Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 673: Want to live? 3/3

The military vehicle rushed to Hudson's side, jumping three people from above, and the tight-fitting black armor uniforms. The style of the combat uniforms is different from that of the regular army uniforms. The material of their uniforms is closer to the leather, and there is no decoration on it. Very simple.

Two men, one woman and three people stood next to Hudson, one holding a 12.7 mm G82 big cockroach, one holding a large half-person high, a squat arm up to two meters in length, and the other holding a style of iP phone in one hand The electronic terminal is taking pictures of Hudson.

All three are foreigners, one is burly, almost two meters tall, standing in the middle of the three with a strong oppressive, that is, he is holding a G82 sniper rifle, standing next to him petite silver girl The girl is actually not short. The one-meter-eight-head is quite impressive in China. The girl holds the intricate pulleys in her hands. The all-metal pulleys are shining with silver and white, which looks light, at least one or two hundred kilograms. Look like that.

There was also a man blond, looking very young, with a hint of beard-like fluff in his mouth. He compared Hudson's photo with the archived photo of the electronic terminal and then nodded to the other two.

The pilot standing on the side of the plane was holding his hands and motionless. He watched as the three men picked up the collar on the ground and put it on Hudson’s neck. Then he covered Hudson with heavy ankles and took him. Like a dead pig, the military vehicle will go on.

When Hudson opened his eyes, he found himself in a small space of darkness and silence. There was an unpleasant stench here. The bottom of the body was cold and damp, and the chilly chill gradually came from under him. Invading the bone marrow, the system of his evolutionary can not resist.

The stench in the air, he knows what it is, and even the environment in which he lives is guessed. Here is the confinement room for the New Era Legion to punish the soldiers. According to the strict military regulations of the new era, the soldiers will always have only one punishment after the mistake is made. The length of time determines the life and death of the soldiers. Generally speaking, as long as it is more than three days, the body is carried out. The new era will not control you to die. Even if you die, time is not up, you still have to be inside. Many times, The dead body rots inside, and when the time is up, the odor is retained in this closed, narrow space.

Hudson suddenly stunned the cold sweat and quickly groped his neck. In the handcuffs, the cold collar on the neck was firmly fixed in his throat, feeling the cold steel in the throat, his heart. Suddenly sinking, sinking into the abyss, once it is put on this thing, even if it is drawn by the **** of death, just wait for the soul to be harvested, think of the future destiny, the cold in the heart exceeds the cold of the body, let him tremble all over, The clang of the ankle echoed in this small space and slammed up. He found himself naked, the apostles' robes, boots, the kits on his body, and some of his hidden gadgets and valuables. Everything is gone.

Hudson huddled, his arms clasped his head and whispered, and the desperate environment killed all his shells and resentment. At this time, his only concern was his own life. This time it was a mistake. Losing the brother, losing the trust of the Presbyterian Church, and losing his fourth apostle’s identity, everything that happened is so unreal, like a nightmare, and he is struggling to wake up in a nightmare, but maybe He never had a chance to wake up.

"Dangdang..., jingle..."

An unusual sound was heard on the top of his head, and then the iron plate was opened, and fresh air poured in, letting him indulge in greed. The light on the top of his head seemed to be the morning glow of the heavens, so that he could not be seen by his eyes. Hedgehog, a figure immediately blocked the bright and dazzling light, and then he saw that it was a man who could not see the face. The man slowly crouched down and looked down on Hudson. The stench in the air made the man smashed his hands. The nose and mouth, but a pair of eyes are always staring at Hudson, who is huddled with tears on his face.

"The veteran will need a scapegoat. This time, the matter has grown. The resources lost cannot be borne by the big speaker. The military and the ruling ministries are all accountable to the elders. As the supervisor sent by the elders, you will It is the bearer of all responsibilities, Hudson, you are dead this time..."

The man speaks plainly and naturally, and always speaks these words in a quirky and gentle tone, so that Hudson thinks that the man’s way of speaking is closer to the kind of synthesizing sound like a stagnant water. The man said these words, he guessed it before. It’s just that there’s no such thing as a man’s commentary. Obviously, he’s completely finished this time. The new era’s development of supernovas and frigates is costly and unreasonable. It’s impossible to confess, and he’s the only living person. All responsibility.

"who are you……."

Hudson tried to raise his head and stared at the man, as if he wanted to maintain his last dignity, but the arrogance he showed as a light pig was very ridiculous, and the man’s eyes were slightly bent. He carefully read Hard. Sen saw the foot from the beginning, and Hudson suddenly burst into a horror. Is this man's taste different from that of the average person, wanting to tarnish him before he dies?

"I am not here to intimidate you. Everything I said before is just a fact. You have no hope now. If it is convenient, can you tell me that you are in your heart before being sent to the headquarters for trial? What do you want? Say, I am willing to listen, as a clergyman to listen to your final confession."

After that, the man took the cross and crossed it. When he saw the cross, Hudson’s mouth flashed a satire. He decided that the man was just bored and admired the most ugly of his fourth apostle before his death. On the one hand, whether it is pleading, pity, or crying, it will become a topic that this man will show off later. He witnessed the general feeling of the fourth apostle’s last clown, and found something from his body that could support him. He is the most resentful person, because he is also such a person, he knows what this person is thinking.

"Hey! I don't have any tragic topic that can make you happy. I just regret that I can't destroy the new era by myself. I can't kill the old metamorphosis. It's all old hybrids, and the pants are sent out by Marlena. Everything is It was because of her, I lost my brother, lost my name, lost everything, but my soul will be turned into a evil spirit, always beside the old hybrid, let him spend all the time in the horror..."

Hudson spoke this in a cursed tone. The resentment in the words made the man above feel the deep resentment. The mantle under Hudson raised a chilly atmosphere at this moment, letting the man endure. Can not help but fight a cold war, then seriously look at Hudson's eyes, seems to recognize the authenticity of Hudson's words, Hudson looked at him without fear, and finally the man put away the scorn of his mouth , shaking his head and saying:

"You don't have to try to control me anymore. Your ability is not effective for me. Even if it works, you can't escape. Whether it's locking the collar or the alloy lock on your body, I can't open it, even if you control me to get it. After a distance of 50 meters, I will be awake..."

The man’s words made Hudson sneer, and then he buried his head in the arms and ignored the man. After a while, a huge bang, the iron plate was re-covered, and Hudson’s brain was blank, waiting With his unknown destiny, he knows that the iron plate on his head is once again pulled away, and the man is smiling on him, shaking a big key ring in his hand:

"Want to continue to live?"

Hudson opened the handcuffs with his key and went down the wooden ladder. When he stood on the ground, his hands were still on his knees, and Hudson was holding his clothes. Seeing the man's touch, this man is a black man, short hair, thick lips, white teeth, and his two gentlemen, the man smiled at Hudson and introduced himself:

"I am Quintaco, you can call me Quinta, wear clothes, we can't stay here for too long."

Touching the collar on the neck, Hudson looked puzzled at the low-lying people who had been in his eyes, and then put on his oil-covered one-piece overalls, and then put on the engineering cap that Quinta threw. I covered my cheeks with oil, and with my head down and Quinta walked out of the low door. Just went out, he saw the two rows of guards at the door were stagnant, and no one reacted to them, as if Not twenty living people, but twenty fully armed wax figures.

"Go here... and in five minutes they will be back to normal..."

Quinta whispered to Hudson, then grabbed his engineering cap forward and rushed to the white soldier who was coming over. Hudson quickly followed Queena and lowered his head to look at the soldiers. Looking forward, everything is so strange, a strange black man actually saved him this pure Aryan, the blacks are very careful, in this white street is white, he seems to change As a rat crossing the street, careful not to let others step on him, then Hudson was awake from the sluggishness after the escape, and suddenly found that they are in a huge city, everywhere in the city It is a construction site. A crane lifts a large steel beam on the floor surrounding the protective net. A mixer truck rotates an oval mixing box and drives in from the outside road. It is more dressed like him. The construction workers pushed the dump truck to transport the building materials into the construction site. Further away, a huge wall shrouded the clouds and looked around. It was almost as high as thirty or fifty meters, making people's necks look sour.

After hurrying up the front two steps behind Quinta, Hudson trembled and asked:

“I am in Australia?”

The black blame looked at him and saw that there were no eye-catching characters on the streets where people came and went. He whispered:

"You will be shipped to the European headquarters tomorrow. This is the last chance ~www.readwn.com~ Keep up with me..."

Now Hudson is equivalent to the all-nighter of the new era. Hudson did not dare to delay, and quickly followed the sounds. Suddenly, an air raid alarm came from behind them. The city’s military camp near the wall bursts with countless soldiers. Rushing to the place where the alarm sounded, a military vehicle, an armored vehicle were all started, and all the towers in the city were hung with bullet chains, pulling the bolts and pointing the muzzle of the heavy machine guns at the intersection of the intersections. At the same time, a refusal horse was lifted up and placed on the street. When the street was blocked, some construction workers shouted and rushed through the gap between the horses. The soldiers took the rifle and drove them with their butts. These workers did not deliberately stop them from passing, but shouted at the same time, knocking on these unfair guys.

Hudson and Quinta looked at each other, and both of them had a horror in their eyes. The alarm came from behind them. It was obvious that Hudson fled and was discovered. It was only ten meters in front of them. This street has been martial law. There are towering machine gun towers on both sides. Even further, you can see that one of the silver robes wearing silver military uniforms is on the high-rise building. Even if Hudson can't escape, he must know that he has no The ability to control more than two evolutions at a time, although they are about to approach the street, but still a step later, the refusal horses embedded in the sharp hooks have closed the street, behind them, the pedestrians on the street were driven to the roadside Carefully identified.

"Follow me……."

Hudson suddenly stunned the slugged Hudson and rushed forward. He saw two of them in the middle of the refusal. They did not bite each other, revealing a gap of fifty centimeters wide, although they were full of soldiers, but they were enough. As soon as they rushed over, it means that they don’t have to accept other people’s identification. At least these soldiers are just ordinary garrisons. They don’t know what they are martial....

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