Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 688: The secret of the new era 3/3

Originally, I wanted to take a look at Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was changing his mood. In the question of Pei Pei Pei, he talked about Yang Keer again. His mood was not good. He didn’t want his children to feel uncomfortable. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not stop, saying After a moment of gossip, I turned and left. The goal was the interrogation room. He was unhappy. He wanted to find someone to accompany him. He entered the interrogation room and saw Luo Junshan and two You Yinhua who were sitting outside drinking. The three also watched. When I arrived at Zhang Xiaoqiang, I got up and made a welcome gesture on my face, but the gray of the faces of the three of them was even more serious. Two of them were so beautiful that their eyes were unsettled.

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded and walked in front of them. Halfway through, he turned and asked:

"When is your poison going to attack..."

Luo Junshan’s face suddenly pulled down and looked up at the blue sky with reluctance:

\"There are still thirteen days. At that time, please ask my brother to pay for a good coffin. It is best to help us choose a better scenery...."

"No, I got the antidote of the two regiments in Sichuan, and all three of you don't have to die..."

The three people looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang unbelievably. The open mouth couldn't be closed for a long time. Luo Junshan asked with a screaming voice from the eyes of the blind man:


The two Ye Yinhua are happy and worried, and I am deeply afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang is talking about jokes. Zhang Xiaoqiang waved his hand impatiently:

"It's true, I will send it to you later, I hope that there is no shelf life for that thing, or you will not have an antidote until next year..."

No need for Zhang Xiaoqiang to be sent, two Yu Yinhua can't wait to take the initiative to find Huang Quan, Luo Junshan swept away the decadence, excitedly holding his hands and followed Zhang Xiaoqiang into the interrogation room, Marlene was imprisoned in a small In the single cell, there was only one piece and a toilet inside. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the fringe on the iron gate and looked at Marlena, who was sleeping on the bed, and opened the cell. The unlocked figure alerted Marlena. When I got up, I saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, who had a look of iron.

"Hey, my little life is what you gave. We will be yours in the future. As long as you have instructions, we will not quit in the fire of the knife. The new era is against you, and we are enemies with the new era. No matter what you want to do in the future, we don't discount..."

Luo Junshan and two You Yinhua were reborn, and they stood in front of Zhang Xiaoqian and expressed their loyalty. Zhang Xiaoqiang sat on the sofa and nodded to them. He no longer said, looking at the cigarettes caught by his fingers. Digesting the new information of the new era, the two Ye Yinhua did not dare to bother, walked out of the office of the interrogation room, went outside to celebrate their new life, leaving Luo Junshan to accompany.

The fingertips were smoky, and Zhang Xiaoqiang’s mood was ups and downs. Just now he was upset. Marlena wanted to vent his heart. I didn’t expect Marlene to be more afraid than he thought. The woman who was good at seeing the words was the first time. Proactively telling her new information that she recalled yesterday, the information is varied, but the most attractive to Zhang Xiaoqiang is the new era of new technology research centers in Australia. This research center is not affiliated with the Asian region, but is directly under the control of the veteran. Unit, when Marlena accepted the old guy’s raging in the big speaker, she worked as a secretary for a few days and was exposed to some research results of the research center. Several of the research results made her remember deeply, so she stayed in her heart. I got the impression...

“Have you heard of a new technology research center in Australia?”

There are a lot of research results, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is not too valued. The base of the base is too thin. Most of the survivors are ordinary people. To find a few high-tech talents, you have to take chances. In China, the end of the world. The limbs are not diligent, and the survival rate of technical talents who are not divided into grains is far less than that of the simple and well-developed minds. If you are lucky, you can find the talents who can understand those things. There is no complete set of equipment, no assembly line. The manufacturing process, they can not turn it into actual results, but there is one thing that Zhang Xiaoqiang is bound to get, in order to get that thing, he will not hesitate to use all methods.

Luo Junshan did not answer the first time. He carefully recalled the various departments that he had seen in Australia and heard about it. After a long while, he shook his head and said:

"I have never seen it before, and no one has ever said it. The literal meaning should be a heavily guarded place. Perhaps even the New Age’s local army in Australia has not heard of it. It seems that it should be the focus of the new era. Project... but I might know the approximate location of this lab..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked up and stared at Luo Junshan with a sullen look. Waiting for the words behind Luo Junshan, Luo Junshan did not sell the Guanzi, saying in the tone of memories:

“When the legion was newly established, we carried out missions in the coastal cities of Australia. We collected the equipment and instruments of each laboratory and transported them to the new city by helicopter. After being debugged and maintained there, they were transported to the airship and no one knew that it would be shipped. Where, there are smart guys among us who calculate the time after unloading, and after the time of the airship back and forth, become the general place where the airships arrive. If there is no guess, it should be the Northern Territory."

With Luo Junshan's commentary, Zhang Xiaoqiang understands that the Northern Territory should be regarded as the original area. There are not many people and cities. Most of the people living in the last days are indigenous people. The vast area is like an untapped virgin land. There is no large number. The zombies, on the safety, only pay attention to the mutant beast, it is a natural refuge ~www.readwn.com~ The new era will be safe to put the research center there, and it is even more delusional for outsiders to find a research center.

"The size of the northern collar is very large, which is equivalent to a province. It is not easy to find out. The average person does not know..."

Although the general location of the place was analyzed, Luo Junshan did not expect to find out, not to mention whether he could reach Australia. Even if he wanted to find out in the past, it would be difficult to find the sky. Moreover, ordinary people and soldiers did not know that. The place, from the confidential details of the New Era, is a place that is important for the new era and has been precautionary against the emergence of external enemies that threaten Australia.

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not care about the difficulties that Luo Junshan had said. His eyes were a little scattered, and his mind was thinking about another thing. The research on some mutant organisms in the New Era far exceeds his plant research center. One of the research results is His current problem is very helpful. His most worrying thing at the moment is Yang Keer’s injury. This kind of injury is difficult to cure before the end of the world. Not to mention after the end of the world, I thought that Yang Keer’s life would be like this. Suddenly, the information that was spoken from Marlene’s mouth made him hope. With hope, he was willing to let this hope come true.

"The average person doesn't know the place, but the transport unit must know..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang thought of the key points in his heart, and he immediately made up his mind. He must go in Australia. Even if he wants to go to Yang Keer, Luo Junshan can see that Zhang Xiaoqiang is absent-minded, he will stop his mouth and the antidote is already lying on his. In the pocket, I heard that the remaining antidote is enough for him to use for a lifetime. The biggest crisis is no longer there. From now on, he must think about his position in the base of Hubei. He used to be the head of the army and enjoyed the right belt. In the future, he definitely does not want to fall into mediocrity.

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