Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 684: Disarmament 2/3

"What does it mean?"

Honest people never have their own ideas. Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't listen to Zhang Huai'an. Zhang Xiaoqiang listens to Zhang Xiaoqiang. He just has to complete the task honestly, go home and enjoy life with his wife and children quietly, so Zhang Xiaoqiang After speaking the idea, he habitually asked about his new task.

Zhang Xiaoqiang patted Zhang Huai'an's shoulder and said:

"In fact, what you think is right, everything is safe first, but we can't limit ourselves to safety. Why did I have to bring 50 people to gather in the first place? It is not to expand the future development path, or to gather in Wuhan. The population of the land, we can not build a base, and it is even less likely to have enough preparations to recover Wuhan, so it is adventurous when taking risks..."

After comforting Zhang Huai'an, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned to the honest man:

"Now the New Era has no energy to notice us, there is no large-scale corpse around, you can build a house storage warehouse first. Others will say that your engineering team is too many, you can cut one-third to one-half as appropriate. The staff, everyone else sent to Wuhan, as much as possible to sort out various resources and machinery ...."

Zhang Huai'an heard that Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to reduce the number of engineering teams. He also thought about the big disarmament proposed yesterday. Some people are not clear about Zhang Xiaoqiang's intentions. Are these cut-off personnel ready to be sent to Wuhan? Is this necessary? Zhang Xiaoqiang’s instructions to him did not dare to ask. I was afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang doubted that he had questioned Zhang Xiaoqiang’s decision. He was very anxious. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw Zhang Huai’an’s uneasiness, and he understood it, but did not explain much. He turned and walked down the mountain...

There may be at least 500,000 survivors in Hubei as a whole, and the population is only a written number. The actual population controlled by Zhang Xiaoqiang is only about 120,000. Compared with the grassland regiment, Hubei’s manpower is still less than One tenth of the people, but compared to Sichuan, their manpower is almost six times that. Although the staff at the Hubei base is nervous, Zhang Xiaoqiang decided to send at least 10,000 people to Sichuan for development. Only he has enough there. The population has enough voice. Sichuan is the depth of Hubei. Zhang Xiaoqiang does not want Sichuan to leave itself for too long.

However, to transfer the tens of thousands of people, Zhang Xiaoqiang must first open the waterway in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. This is a very difficult problem for the ships that have almost disappeared from the Yangtze River waterline. Today, the two dam ship locks have different degrees. Damage, downstream vessels can not go, there are no equipment and materials for the new ship, for now, it will not be solved for a while.

From the honest man, Zhang Xiaoqiang went to Huangquan without a break and participated in the mobilization meeting of disarmament. This disarmament is mainly for the second division. The second division was expanded by the armed police force. The former stationed as a base force, the previous new era raid. And the corpse sea blocking performance is not very good, this time Huang Quan is ready to move a knife on them, the second division and Lei Zecheng and Liu Feng as the representative, yesterday has received the gossip, after a night, the whole division One hundred and twenty-three of the more than a few officers appeared in the conference room.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang appeared, the silent conference room stood up at the same time and greeted Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not have any sense of restraint. He nodded to Baidu’s eyes and walked to his seat to sit down. This time he did not Ready to speak, to see how Huang Quan completed his account, Huang Quan let the officers sit down, open the documents in their hands, look through the lines of ten lines, not long, he closed the document staring at the two positive and negative sitting in the front row Teacher:

"Leze Cheng, the teacher, you got the news last night, what do you think, any questions can be raised, I will give you one by one answer."

Like the lost soul, Lei Zecheng suddenly woke up, and looked at Huang Quan with no eyes. He turned his head and looked at the officers behind him. The officers were silent and seemed to be waiting for the news of the withdrawal. The last night of the trouble was already over. The second division is really underperforming. The population of the base is also unable to support so many troops. This is true. Even if the newly established third division performs better than them, let’s say that Ye Gucheng inherits the airborne army. The army once pushed Li Zhi’s team to a desperate situation. Only when they were in a critical situation, they could voluntarily carry equipment into the base defense. Moreover, the people also helped the base to obtain the equipment and materials of the airborne army and the air force division, just to appease them. They could not move the third division, so they became the only victims.

"I know that the second division is not performing well. I also know that the base is powerless to the supply of the army. Is it a bit sloppy to completely withdraw the second division? Even if a group is left, the backbone of the second division is gathered. If they are killed, they may not be much worse than the elite of the first division. What's more, we are all soldiers, we don't fight, what else can we do?"

The pleading of Lei Zecheng made Huang Quan's face suddenly dark. He had already found Lei Zecheng last night and said clearly. The second division was dismantled. Lei Zecheng and some military officers transferred to the equipment department and military school. The non-commissioned officers and junior officers dispersed to the first. The division and the third division, all the ordinary soldiers have all changed jobs. He has a hard time telling the truth that he does not want to lose face in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang. I did not expect that Lei Zecheng came to this place. Is this not to let him not come to Taiwan?

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the pleading of Lei Zecheng and his subordinates, and also saw Huang Quan’s unhappiness. He sighed in his heart, still did not say anything. Obviously, Huang Quan did not do it. At least he did not let Lei Zecheng feel convinced and did not let the first Most of the officers of the Second Division accepted the new arrangement. Today's dismantling is probably still full of twists and turns. Just thinking so, two people came in outside.

One is a tall and handsome Wang Bing, Wang Bing wearing Wang Le to give him a tailor-made leather armor, quietly walked in, gazing at Zhang Xiaoqiang, seems to be begging for something, Wang Bing is Feng Kun, Feng Kun is The battalion commander of the guard camp ~www.readwn.com~ is the commander of the Guards, but this time, like Wang Bing, he wants to plead for the second division.

"Whoever let the two of you come in? Want to marry me..."

Huang saw two people, and his heart was filled with anger. Zhang Xiaoqiang was sitting on the side. They did pressure on themselves. He also understood that although the two were separated from the armed police, they still read the old feelings. The last blood of the armed police is gone, but they should not choose to appear at this time. The second division is just a name. Even if they are merged into the first division and the third division, they are still armed police. Why do you want to understand? ?

"We only want to give a chance to my brother. The second division has no hard work and hard work. Everyone is an old brother who has been killed from the blood of the corpse. It is a pity that it is so disappointing. Otherwise, the guard camp will be established. The second battalion, the selection of the best soldiers and officers, I promise, will definitely not be worse than the first battalion..."

Feng Kun and Zhang Xiaoqiang were familiar with each other and put forward his request to ask Zhang Xiaoqiang to agree. Huang Quan heard the word asking for a glimpse. He turned to Zhang Xiaoqiang, but Zhang Xiaoqiang did not look at him. He did not look at the two people in front of him. Thinking about what, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not speak or respond, Huang Quan immediately understood that Zhang Xiaoqiang will not speak today, today's meeting is his meeting of Huang Quan, Zhang Xiaoqiang is giving him a prestige.

"What to do, you don't need to teach me, Wang Bing, you are not a soldier now, just an ordinary administrator of the equipment department. The military affairs have nothing to do with you. Feng Kun, your guard camp performed well against the new era, but It’s just a good thing. Now Zhao Deyi’s troops are in line with your guard camp in all aspects. Now you should worry about letting Zhao Deyi compare. If you can only reach the level of ordinary troops, there is no need for a guard camp. ”

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