Apocalypse Cockroach

: The last battle of: a lot of pressure monitor

The hurricane's hurricane screamed on the force field cover, and Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't stand it anymore. "The special thing is still not coming! Is Nima station so interesting?" Zhang Xiaoqiang tried to offset him with thirty-five complaints. Fear of 5,100 meters. He stepped on the alloy flying sword and looked around. Below is the Lop Nur Desert, which used to be a lake. Now it has become the last gathering place for Chinese zombies. Humans sang to the end of the zombies. The Z6 zombie is not affected by the pressure mountain band. This loyalty and followers ran here. The yellow sand Gobi and the criss-crossing green ground cover make people have no way to take it. But human wisdom is terrible, they seem to give the zombies The repression became a madness of reason. The nuclear bomb. Seventeen nuclear bombs made the D9 like the **** of power turn into fly ash, and the poor S9 did not run through the heat wave.

A large number of military mercenaries, the Lone Ranger and the so-called Savior, wore a poisonous rain that was exposed to the top of the biochemical service for the final massacre. The effectiveness of the nuclear bomb was unexpected. The power zombies and the agile zombies became all neurotic, without the previous Blackmail, calculations, nothing but a head-on collision, and soon they died a clean, dark blue skin of the huge body with heavy trucks when transported from Lop Nur when the crowd seems to find something wrong, There are no Z-type zombies, no matter whether it is type 5 or type 6. Soon people wake up, because the nuclear bombs became the last evolutionary rain of Z-type zombies, they have the same ability as the evolutionary. Manipulating objects, mind Attack, flying, controlling the earth, floods, thunder and lightning. The plane can not fly to the sky of the mutant.

Because the worms don't seem to like this noisy guy flying into their sky. But do people have a way to take the sky zombies? No, there are evolvers...\"砰!\" Far from coming, "Well, I thought you were kidnapped by alien zombies." Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a golden dot outside the kilometer.

That is the last zombie, the dark gold stripes on the golden skin.\" The first few evolutionists don't seem to be as unbearable as the rumors." Zhang Xiaoqiang sees the old roots of his body. The name of the zombie is Ye Kong Xingchen. No one takes it for himself. It has no ugly tentacles of general wisdom zombies. Only a slender tail is full of killing, \"哗!\" The tail is made up of bones.甩 变成 变成 变成 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上 身上It’s really unimportant whether the evolution of the evolutionist’s battle is really important. It’s a calculation of whether or not to find a deep forest to eat worms but this life. But will this person give it a chance?

Let's play, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the bitterness on the face of the dead body and guessed what it was thinking. The nine hundred animal claws on the leg floated in front of him. Rotating and flying to the zombies. The zombie body shape was fierce. The rice flew upwards, and the bones in the joints of the bones were combined to form a fine sword of one meter long.\"呔!\" Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled out a metal knife from behind and greeted him.

\"Dry!\" roared, \"Wow, yeah, I am dying...\"The sword meets, the zombie sword is divided into a number of bone needles irregularly flying around Zhang Xiaoqiang The coat was twisted and shattered. Seeing that it was going to break, Zhang Xiaoqiang took the knife that was on the face and pulled it away to the zombie eyes. The claws of the animal were entangled with the bone thorn. The alloy blade of the carbon fiber was changed to a thorn. Cut the zombie face away.

The zombie head lifted his leg and kicked Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang flashed sideways. The spirit of the note \"Drink!\" Nian Li hit the chest of the zombie, the zombie flew out and spewed out a blue blood, the zombie pulled out three The grenade pulled out the insurance and let them fly around Zhang Xiaoqiang. Seeing the three fragmented grenade Zhang Xiaoqiang had no idea. He wanted to go home and go to Shangguan Qiaoyun to hunt. They found a very good mountain rat. Several animal claw swords were used to hold the grenade and flew away. In the boots, the source of the eclipse was extracted and the mouth of the zombie who lost the center of gravity was smashed in. Only this method. Otherwise, the strong one is uncertain, and the sharpest knife is also Just leave a scratch. \"哧...\" The head of the zombie began to decay, and the body lost its vitality and fell down.

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