Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 288: Real situation 5/5 more

Chen Qinqin is a wise man. She knows that the man in this stupid **** group is a rectum. It must be a great force to look at the equipment on them. There are at least ten guns and a hundred knives. With these weapons, you can Lanshan walked in the middle of the road, but also thought that now the food is not lacking, the forces of Helan Mountain have begun to merge, as long as they catch these people, they no longer have to worry about one day, surrounded by zombies.

"They are not far from here, I will take you there, even if you don't take us, just bring these two children..."

Chen Qinqin retired and wanted to finally try it out. Jadley couldn’t think too much, and waved his hand without saying it:

"They will bring it naturally. When they get to the back, they go to school. Anyway, they don't belong to us..."

The group went to the sphere of influence of the Houshan fangs. It was just a slightly higher hill. More than two hundred people were crowded on the hill. There were people here, and dozens of acres of mountain fields were caught in the mountain rocks. In the seam, under the care of the fangs, some food was also planted, and there were various wild vegetable resources in the forest, so that they could not eat and die.

Chen Qinqin did not bring these men directly to the door, but instead took them around a lot of roads, directly touched the outside of the house of fangs, and the door rushed in, and pressed the fangs and his woman on the bed...

Later, as Chen Qinqin said, Jadley, who walked out with a rifle, frightened all the men and women. They all obeyed the post and listened to Jadley’s arrangement, patted the team and hugged their heads on the ground. .

When the fangs were pulled out, they were still begging for mercy, and let him see Chen Qinqin standing in the crowd, suddenly crying:

"This big sister, I really didn't think of it, I am a beast, you spare me..."

Jadley stood on one side and buckled his nose. He despised this guy very much. Chen Qinqin was thin and thin, and he was wearing a ragged, and it was like a leader. He was only instrumental.

"Jia... We found a lot of bones behind the kitchen, all children, and the meat was eaten..."

One of the men came out to report, and suddenly Chen Qinqin was surprised by the face, she only knew that the children who fell into the hands of the fangs could not live, but did not expect the fangs to eat them all.

Jadley was not angry because of this, just turned to the people around him and said:

"The one on our head is saying, what about waiting for the killing of human flesh?"

The voice was gone, the head of the fangs flew up, and the face was still a bitter, and the two big fangs sparkled on the door of his mouth, as if smiling.

Although there are more than two hundred people in the tooth decay, the materials and weapons are all in the eyes of Jadley. He looked at the materials on the ground and turned to Chen Qinqin:

"You are familiar with this piece?"

Chen Qinqin screamed and nodded. The scene of the beheading in front of her made her tremble. These people are really not good people. Killing people like killing chickens, don’t ask, don’t mention how to kill. Look at the technique of beheading, I don’t know how many people have been cut off before they practice.

"Now, I officially announced that you have been recruited by the Superintendent, and the position is the military secretarial secretary. You enjoy formal soldier preparation and treatment. What do you have to say?"

Jadley made a temporary appeal. The woman was quite clever. She took up the fangs with their powerless destruction and let him catch more than a hundred men. At least one-third of these men would add to death. The regiment, but the source of the troops is still insufficient. Their mission is two thousand people, two thousand live, which requires a guide, preferably a guide with a brain.

Chen Qinqin was somewhat surprised. He quickly promised not to wait for Jia Deyi to open his mouth and take the initiative to put all the forces out of it. Listening to the band within a hundred miles, there are actually more than ten forces, big and small, which basically cannot be found. A good bird, let Ju Deyi be indulged...

With two hundred captives, they went down to the mountain, then sent people to find the left iron, and Jia Deyi smoked cigarettes leisurely. Jia Deyi did not know that his cigarette fell into the eyes of Chen Qinqin, and all her guesses were overthrown. Chen Qinqin suddenly felt that the entire Helan Mountain was going to change...

When the left iron was found by the death row, it was nestled in a mountain. Two rows of supervised soldiers and five hundred death row prisoners were all together. In the corner behind them, hundreds of zombies were stacked and slowly stacked together. rot.

For Jadley, the left iron is hating, and I am thinking about how to wear this little guy to this guy. It’s not a left-handed little villain, but now, apart from the zombies, they don’t see any living people. Just now, Jiade Li said what he said to him, he was also regarded as a play.

This is the first time that the left iron has led the team out of the task. I was thinking about getting an open house. I didn’t expect that the Helan Mountain area was too big. Plus they were not very familiar with this piece of terrain and took a lot of roads. The zombies have killed a lot, but the living people have not seen a few, even if the few living people they found are only one breath, it is not suitable to become a source of soldiers, gave some food to send things.

If they can't find it, they have to go back along the road and hand it over to the military. When the time comes, the military will definitely select the strong man as a heavy soldier. Then there is nothing wrong with them. The heart is annoyed and naturally wants to find A guy who vents his fire.

"Left Lord..., Zuoye..."

The call came from afar, and the left iron turned to look at it. It was the death row of the prisoner who was investigated by Jadley. The fire in his heart shook up and shouted loudly:

"Where did the kid of Jadley go? Let him come to see me personally..."

The death row prisoner who came over didn’t know the fire in the left iron heart. He thought that it was just the incident that Jadley had been talking about the intercom, and he said with a smile:

"Jia Lao is watching the prisoners. We are not here to invite you to the past?"

When the death row was over, the left iron sneered. Didn’t Jadley really find a few women? Are you still on the cannon now? I really don't know how to write dead words.

"All have..., set off..."

The death row led the way, and the left iron and the more than 500 people walked carefully along the mountain. After less than twenty minutes, they went to a very hidden canyon, which went up the canyon, but came to the residence of the Chen Qinqin tribe. Where, the eyes are more than two hundred men and women holding their heads on the ground, Jadley is holding the knife and shield around the crowd with the rest of the people, and some police officers slammed the heavens.

"Jadley, is this a whole thing?"

The left iron couldn't understand. How did Jadley scream without even screaming, and caught so many people?

Jia Deyi saw the left iron, his face immediately turned into a chrysanthemum, and the five senses were all wrinkled together, pretending to be careless, said indifferently:

"Just call you, you shut down, I took a few brothers to pick their temples, their boss has been done by us, now we have the final say..."

In the communication between Zuo Tie and Jadley, Chen Qinqin looked at more than 500 powerful men with dumbfounded eyes. I thought these people were very uncommon, but they did not expect their strength to be so strong. Everyone was ruddy and tidy. Although simple, it is embedded with all kinds of leather and protective canvas. The knife and shield in the hand are all in a unified system. Everyone has an expensive metal kettle at the waist.

In addition to five hundred men wearing variegated clothing with protective ability, there are sixty soldiers in full-length uniforms. They are fully armed, helmets, armed belts, military spurs at the waist, and military shoes on the feet. They have a rich reserve behind them, let alone each of them has a tarpaulin bag, which is definitely the nine-fifth rifle that Jadley had previously taken.

These men, regardless of the soldiers and the variegated costumes, are all look like they are fierce and look bad. At first glance, they know that these people are not good. Many people have seen the woman lying on the ground and will drag it to the side. Then, under Jadley’s loud curse, he stopped.

The leader did not seem to pay much attention to the military discipline, but encouraged the men to pull those women to have fun, and then when everyone was heart-wrenching, they said what to do once~www.readwn.com~ zombies plus thirty, let those who were previously refined The men on the worm's head, all of them became frosted eggplants, one more than one honest.

"Jardeli is very eye-catching to you, asking me to let you become the military secretarial secretary of the warlord company. It is not so easy to join the war warfare. Can you come up with something and let me think that you have the value of joining the warlord company?"

The left iron is proud to stand in front of this seemingly old woman. This woman’s eyes make him a little uncomfortable. He is very intellectual and looks like a woman with a high academic qualification. For his junior high school dropout All the top students are annoying.

Chen Qinqin knows that this talent is the real leader. The leader of hundreds of people here has dozens of rifles and hundreds of steel knives. At the same time, they are not good people, but in the last days, good people are already a legend, no Who is an absolute good person, the real good man has already become a meat in the stomach of others.

The question of Zuo Tie did not make Chen Qinqin messed up. She experienced too much suffering. She naturally knew how to deal with it. She did not say her education, did not talk about her previous work, and directly dumped the various forces she knew. Speaking of it, the power of the forces here is the most, the leader of that power is the worst in this piece, and the power is the most ferocious.

Through Chen Qinqin’s remarks, the expression of Zuo Tie began to be serious. He did not think that the forces in Helan Mountain were as numerous as the hairs. The small forces of more than two hundred people who were annihilated by Jadley compared with the big forces, even the root hairs were not counted here. Thousands of people are moving, and thousands of people are everywhere. Every day, people are driven out. At the same time, countless wanderers want to join those forces every day.

Ps; five more end, continue to five consecutive days tomorrow, complete the second seven consecutive months of this month, ask for the red ticket, click, ask for everything.

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