Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 280: Taunting 2/5 more

From Zhang Xiaoqiang, Li Haiyun, who is the person in charge, did not show up. He was only an ordinary researcher. The researcher faced Zhang Xiaoqiang and did not show much respect. Perhaps, if not Zhang Xiaoqiang is the owner of this experimental center, They don't even have the mind to accompany them.

Zhang Xiaoqiang had something in his heart. The attitude of the researcher was not on the mind, but Zhou Xiong was somewhat angry. Zhang Xiaoqiang was his boss. He was disrespectful to Zhang Xiaoqiang, and he was disrespectful to him. Even if he was disrespectful to him, he must respect Zhang Xiaoqiang.

The researcher walked around Zhang Xiaoqiang casually and pointed to something that was irrelevant. He seemed to show off Zhang Xiaoqiang's research results. At this moment, a young and beautiful female researcher came across from the opposite side. Zhou Xiong’s eyes flashed.

Although the female researcher is wearing a white coat, but the figure is first-class, the convex place is convex and scary. The concave place is concave and stunned. Zhang Xiaoqiang and the researcher’s sight are like being sucked by the opposite **** magnet, staring at the female researcher’s body. Don't worry about it.

The female researcher knew it when they saw her for the first time, and did not show a disappointing look. Instead, she used her fingertips to open the long hair in her ear and smiled at the two.

Then, the female researcher suddenly changed color. The white fingertips pointed at the male researcher's trembling, the beautiful face was also twisted, and the mouth was squatting and seemed to say something. Under Zhang Xiaoqiang's onlookers, the researcher suddenly screamed: "Mom. The zombies ran out, still laughing at me..., help...."

After all, the female researcher turned and ran. In Zhang Xiaoqiang’s wonder, in the horror of the male researcher, Zhou Xiong snickered behind the two men. The woman’s scream made several assistants rush over and saw the male researcher’s At a glance, they drank together, grabbed various guys and rushed over, screamed at the researchers, then tied them tightly with a rope, stuffed them into a blank cage, and let the researcher cry and shout... ....

Zhang Xiaoqiang heard the smirk behind him. When he looked back and saw that he was pretending to be a serious Zhou Xiong, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately understood that it was such a thing. Zhou Xiong saw that the guy was unhappy and secretly made his hands and feet.

For Zhou Xiong’s trick, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not respond, because he also looked at the guy who was unhappy, and asked at random:

“How long is the duration?”

Zhou Xiong saw Zhang Xiaoqiang not blame, the whole person was relaxed, and quickly said:

"It’s about fifteen minutes to twenty minutes, it’s different from person to person. I haven’t seen two people with the same duration...”

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded. Zhou Xiong’s ability was very unstable. Zhang Xiaoqiang made a special choice for Zhou Xiong. He chose to eat green vegetables or choose to eat meat. As a result, Zhou Xiong chose not to hesitate to eat meat, gave up precious special vegetables and gave him the ability. Always staying in place, this is also Zhang Xiaoqiang's deliberate, Zhou Xiong's ability to use only for ordinary people and low-level evolution is enough.

The two shuttled through a labyrinth-like experimental center. Each of the labs showed their true face in their sightseeing. Various zombies received various inhuman experiments on the operating table, which caused cruelty and even the psychological hairiness of Zhang Xiaoqiang. .

In the innermost laboratory, Zhang Xiaoqiang found Li Haiyun who had never been seen. Li Haiyun was very young and very handsome. It was just that Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t feel very good about him. The whole person took a feminine temper. They were in a lab filled with glass jars, making Zhang Xiaoqiang even more uncomfortable.

The size of the laboratory is not small. The four walls are lined with long metal shelves. The shelves are filled with glass jars. The formal organs of the zombies are soaked in formalin, and only the brains of the zombies are filled with dozens of A jar, the remaining tube is also heart, liver, spleen and lungs, etc. The most disgusting thing is that there are still a few zombies whose heads are licking their mouths in the jar.

"Welcome to the long-awaited cousin to come to my laboratory. I don't know, is the elder brother coming to accept the results, or is it to inspect?"

Li Haiyun ignored Zhou Xiong after Zhang Xiaoqiang. Apparently, Zhou Xiong’s hands and feet were very clean. Li Haiyun had not noticed that Zhou Xiong had turned all his old bottoms out.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is very unaccustomed to Li Haiyun's tone of tone. When the superior is a long time, he is very concerned about the way he talks. Especially Li Haiyun has no deep friendship with him. A subordinate who is not very familiar does not respect him. His heart rose.

"Director Li, you made a mistake. The research room is not yours, but mine. All the equipment, equipment, and buildings here are for me, including the zombies you studied. So, please pay attention to some when you talk later..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang spoke very rudely. At that time, Li Haiyun was given a sigh of relief. Zhang mouth was going to refute. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not let him have a chance to speak. He said with a trace of questioning:

"Director Li, I need the antidote to the virus, the more the better, how much you can provide..."

Li Haiyun was shocked by Zhang Xiaoqiang's imperative manner of speaking. His eyes were bulging, his mouth was open, he wanted to speak, and his throat was squeaking, as if he was digesting Zhang Xiaoqiang's inquiry.

"No...no, we don't have a drug antidote at all, we have to know..."

Li Haiyun Mao, in the face of Zhang Xiaoqiang, vetoed Zhang Xiaoqiang’s order, but Zhang Xiaoqiang did not buy it, his eyes fixed on Li Haiyun’s eyes, saying one word at a time:

"Director Li, you let me down, I give you the best equipment, the best materials, and the most lively zombies, but you said to me impossible, is your virus laboratory, even this Can't the simplest things be done?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s words were considered by Zhou Xiong to be difficult for Li Haiyun, so he did not take the virus antidote seriously. He stood on one side and looked at Li Haiyun with enthusiasm, waiting for Li Haiyun’s pale excuse.

"You are a toughman. The antidote to the virus is not something you want to make. Our experimental equipment is even more impossible to crack the virus password. We can't make this kind of thing in a short time..."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Xiaoqiang sneered, laughing and letting Li Haiyun want to kill, but did not expect that a paragraph behind Zhang Xiaoqiang made his heart jump to the eyes of the blind.

"You can't do it. You don't have the ability. My other man has already done it. He is just a medical student. The scale of the experimental equipment and laboratory in your hands is not even a fraction of yours, but people have succeeded... ...."

"Where is he, I want to see it with my own eyes."

First, I was surprised. Then I was unbelievable. Li Haiyun thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang was cheating on him, but Zhang Xiaoqiang took an empty glass needle and threw it in front of Li Haiyun. The needle rolled on the table and attracted the attention of Li Haiyun and Zhou Xiong. Then Zhang Xiaoqiang went on. The words in the hearts of the two people set off an uproar.

"There was once an antidote in it. I used it~www.readwn.com~ There should be residues in it. You take it for testing and see if I am lying to you..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang's needle was saved after the crescent moon. When he returned, he came back on the ground. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know if the crescent moon was rescued. It was related to this thing, but it could work. It was baby. I wanted to stay at the base to find a doctor. Asked, I didn't expect to be here again, he re-created the virus lab.

Originally, this thing was forgotten by Zhang Xiaoqiang, thrown at the bottom of the backpack and waited for a certain day to be remembered. Today, Zhang Xiaoqiang learned about Li Haiyun’s disagreement and wanted to test him. He remembered this thing and took it over and deliberately beat it. Guy.

Li Haiyun grabbed the needle tube, and in the face of Zhang Xiaoqiang, separated the residual material in the needle tube with the culture solution, placed it on the glass piece, and observed it under the microscope. When he used a water-absorbent needle tube, he seldom a little virus stock solution on it, under the microscope. One by one, a prickly pear-like virus, which is rapidly ablated in the culture medium, is not long, and all the miniature prickly pears are not left.

Seeing the miracle that happened in front of him, Li Haiyun looked up sharply and looked straight at the empty space in front of him. After a long while, he turned and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang who was sitting in his chair smoking.

"Who is who made it, what is the principle, what is the culture of the material, and..."

In the face of Li Haiyun's questioning, Zhang Xiaoqiang raised a finger and slowly shook it, then carefully looked at Li Haiyun in front of him, and smiled disdainfully:

"This is the result of others. You have no right to know. I just want to ask you. You have hundreds of times more materials and equipment than others. There are dozens of people and researchers. People have already produced results, when can you take it out……."

Ps; red ticket is both a power, five consecutive changes to seven consecutive games, need red ticket support, as for what to collect, you know!

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