Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 293: All living 0 phase 5/5 more

The area of ​​Helan Mountain is quite large, at least several times larger than that of Yinchuan City. In addition to the zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s troops have to pull out the forces, clean up the upper layers, control the population below, and transform them into their own human resources.

The marching of the troops was like a broken bamboo. The zombies along the way had already become corpses in the intensive gunshots. The mountains were better than the outside to clean up the bodies. The gullies on the roadside were as deep as ten meters, throwing the zombies into the ditch, zombies. It rots in the water, and even the smell can't be dissipated. As long as you don't drink water in the ditch, it will not affect the soldiers above.

Under the leadership of the liaisons sent by the death squad, Zhang Xiaoqiang separated from Zhao Jun’s garrison and marched on the mountain. The 4,800 soldiers formed a huge long dragon, filled the path between the mountains, and saw zombies from time to time along the road. The white bones that have been formed, the various plants are mad at the place where the zombies are ambushed.

The plants that were seen along the way surprised Zhang Xiaoqiang. He found that the plants found in the forest are very different from the species here. It seems that this is a plant system. The more you go, the more weird plants are. Many plants have attractive fruits, but most of them are afraid to move. No one dares to make fun of their own lives until they know that they are poisonous and poisonous.

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked with Ma Guanghua and continued to advance with the troops. After four hours, he finally went to the hiding place of the Chen Qinqin tribe. When he arrived here, he could no longer see the traces of zombies. However, the traces of human activities began to increase, and there were many on the ground. The small pits that were excavated, seeing these small pits, Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered the days of digging wild vegetables at the Great Lakes.

As they entered the deeper part of the mountain, a group of captives appeared on the side of the road. They took their own simple property and cooked black wild vegetables on the roadside or in the open space with crocks. When they saw four thousand eight After the parade armed soldiers, many people were excited, shouting and crying. In their view, the PLA entered the mountain area and it was already recovered.

The captives have a hundred lives, and there are no cloths on the body. Only a thin man wrapped around the crotch with a straw rope shouts that he is the chairman of the board. He is worth billions and let the PLA give him a dress. .

It’s hard to stand up. Hungry, like a sly guy shouting that he is a deputy to the National People’s Congress, let the People’s Liberation Army stutter. The soldiers passed in front of him indifferently, letting him ask for a cry.

Someone rushed out and stopped in the road, saying that he was an official of the People's Armed Forces, and let the soldiers take him to the sergeant. As a result, the man was smashed a few feet and threw it on the side of the road to mourn.

In addition to this, there are people who call Dad the mayor, who is the director, and the aunt is the general manager of the Municipal Development and Reform Bureau. Of course, there are women, women are also crazy, they take off their clothes without shame. Standing on the side of the road, I want to make the disciplined soldiers look down, take off their clothes and cover them, give them real food, and give them the dignity or care they have not felt for a long time.

The soldiers still walked in front of them, no one stayed, no one was embarrassed to look at it. On the contrary, they looked at each other and then shook their heads. It seemed that they were too bad to dislike these women.

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Jin Xing are also in the middle of the team. Zhang Xiaoqiang just looks at the mental outlook of these people and the physical condition of men. He doesn’t look much at women, and a bone doesn’t make him more interested.

Venus is different. The serviceman behind him carries two huge backpacks, and he is shouting with a hoe:

"The **** is for gold, the **** is for platinum, and the **** is for gems..."

For the practice of Venus, Zhang Xiaoqiang was helpless. After Venus put down his military power, he got into the business with a heart and mind, and he didn't want to care about his business all the time.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is not disgusted with Venus's approach. On the contrary, he can't wait for Venus to do this. The original Venus is only a measure of the expediency of the iron and the original, and uses Venus to gather the hearts of the Wolf Legion.

When the iron lord left, the Mongols were also digested by the rear, and Venus would lose its effect. If it was a male, Venus would definitely be killed and exempted from the aftermath, but Zhang Xiaoqiang was a man of love, and Venus did not make a mistake. On the contrary, he always stood. After Zhang Xiaoqiang, he was loyal, so Zhang Xiaoqiang took care of him in some aspects, as long as he did not touch the army.

Seeing that Venus will replace the gold jewelry in the hands of men and women who have come in one by one, Alice is not happy. She thinks that it is a fire robbery. She went to Zhang Xiaoqiang and said:

"Why are you turning a blind eye? The despicable guy of Venus is robbing on fire. These people are your future people. Are you sitting here?"

When I heard the blame in Alyssa, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled, and Alyssa said that it was considered for his foundation, and it was better than not listening.

"You said it yourself, they are my future people, but not yet, let alone... Can a gold ring really be worth a gimmick? Venus uses his own wealth to exchange these gold, why should I blame it? If you like gold, I will send you a goldsmith's goldware to make your body full..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang's teasing made Alyssa depressed. She admits that Zhang Xiaoqiang is right. If these people don't see the hoe, they don't know that they have gold. At least prove that in these people's hearts, the **** is more precious than gold.

"This is what you said, I will wait for you to send me, I want to hang all over the body, let you see carefully..."

Said here, Alyssa whispered in the ears of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and then gently bite Zhang Xiaoqiang's ear, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately pushed Alice out, depressed:

"It was not enough for you to take advantage of it yesterday? I don't mess with men and women. Don't look for me later..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s words made Alyssa depressed. She knew that Zhang Xiaoqiang said that she could do it, but who else can she look for in addition to Zhang Xiaoqiang?

The prisoners who took care of the prisoners along the way handed over the jurisdiction of the prisoners under the handover of the blood wolf flag, left a supervised battle platoon, gathered the two thousand unpopular men who they picked out, and lined up with the troops. As the troops moved further and further, more than 10,000 prisoners were finally accepted. More than 10,000 prisoners were under the supervision of a battalion soldier and went down the mountain. On the mountain, they would not get any food. Under the mountain.

Under the mountain, Shiyuanye has mobilized 20 carts of food to prepare food for 100,000 people. More food is being transferred from the military camp. www.readwn.com~Zhou Jie also handed over Wuhai things to the deputy, with The receiving staff feels at the foot of the mountain and prepares for statistical acceptance.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang found the cockroach, Yongzheng was riding on the back of the big dog and looked at the wounded in the same place. When he saw the wounded on the ground, Zhang Xiaoqiang still had some unclear conditions. He walked to the side and rushed to him. The black dog opened his foot and was about to ask, but he saw that the wounded were all looking at him.

"Uncle! You are here..."

I saw Zhang Xiaoqiang coming over, a sweet smile, flashing figure, stunned to appear beside Zhang Xiaoqiang, holding his arm, looking at the wounded on the ground with his head, leaving the hair of the long hair more delicate The pretty, plus the white and sweet face, is not like the little queen who just scorned on the back of the beast.

Zhang Xiaoqiang touched his hair and asked curiously:

"What is this about?"

I haven’t answered yet. One is taller than Zhang Xiaoqiang’s head. The stout man with a height of one meter and nine feet rushed over and excitedly shouted:

"Hey brother, you are a brother, I have seen you, yes, big dogs are afraid of you, then it is even more wrong, sister, come see our brother, legendary characters... ""

The guy who was stunned and unobstructed was Jadley. Standing behind him stood Chen Qinqin. Chen Qinqin was wearing a military uniform with a big size and was a little scared. She was really scared and was scared twice....

Ps; This decision is very difficult for me. I can't type very fast. Sometimes it is inevitable to entangle the plot, so the pressure of continuous explosion is quite equal to me. However, the two days of clicks are very powerful, I Seeing that the click has reached the top ten in the total list is the best result I have achieved in the vertical and horizontal.

The book friends gave me strength, I am very chicken, so I decided that tomorrow is still five more..., tired of counting birds...

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