Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 299: Attack 1/5 more

Looking at the powdery back of the creamy white frost, the moonlight will glitter the skin like this porcelain. Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly has some impulses. However, just throwing Alice into the river, and now I am looking for someone else, Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t do it. .

As Alyssa said that the voice was smaller, Zhang Xiaoqiang sat up on his body and took the naked Alyssa into his arms. Alyssa's body was very cold, just like her heart at the moment.

Alyssa noisy and wants to break free, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not letting go, Zhang Xiaoqiang's strength is not Alyssa can resist, Zhang Xiaoqiang is in his arms, his mouth is still saying that she does not know the so-called mother tongue, Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly with the chest temperature Heating Alyssa's skin and feeling Zhang Xiaoqiang's strong heartbeat, Alyssa's voice was getting smaller and smaller, and her cheeks were buried in Zhang Xiaoqiang's chest. Then, the hot tears wet Zhang Xiaoqiang's clothes.

Capricorn Alice's cold arm, Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to say something, but does not know what to say, just silence, at this moment Aly Li does not need Zhang Xiaoqiang to say anything to her, she only needs a hug, one can be in her ear Bounce the heart.

"Do you still throw me into the river?"

Alyssa resumed her Chinese speech. Although she still had some out of tune, it was much better than Zhang Xiaoqiang who first saw it. It could be heard without Zhang Xiaoqiang's identification.

"No, even if you smell stinky, I won't...."

After saying this, Zhang Xiaoqiang is a headache. The mother-in-law of the family has not yet clarified that he has hooked up a foreign girl outside. How do the predecessors who have grown up from flowers and leaves do not touch it?

"You always think that I am stinky, I don't want to do it with me?"

Alyssa is listening? I thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang said that she was stinking. After she finished, she was silent. She knew that she was not the same as her. She always had a faint musk, like a blue orchid, and she had almost nothing. The fragrance is not as delicate as the skin.

"Amount..., no, it is I think that this thing is done once in ten days and a half. It is very hurt to do more, especially for men..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang said, holding his nose, thinking in his heart, this is not a nonsense. In any case, men must be more important to their careers, especially if they have to find a way to return to their wives and children.

"Oh, my God, are you an ascetic? What a ridiculous excuse, the pressure of daily accumulation, not venting in this way, what do you use to vent?"

Alyssa did not believe that Zhang Xiaoqiang was making an excuse for the editor. He suddenly heard the bark of the dog on the camp and suddenly got up and shouted to Alice:

"The enemy attack... I will go first..."

After all, Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled out NP22 and rushed out, and Alisa, who was behind her, was busy looking for her clothes...

Zhang Xiaoqiang rushed to the camp, above the line of defense, the gunshots sounded at the next moment, countless bullets turned into a burning eye stream in the night sky, the whistling bullets in the scream, hit a personal shadow, both sides have streamer, both sides Someone fell in the gun.

Compared with the canyon armed, most of the soldiers of the Blood Wolf Brigade have combat experience, especially this staying reinforcement camp. More than 60% of the soldiers are crawling out of the dead people outside the salt lake town. Thousands of armed men who came, they played quite calmly.

The front line quickly stabilized. Except at the beginning, the armed men who had been rushed to the front of the scene were caught off guard. When they entered the position, they injured more than a dozen people. Then they played quite well. Everyone saved themselves in the trenches. The figure that shook the moonlight was knocked down.

When the eight heavy and heavy machine guns began to be fired, the armed men who were directly charged and fell, and then with the support of mortars, a group of flames extinguished the desire of all armed personnel to attack.

However, the armed men were not unprepared. Several mortar shells also came from the opposite side, and two heavy machine guns were blown up into the night sky. The flying sand was filled with the burning collar of Zhang Xiaoqiang. He carried the AN94 rifle. Shooting in the dark, I don’t know if I hit it. He couldn’t see it without the night vision device. Then he yelled at the distant mortar position:

"Lighting bombs..., fast..."

The voice just fell, the sky suddenly brightened, the whole line was exposed to the cool fluorescent, but the opposite side launched the flare. The next moment, more than a dozen long flames spouted from the dark, several meters long bright The flames flickered, and countless scarlet-burning bullets wiped the ground, and there was a scream, and more than a dozen soldiers were shredded by bullets.

Zhang Xiaoqiang reached the trench in the moment before the bullet hit him. The two fighters around him did not have his reaction speed. One head was blown up by bullets, one right chest was torn open, and the right arm and half body were connected to the liver. The lungs flew together, the blood splashed a few meters, and Zhang Xiaoqiang’s body was sprayed...

The encounter with the soldiers around him made Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes split, and once again turned to the back:

"Fuck. You. Mom. Lighting!..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang's roar was submerged in the gunshots of the fried beans. The next moment, the flares were miraculously lit in the sky, and the mortars began to suppress to the other party's heavy firepower, and the two sides were deadlocked again.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was shooting. Suddenly his eyes flashed and he rushed up. He held a 03-type rifle in his hand and fired it from time to time. Behind her, two big dogs strolled in the rain, very indifferent.

I was about to greet and be careful. Suddenly a strong wind came down from the sky, and the firepower on the front line slammed. The wind blew dozens of soldiers in the trenches. The soldiers who did not fall to the ground also refused to shoot, and they were in the trenches. Hold your helmet tightly.

The cockroach was also affected by the strong wind. When I just lifted my foot, I fell a dog licking mud. The red hair that was reacted rushed over and licked it in my mouth. Zhang Xiaoqiang slammed the gun and shot at the sky without seeing anything. .

The general stream of the light chain flashed overnight and disappeared at the end of the black curtain. The next moment, the wind was even bigger, a huge black shadow slowly fell, and then more than a dozen black spots fell into the trenches, and successive explosions exploded along the trenches. Heavy firepower points and seven or eight soldiers were affected by grenade, and a gap appeared on the front.

Zhang Xiaoqiang replaced the clip with the fastest speed, raised the muzzle and shot it under the belly of the big bird that was climbing. The flakes of the feathers were falling apart, and a high sorrow, the big bird slammed its wings and crossed the night sky into the darkness. The next moment, the mutated big bird lightning generally swept over Zhang Xiaoqiang. Between Zhang Xiaoqiang's muzzle and the flames, the big bird swayed around and slammed his feet and slammed his claws~www.readwn.com~ to Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Even the streamer did not enter the body of the big bird. In addition to pulling off countless feathers, it did not cause more damage to the big bird. The two claws came with the wind, and Zhang Xiaoqiang flew before the two claws contacted Zhang Xiaoqiang. Going out, the wind from the wings of the big bird first blows him away.

Zhang Xiaoqiang and the big bird did not expect this to happen. This is already ready for the short-term match. Flying in the eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang in the air, the big bird and the two claws caught the dirt splashing on the ground, the legs were abdomen, and the volley turned over. The steadily fell to the ground. At the same time, the big bird unfolded a few wings and flew a few soldiers, and the curved legs bounced off to the sky.

Suddenly, a dark shadow passed the night of the flash of gunfire, and appeared on the big bird. When the big bird spread its wings and flew into the night sky, he and a man fell from the big bird.

Still in the air, two people became a group, smashing a hand knife, a hand mouse king blade, flashing like a shadow, the person is not strong, but the skill is not weak, no matter how fast the speed, Always insert a gap and deflect the elbow of the jaw.

When the two landed, they suddenly opened on the front line. The advantage of the cockroach was the speed. No matter how much her opponent’s elbow was deflected several times, the attack behind it always followed, with one knife and one knife. The key to that person.

He is a young boy who is not very old. It was during the day that Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that the boy riding on the back of the bird did not have the speed of the boy. Although he was also an evolutionary, he was a first-order evolutionist. Agility and strength are stronger than ordinary people, and he can't be a drag on him. He can beat him and beat him. He is the martial art he uses.

Ps; the last knives of Jiu Lian, the first explosion of five even more. This, I have nothing to ask for the red ticket, and I can’t make it out tomorrow. If you don’t have the grain, the landlords will put a limited red ticket on the sister’s head and connect it.

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