Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 359: Hope?

Zhang Xiaoqiang took the aluminum alloy suitcase and walked to the officer. The officer saluted him. He did not return the gift. He placed the huge box on the ground and opened it. The door jumped and the rows of glass needles were placed in the middle of the box because the number was enough. Many, the needle tube does not use any expensive metal shell, the old-fashioned needle tube used directly, under the light, the transparent medicine in the needle tube glitters.

"Everyone has one. After the injection is completed, tie them up and tell them that this is their only chance to let them go. Once they have passed, they are the soldiers of the **** battle group..."


The officer’s rifle can’t hold it anymore, let the gun fall to the ground and stare at the injection on the ground. He understands what this means. Once Zhang Xiaoqiang says it’s true, it means that everyone has Opportunity becomes an evolutionary.

Zhang Xiaoqiang swept his eyes to the officer's expression and slowly got up and said to him:

"The probability of 10% must be infected with the zombie virus. Otherwise, it will have no effect. It will not be lost forever. Waiting first, maybe there will be better in the future."

Zhang Xiaoqiang drew a big cake for the officer, so that the officer’s heart was shocked and he focused on Zhang Xiaoqiang. At the same time, his heart was full of hope. In his heart, Zhang Xiaoqiang was omnipotent. Since Zhang Xiaoqiang said to him, he proved It is sure.

Then thirty-nine injections were injected into the wounded soldiers. Each wounded soldier had a special caregiver and took notes on their condition as a first-hand experimental data.

At this time, the soldiers had long been stunned by the brain burned by alcohol. They couldn’t remember the explanations of others. They either talk nonsense, or they yell at the scorpion, and others are rolling on it, or crying and crying. Wife or something.

The front line is still fighting, the two groups in the rear formally enter the position, but the group and the blood wolf are not willing to withdraw, even Zhang Xiaoqiang does not use the orders of the two groups, many soldiers cry Have to stay in the position to avenge their comrades.

More than 300 corpses are neatly placed together and ready to be sent to the rear. Many of them are temporarily patched together. It is difficult to have a whole body in the hands of D2. Many soldiers use self-destruction to counter the zombies. In this case, everyone I don't know these corpses, and which one is pieced together is not someone else's body.

The huge casualties made the soldiers red-eyed. At this moment, they didn't want anything, just wanted to vent, vent their depression, and see them kill all the zombies.

Zhang Xiaoqiang has no way to do this. He can only stay in the position by the soldiers. At the same time, he will let Lakshin see the stitches and insert the two groups of 1,500 people into the front. The position here can only accommodate two groups. This has replaced three regiments, crowded like canned sardines, plus all kinds of heavy firepower that came with support, and the ammunition control order was abolished, which really made the frontline a barrage, and the zombies could not get close to five. Within ten meters.

At the same time when everyone was busy coordinating their positions, thirty-nine soldiers had changed at the same time. Everyone had their eyes straight and trembling, but before the JS matrix was injected, the people who drank the wine did not have straight eyes. It is to make people around them difficult to judge, is it because of the JS matrix?

Then someone screamed loudly, there was a population of vomiting epilepsy, convulsions, and some people spit black plasma in the mouth, more people have no breath, quietly fell to the ground not moving.

The movements of the wounded soldiers made the people around them feel a little horrified. Zhang Xiaoqiang took out the JS matrix and had a 10% chance, which made them hope in their hearts. I hope that these soldiers can survive, at least they can survive a part, but there is no I don’t think there is any sign that someone is getting better?


A wounded soldier vomited plasma, and then a severe cough made him spit out a dark thing. He fell to the ground and was illuminated by white light. It was a liver.

Then the soldier's eyes narrowed down and disappeared into a bloodshot eye in the shortest time. In the open mouth, the teeth were also squeezed sharply forward.


The soldier's head was out of the air with a gunshot, and then the soldier fell to the ground with powerlessness. The black bloodshot was left from the forehead, followed by the sound of the pistol's launching sound, and a personal body was by his side.

Ten sounds..., twelve sounds, thirteen sounds... Every shot will have a zombie soldier falling on the ground. Every shot will make the surrounding officers and soldiers twitch, and every soldier will let the ground fall. In the distance, the **** three warriors’ nails got more into the palm of their hands.

The fifteenth shot was still ringing. The fifteenth soldier fell. Zhang Xiaoqiang unloaded the clip with one hand and replaced the clip with a shorter time than blinking. He was already prepared in his mind. In terms of the probability of fifteen, the number of soldiers who can survive is six, so he will kill thirty-three people, and now less than half.

The feeling of killing oneself is really uncomfortable. This is also the first time Zhang Xiaoqiang executed his own person. If there is no JS matrix, the officers and soldiers have already got used to it. Once there is hope, no one will have the heart to start, I hope the comrades can Come over, even if it became a zombie, it still did not give up. To this end, Zhang Xiaoqiang decided to start.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who changed the clip, slightly deflected his wrist and aimed at a soldier with a tight neck and a neck. He watched his violent convulsions and knew that his time was up.

Zhang Xiaoqiang calmed down and waited for the moment when the soldiers' eyes were smashed. The pupils of the soldiers were getting smaller and smaller until they were much bigger than the needle tip. In the eyes of ordinary people, the soldiers had no pupils at all, and only Zhang Xiaoqiang could see the little black. The finger hits the trigger and Zhang Xiaoqiang pulls the trigger....

The bullet rubbed the soldier's cheek and tore off his half ear. Zhang Xiaoqiang shifted at the moment of pulling the trigger. The root of the ear that was torn by the bullet blew the bright red blood. The pupil in the soldier's eyes was like regaining the lost black hole. Slowly expel the white eyes...

The people around him wanted to cheer and did not dare to vent their anger. They were afraid that the soldiers would fail to recover because of their noise. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s muzzle was removed from the soldiers and transferred to other soldiers. One soldier turned and Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly closed the insurance. Remove the magazine and turn to the officer.

"From now on, you will leave the main line and set up the JS matrix use section. Immediately return to the virus laboratory to report the use of JS matrix to Li Haiyun. At the same time, tell all the symptoms of the soldiers before and after, tell Li Haiyun that our JS matrix is ​​not 100%. Fifteen to eighteen, but sixty percent..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s words were smashed, and the officers saluted him, indicating that the soldiers at the moment of resolute completion~www.readwn.com~ all cheered, more than 60%, meaning that after they were injured with the zombies, at least half of the chances were alive. Down, although not 100%, it is many times more than mortal.

The soldiers only know that this thing can be immune to viruses. I don't know the ability to promote evolution. Zhang Xiaoqiang and the officers did not dare to tell them. Once the soldiers know the truth, they will definitely be crazy. No one can deliberately hurt. At that time, the entire army will be Back to chaos, not only 40% of failures but also the grassland legion can afford, which means that only 6,000 people in 10,000 can survive.

At the same time, the JS matrix is ​​not infinite. One hundred JS substrates are all spares for the Eastern Lines. The South and North Lines are not guaranteed. After all, Li Haiyun is not very concerned about the 10%.

"Hey, you don't need to send these soldiers to the virus research institute, so you can get first-hand information, and you can keep secrets below, so that non-combat infections can be eliminated, leaving an excuse for future blood group expansion, at least They all stayed at the Virus Experiment Center..."

The officer is a smart person. Zhang Xiaoqiang appointed him as the chief of the investigation department of JS. He knows what he is doing, that is, supervising the use, maintenance, and supervision of the JS matrix. At least, each one flows to him. Be mindful.

The officer’s words reminded Zhang Xiaoqiang that he carefully looked at the young lieutenant officer and nodded his approval:

"You are very good. From now on, you will be promoted to the captain, and all the needles and utensils used today will be recycled. Even those who drink clean jugs will be recycled. They will be sent to the virus research institute as evidence for investigation. In addition, let the Northern Line detachment Don't kill anymore. Once the sinful guys are caught, they are all sent to the Virus Research Institute to use them to verify the success rate of JS."

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