Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 670: Disarmament 3/3

"Do you know why I didn't move the army?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhang Huai'an and Huang Quan are left in the conference room. As the high-level base, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not move the position of Huang Quan and Zhang Huai'an. It is not that he absolutely believes these two people, but now he has regained recognition from all, no need If you cut off some people who might hinder him, Huang Quan and Zhang Huai'an are not ambitious people, so they will not do something that Zhang Xiaoqiang does not want to see. Now Zhang Xiaoqiang leaves them, is the moment to prepare for the development model of Hubei. .

When I heard Zhang Xiaoqiang’s inquiry, Huang Quan’s heart flashed a slap in the face. Before Zhang Xiaoqiang’s main focus was on the internal affairs, he was greatly criticized by some people. There were more than one hundred and sixty people present, and the number of people on both sides of the military and political affairs was half. Zhang Xiaoqiang directly dismissed it. More than 30 people have been dismissed from the internal affairs of more than one-third of the people, which makes the military's people in the hearts and minds, do not know Zhang Xiaoqiang clean up the government, then how to clean up the military?

However, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not take the military affairs out of the matter. After the announcement of the meeting, Huang Quan thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang was satisfied with the performance of the army. He knew that suddenly he had come up with such a sentence and he began to entangle.

"Don't think that the military is really no problem. I don't think the military has less problems than government affairs."

"Hey, I know that you are giving us a face. Even though you said, whoever withdraws, I have absolutely no words. The army will always only loyal to your brother. Any decision of your army will be accepted by the army."

Huang Quan’s words made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel satisfied. In the last days, he was king by force. The importance of the army is far more than that of government affairs. It can be said that in the last days, government affairs only serve military affairs, and only with the military can it be safe. Only in a safe environment can it be Development, no one can deny this.

Huang Quan’s sincere confession made Zhang Xiaoqiang feel relieved. In fact, he himself knew that the development of the Hubei base was actually good. It was far from being as bad as he thought. The reason why he found so many problems was that he used the Hubei base and the new era. It was not enough, and Yang Ke was seriously injured. The news from Wuhan told him that even if Yang Ke was injured, he could not stand up, which made him unacceptable.

Although Zhang Xiaoqiang has many women around him, there are many subordinates and populations, but the most important person in his heart is Yang Keer. Yang Keer is the first person he met, the first one to call his husband. The first person who cares most about him.

In this regard, Zhang Xiaoqiang swears in his heart that he will not end with the new era, only for Yang Keer, not for others. Of course, Erlang God also occupies a large part. Erlang God died to save Yuan Yi. Yang Keer is only in his heart. Relatives, there is only family relationship between him and Yang Keer, but Yuan Yi is different. Yuan Yicai is the real wife in his heart. In his heart, he can be called a wife, and Yuan Yi is alone.

He has a lot of women, but the words of his wife are not something that he can achieve in his heart. Yuan Yi is gentle and considerate. He is only willing to pay for him. At the beginning, he was seriously injured. Shangguan Qiaoyun still hesitated, only Yuan. I don’t want to give up on him, even if he may always be a waste person, it is this that makes Zhang Xiaoqiang recognize Yuan Yi and regard her as his wife.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaoqiang is very embarrassed about Erlang God, and very embarrassed about Zhuangzhuang. He is even more hated for the new era of this tragedy, but his foundation is too thin compared with the new era, even if they annihilated the mourner helicopter brigade, they eliminated the first What about the Nine Legion? Without the mourners, people can come up with frigates, without the Ninth Legion, but there are millions of people, and by then they can form more legions.

What's more, the new era he was enemies with is just the Asian military region in the five continents of the New Era. It is not the military region most valued by others. If it is fully enemies, he will certainly die hard to see. This is unquestionable.

"Now the Hubei Military Region has a combat force of nearly 20,000 people. It is quite good compared to the surrounding provinces, but... Can the two thousand troops defeat 10,000 people in the new era?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang's comparison makes Huang Quan dumbless, not to mention 10,000 people, 5,000 people are not necessarily able to win big, the elite troops of the new era let them remember, when they go through the hot spring base, hundreds of people will approach two Thousands of people are pressing on the wall. When attacking the base, people can easily occupy the first wall that is strictly guarded. If the missile base is not self-destructive, will God know if their casualties will triple?

"I have read several campaign briefings and post-war summaries. I found that you are blindly pursuing the number of soldiers, but neglecting the quality. In the zombie sea blocking campaign, the performance of each unit is not good. The only thing that is good is Only Zhao Deyi’s Sanshan Guards, these 3,000-person troops have also been hardened and hardened. What do you think of this?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang introduced Zhao Deyi, let Huang Quan slightly cheer up, Zhao Deyi is the deputy division commander, and Zhao Deyi’s troops are also his troops. After being rescued by the third Marine Corps of Ai Qingshan, this unit was very eye-catching. After the escape, people were sleepy. To the extreme, even so, they also smothered nearly 300,000 zombies, played the most beautiful counterattack, and then made great contributions to the recovery of the wall.

"This unit is now our sharp knife unit. It is mainly responsible for cleaning up the zombies in the cities around Wuhan. So far, this unit has the lowest loss and the highest record. I was prepared to set up a teaching in this unit. The regiment took turns to let the non-commissioned officers of other units go to the unit to learn to go back to the furnace..."

Huang Quan’s thoughts were on the army, and Zhang Xiaoqiang’s question was also his long-term thinking, so Zhang mouth came and Zhang Xiaoqiang said with satisfaction:

"The idea of ​​the teaching group is good. The strong ones are strong and strong. Other troops are training in elite troops. They can always learn something. But this is not enough."

Huang Quan immediately began to listen and listened. He was eager to turn all the troops into elite troops. The 3,000 troops were honed in extreme circumstances. This environment cannot be copied. After all, not everyone can be at the extreme. In the most demanding environment, stick to such a long time.

"I have rebelled against the two legions of the New Era in Sichuan. Those elites have deeply touched me. Each of these people can reach the combat level of Zhao Deyi. Although the equipment is part of it, their training is also very important. The regular army is elite. Before taking part in the battle, I will train for four months and destroy three thousand bullets..."

When Zhang Xiaoqiang said it, Huang Quan’s face suddenly fell down. Three thousand bullets were used to fire a soldier. One thousand soldiers were three million bullets. The accuracy of the three thousand bullets was really horrible. However, this must also be Looking at the object, the new era is rich and rich, don't care, but Huang Quan cares.

Even if the three thousand bullets can be reassembled, they can't afford to be so consumed. Their reserves have never been rich. Even if Wang Le is squeezed out, they can't find enough raw materials. Moreover, there are so many zombies waiting for them in Hubei. To eliminate, there is no more bullets.

Seeing the expression of Huang Quan, Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that Huang Quan wants to smash. The success of the new era can't be copied. If you want to copy it, you can't copy it. You have to find a way in yourself, and you don't want to have an elite. The new era is in Australia has a population of one million, but the elite number of each legion is less than a thousand ~ www.readwn.com ~ at most 2,500, showing that the new era is also unable to train too much elite.

"Now there are three divisions in Hubei. More than 20,000 soldiers say that there are not many, saying that there are not many, but in addition to the troops of Zhao Deyi, it is really not a good thing to get a countertop. I think it is better to concentrate the resources by letting the recruits go into battle. quality improvement……."

This is the purpose of Zhang Xiaoqiang leaving Huang Quan and Zhang Huai'an. The number of troops in the Hubei base of more than 100,000 people has reached 20,000. It is almost a ratio of six to one. This is extremely abnormal. The soldiers themselves have no output. They only Will consume, once the war, even the ammunition is not complete, and their equipment, although the guns are sufficient, but the caliber and style are different, Huang Quan's battle failure is the supply of dragging the hind legs, the supply is not timely, except the manager is absent-minded In addition, too many calibers are also a problem, especially the kind of miscellaneous army formed later, the types of ammunition are even more strange, even the shotgun bullets are in the supply of ammunition.

Under Zhang Xiaoqiang's commentary, Huang Quan and Zhang Huai'an moved together. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not move the military before. He did not want to move small. He only wanted to move. The elite plan was the next step for Zhang Xiaoqiang to give the army. The army of 20,000 people for the Hubei base. In fact, Zhang Xiaoqiang is ready to cut half, leaving only 10,000 people. Others have entered factories and become workers, so that they can use more materials to elite troops while expanding productivity. Body.

Once again, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s proposal was unconditionally satisfied by Huang Quan. The result of the halving of the army was not even borne by Huang Quan, who was the highest military chief. However, once Zhang Xiaoqiang decided, there would be no problem, and Zhang Huai’an would also The arrangement of the retired soldiers is almost the same. Nowadays, the construction of Hubei is getting bigger and bigger, and there is a lack of manpower everywhere. Tens of thousands of strong labor force will definitely make the factories break their heads.

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