Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 330: Beat and advanced

"Zhou Xiong, you didn't understand one thing. If I want to kill you, it will only make you disappear in silence. I tell you that I want you to understand that you make me very tangled, and I am only entangled in you. The ability is not yours, you are doing very well now, but how can you assure me that you will always be like this? When people get to a certain position and ability, it will change, how do you..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s words at the moment are considered to be heart-to-heart. When Zhou Xiong faced the big bird, he did not make too many mistakes. There was no way for the loss of personnel. He thought that protecting the fruit was also for his own will, although he did not. I informed myself at the first time. However, in the case of last night, even if I notified myself, it may not be useful. I can achieve such a result. Zhang Xiaoqiang is already very satisfied and does not want to ask for anything.

Zhang Xiaoqiang believes that Zhou Xiong has meritorious deeds and merits must be rewarded. Zhou Xiong has always let him not feel relieved. He simply said Zhou Xiong’s problem and let Zhou Xiong decide his future path.

Zhou Xiong immediately stopped crying. He heard something from Zhang Xiaoqiang's words. For him who has always loved his life, he is particularly sensitive to anything that is closely related to life.

"My brother told me these things, I regard myself as my own person. My Zhou Xiong was originally a small person who was nothing. It used to be a bed bug. Only in the hands of my brother, I live like a personal, now The daughter-in-law also has it. It is better than most people. If you are afraid that I can’t control myself, I will send it to the town of Sumu. Even if I can’t control myself, I can’t make a big deal. The problem, I just got there to farm..."

Zhou Xiong first thought of self-distribution. Sumu Town suffered a little bit. As long as he could save his life, he could eat what kind of bitterness Zhou Xiong had. Even he had already done it in his heart. If the wife could not eat it, he ran and he used it. The ability to hook up with other women, anyway, these small things Zhang Xiaoqiang will not blame him.

Zhang Xiaoqiang heard that his heart touched slightly. Zhou Xiong was an abominable guy. He shouldn’t have it. He shouldn’t have it. He shouldn’t have the ability to be envied by Zhang Xiaoqiang. He slowly fell down around Zhou Xiong and handed it to Zhou Xiongyi. With cigarettes, Zhou Xiong was overwhelmed with both hands.

"You can have this status today. You also have your own heart. It’s all about your ability. Because of your ability, you become my deputy minister of the interior. Because of this ability, you don’t have to go to the front to fight. Just today, the Evolution Corps has killed more than 100 people, and more than a hundred evolutionists have lost their eyes..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang's words are slightly low. Every evolutionary person is hard-won. If he loses so much, he will be very distressed. If he can choose, Zhang Xiaoqiang is willing to double the ordinary soldiers.

Zhou Xiong listened to it, thinking that Zhang Xiaoqiang was going to let him go to the front line to fill the gap. The cigarette **** couldn’t hold it and fell to the ground. Then he picked it up and didn’t smoke it. He took it to Zhang Xiaoqiang’s face and said:

"If you transfer me to the **** battle group, can you look at my diligence and let me be a logistics?"

Zhou Xiong still remembers his life, no matter what, safety first must be placed in the first place, and it is not a way to transfer him to the evolutionary. The evolutionary has certain resistance to Zhou Xiong’s ability, just, Zhang Xiaoqiang today To say these things to him is not just to prepare him for cannon fodder.

"I said this to you today, I want you to know that your ability may make you lost. Of course, you may not be lost, not lost. You are a living person, sitting on a beautiful woman. Once you are lost, you are apart. Besides death, there is no way, do you understand?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang said straightforwardly, Zhou Xiong could not understand, Zhang Xiaoqiang gave him insurance today, let him know what he was. If there was an accident, Zhang Xiaoqiang should say that all the things he did were done, and he could not blame others when he died.

Hearing here, Zhou Xiong played a spirit, and quickly stood up and stood up. Zhang Xiaoqiang took a deep sigh, and said:

"Hey brother, I don't say anything now. You can see my actions directly. From then on, unless I need it, I will never launch my ability again. I am your dog. You let me bite, I will Who bite..."

After gossip, Zhang Xiaoqiang finally put the entanglement in his heart, the third-line action has been launched, although the twists and turns, but there are many unexpected gains, the colloid and mutant beast are his harvest today, but also used to enhance the evolutionist The cost of ability.

Although Zhou Xiong is not very reassured, his ability is really strong. Shi Yuanye reports to him that some people in his power contacted the outside through satellite phones, which made him feel very vigilant and experienced so many things. He knows that sometimes the consequences of dragging the legs are more serious than the 100,000 zombies.

Therefore, Zhou Xiong became the only killer in his internal cleanup. Of course, he needs this killer in his own hands, instead of having his own thoughts, he could have been beaten slowly, but the injury of Yundiao is gradually improving, once the three-line Raiders At the end, maybe he is ready to return to his hot spring base.

Next, the recovery of the strategic mission of Hohhot may be completed by the grassland regiment alone, including the contact with the northern military region, so Zhang Xiaoqiang must ensure the internal purity, Zhou Xiong, the interior minister, should play an irreplaceable role.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaoqiang must give Zhou Xiong the ability to see how he can clear the guys who have disagreements in the whole power after the ability is improved. This is why he beat Zhou Xiong so.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaoqiang's satchel is filled with colloidal bodies of various colors. The colloidal bodies are different in shape and vary in size. They are round, square, cylindrical, and watery, and the colors are naturally different. The total colloidal body is placed on the grass-green canvas, which makes Zhou Xiong somewhat confused. After they kill the big bird, they receive strict orders. No one is allowed to automate the big bird's body, so he still does not know the crystal. Nuclear and colloidal things.

The two dogs ran over and sniffed when Zhang Xiaoqiang reached out to protect the colloids. Then he pulled his ears and went to the side. It was obviously not very interesting. He was biting his nails on the red hair. Curiously looking at these things, just looking at them, not very tempting.

Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered the magical effect of the nucleus. He reached out and took out two pieces of deep red diamond-shaped crystal nucleus and threw it out. Before he landed, he was caught by two big dogs. The chewing sugar beans generally swallowed the crystal nucleus, and the black dog ran over. Intimate with Zhang Xiaoqiang, although the red dog did not show too much closeness, he shook his tail to Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is intimate with two big dogs. Zhou Xiong is unconsciously blinking his eyes, staring at an irregular shape on the canvas bag, such as the black-red colloidal body of broad bean size, suddenly ~www.mtlnovel. Com~ quickly reached out and grabbed the thing...


Zhang Xiaoqiang flew the claws that stretched out, and the pain in his hand let the enchanted Zhou Xiong wake up. Originally, the evolutionist saw this thing, it was generally difficult to wake up. Zhou Xiong was too afraid of death. He was fascinated by the deeper fascination.

"Is it really want to eat? Is it smelly? Is it for this thing, let you pay everything you are willing?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang's low voice is like a demon whisper. Zhou Xiong almost nodded in Zhang Xiaoqiang's hypnotic words, and then shook his head again and again. Anyway, small life is still the most important.

Zhang Xiaoqiang held the black-red colloid in his hand and put the other colloids into his bag, with a hint of evil smile:

"This thing is not as simple as you think. Today I took it out and let you eat it, but do you know that this thing is eaten by you, what does it mean?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s tone of speech is only his bad taste, but it makes Zhou Xiong think of it. The heart suddenly stops, and a big word “chronic poison” flashes in his mind. Then he turned his mind and nodded with a trace of sadness and anger.

"This thing will be understood after you eat it. In addition, don't tell anyone about the effect and provenance of this thing..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang pinched the colloidal body. When he said that he was confessing, he was thinking about the first colloidal body he got. He didn’t pay attention to the look of Zhou Xionglian. Zhou Xiong was also confused by Zhang Xiaoqiang’s confession. Is it not? Chronic poison?

Zhou Xiong’s heart was afraid to ask more questions. Then Zhang Xiaoqiang threw the colloidal body in front of him. Zhou Xiong, who was kneeling on the ground, looked at the colloidal body falling on his feet and did not pick it up. The right hand was not controlled. Picking up from the ground and hesitating in his heart, the right hand did not hesitate to put the colloid into his mouth...

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