broken in one fell swoop?" ”

When I heard Zhang Xiaoqiang’s guess, Zhou Jie’s look was dignified. If this is the case, I am afraid that the wolf camp will not give up, maybe the infantry will come over tomorrow morning.

"Report, the information came out~www.readwn.com~ It was Li Yaoa who shouted the report outside. He was responsible for taking the mouth of the prisoner. Although the prisoner was afraid of death, his mouth was very hard. One is now, Li Yao Acai sent the aggregated information.

Through the pilot's captives, the real power of the Golden Wolf flag finally surfaced. The compilation of the Golden Wolf flag is far more than what they know. The Golden Left Flag and the Wolf Flag Army are not all the cards of the Golden Wolf Flag. They also have three. The troops, or, say, three scores of power.

The blood wolf flag, the flag is the black cloud Geerle, the former Mongolian border defense colonel, with his border guards to enter China to join the Golden Wolf flag, the establishment of the blood wolf flag army, the number of three thousand, most of the equipment AK74, BMI infantry battle There are 37 vehicles, 40 armored personnel carriers and three T-62 tanks. The main activities are around BT.

The black wolf flag, whose flag is unknown, has an unknown identity and is 2,000. It is equipped with a large number of AK74 and an unknown number of BM infantry fighting vehicles and personnel carriers, mainly in the surrounding capital cities of Inner Mongolia.

The flag of the wolf, the flag bearer Ba Yande Lehe, the identity is unknown, the number is 3,000, the equipment is unknown, the activity is in the east, the only thing clear is that most of his and his subordinates are from Mongolia, the only one who can Contact is the high level of the Golden Wolf flag.

These three parts are far from here, so the usual contact is by radio, coupled with the lack of fuel, the chariots and tanks have not been transferred, and this air strike is the Golden Wolf flag requesting blood wolf flag support.

There are a total of nine border defense groups in Inner Mongolia. Each group is composed of 3,000 people and equipped with the latest weapons. Each of them has six helicopters, three of which are attacked and transported. The blood wolf flag of the Golden Wolf flag is found. The station of a border defense group, there is almost no living there, but when they rushed into the station, they were killed by two horrible mutant beasts.

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