Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 335: North and South Raiders

As the garrison left, the bustle of the valley disappeared a lot. Joe was lying quietly on the bed, his team lazily sunbathing on the grass outside, and leisurely eating the dragon tooth that rewarded them.

The heavily guarded virus research center, Li Haiyun's eyes blushing at the slice under the microscope, and the various materials around him, the mutant monkey king, and the mutant python have been built into a half-foot high hill, in another place. The monkey's weird organ has caused some people's curiosity and is being tested by various means.

Outside, hundreds of mutant monkeys gorged and ate the zombie meat that they gave to them. From time to time, some people walked past their cages, and they did not let the monkeys have a slight distraction. In their eyes, as long as they have eaten, It is not important not to stay in a cage.

In another part of the valley, a huge pit was dug out of the grassy ground. The pit was filled with zombie bodies. The edge of the pit was filled with soldiers armed with guns. A zombie was tied back and pulled in the big pit. While smashing his head and kicking it into the corpse, Li Yao, standing on the side, looked at a zombie and fell down. When the zombie in the pit had begun to rot, he would have a large peanut. The seeds were thrown onto the corpse, and then hundreds of shovel smashed the mud into the crater and buried it.

Zhang Xiaoqiang arrived at the urban area of ​​Qiaotou at noon. When he arrived there, he received a report from Zhao Jun...

After Zhao Jun led the army to leave Yinchuan City, he did not attack Yongning County as straight as he used to. Instead, he carefully made the villages and towns around Yongning County clear twice, and let all the troops take turns to finally surround Yongning County.

Yongning County is not very far from Yinchuan City. It takes tens of kilometers to get there by car. The zombies are not many. The zombies in the heart of the county are about 100,000 to 150,000. Others are scattered in the surrounding towns and villages. Zhao Junjun There is no intention, even if his strength is one to fifteen compared with the zombies, it is an absolute advantage.

When Yongning County was surrounded, Zhao Jun divided the remaining troops into four, and evenly blocked the exits of the four main roads in Yongning County, so that the four units would lure the zombies at the same time.

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s troops already have a complete set of lure schemes, nothing more than sounds and blood, and the four directions are simultaneously tempted to divide the zombies in the county into four, and the number of zombies will not be much. Each group held a crossroad, and a large number of cavalry were used as a clean-up force for the scattered zombies. Eventually, after dozens of type 2 zombies were destroyed, all the street zombies were cleared.

The battle for clearing zombies is not very intense, but the number of casualties is still quite a lot, because they have to control the consumption of ammunition. They have to put the zombies around and fight with cold weapons. Only after seeing the type 2 zombies, they use the rocket launcher. Waiting for hot weapons, so each unit has dozens of losses.

In total, the four regiments lost more than 100 people after cleaning up the zombies. In this regard, Zhao Jun did not like Ding Ziqiang. For him, such casualties are completely acceptable. Many soldiers It is the first time to participate in the melee. Compared with the regular troops, the casualties of the death squad are controlled by the new death row. The old death row has basically no casualties. This is enough to show that as long as the experience is enough, the casualties will only get smaller and smaller.

After destroying the zombies in Yongning County, the death corps entered the city to clean up the zombies from house to house, and the garrison of the three regiments will control all the warehouse personnel of Yongning County, and let all the chiefs sum up after the war to analyze the causes of casualties. In order to clear up the zombies and take out new tactics in the next step, when there is no more zombies in the whole county, Zhao Jun will go through all the battles before and after, and carefully organize them into documents, and promptly send them to Zhang Xiaoqiang in the Qiaotou area.

Zhang Xiaoqiang took some of this well-intentioned battle report with some emotions. He did not expect Zhao Jun to start showing up after Ding Ziqiang’s defeat. From beginning to end, Zhao Jun did not fight on the front line, but patiently stayed behind and did The coordination and summarization of the various units, the division of their respective combat areas, the use of each unit's loss and the results of the war to speak, not blindly arbitrarily guarding the three regiments, has the potential of handsome talent.

More than 100 people’s death report sheets were put aside by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and one hand hit the table. For him, the casualties have evolved from **** bodies to numbers. It’s not hard or what, see more, It is numb, how to control the casualties to a certain extent, so that it will not be reduced morale is his consideration.

"Is there such a stone field?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to ask Wang Xin, who was standing beside him. Wang Xin selected several projects from the tablet on hand and opened all the information of the Northern Detachment.

"The northern military regions are progressing smoothly. Their target distance is three times that of the southern line detachment. The banks of the Yellow River are all planting areas. The population is relatively dense. The chief of staff of the stone division divides the troops into two, and simultaneously enters the Qing dynasty along the banks of the Yellow River. Zombies, so far, 22 villages and towns have been cleared, and will be merged from Qikou County on both sides of the Yellow River..."

Hearing here, Zhang Xiaoqiang secretly nodded, the Yellow River is their future lifeline. Once the ship is built, the water transport will occupy most of the transportation power, and it will be the life and death line of the Baotou battle in the future. Therefore, the Yellow River must be cleaned up along the line.

"Before the Northern Line detachment, the Second Regiment has been roughly investigated. There will be no deviations outside the plan. Only when the zombies are annihilated, the Northern Line detachment has found a lot of scattered survivors. They have brought us new information. It is about the power intelligence around Bayannao, below the mouth of Sakaguchi..."

With the second-hand intelligence reported by Wang Xin, Zhang Xiaoqiang learned that the bustling area around Bayannaoer, which was previously regarded as a forbidden place by the Wolf Flag Army, was not a restricted area for human beings. The survivors built a large underground city. The Great Wall connects to the underground waterway in Bayannao, and through the sewers, they search for supplies and survivors inside the city.

Before the third heavy rain, there were nearly 70,000 survivors in the underground Great Wall. The size of the underground Great Wall reached more than 30 square kilometers. It was a miracle created by the survivors after the end of the world.

Before the end of the world, the surrounding area of ​​Bayannaoer City has been well-developed and has the reputation of being stuffed with granaries. Therefore, food is not tense. In the first year of the last year, that is, in 2013, survivors passed experienced miners survivors. Leading, emptying all the granaries in the surrounding area, storing them in the ground, using coal as fuel for cooking, and using a perfect exhaust hole to build a huge underground city.

In the underground, people don't have to be afraid of zombies, and they don't have to be afraid of being starved to death. From time to time, they can also pick up some preliminary variants of fish and shrimp from the underground river as a meat supplement. At the peak, even underground farms were opened.

All of these were spontaneously organized by survivors. There was no government to organize and there was no military figure. Only the survivors were conscious. They regrouped according to their respective towns and towns, and selected the most capable people to represent them and fight for their own. The interests of the people, even according to the number of their respective townships, organized an army of tens of thousands of people.

The survivors are in the torment for 2 years in the last days, and the humans who can no longer stay in the ground expect to return to the ground again~www.readwn.com~ In the intense planning stage, the heavy rain ruined everything, underground water, dry There are fewer and fewer places, more and more tunnels are flooded, and hundreds of survivors are being overwhelmed.

After the heavy rain, they suddenly discovered that the army of tens of thousands of people had vanished, 70,000 survivors lost 20,000, and all kinds of materials such as grain lost 90%. The days were hard, the heavy rain stopped, and the underground city was counted. Hundreds of millions of tons of blisters, all the objections that have returned to the ground disappeared, and the survivors had to go up to the ground and struggle with the zombies.

In this case, Zhong Zhicheng Chen became a joke. The more people gather, the more food and materials are needed. The differences are inevitable. Survivors are struggling and disappear into the brutal competition of the last days.

Those killed by the same kind, eaten by zombies, or unable to resist suicide, all the survivors are working hard for survival and fighting for survival.

Compared to the chaos that has been going on for two years, the chaos in Bayannao City has just begun, the loss is not serious, and because after the third rain, large areas of fertile land can always grow some wild crops, so The shortage of food is not too serious. The only thing missing is a safe shelter and all kinds of living materials.

Some people don't want to suffer in this environment of fighting with people and zombies, leaving far away, becoming the lucky ones found by the Northern Line detachment, and some people who have not left the courage to be under the pressure of the same kind. Under the threat of zombies, living like a dog.

The survivor's intelligence is good news for Zhang Xiaoqiang. He is not bad at materials and food. He is worse than the population. The more the city recovers, the thinner the population is. Therefore, Zhang Xiaoqiang has given up a city... ....

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