Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 692: Suspend service 1/4

It’s not someone else who is talking. It’s Zhao Deyi who was rescued by the peak of the Sanshan position. His troops and the Yangtze River Fleet have worked together to understand the achievements of some Yangtze River fleets. The original Yangtze River fleet was directly under the management of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and later was directly managed by Yang Keer, Huang Quan. In order to avoid suspicion and not intervening, the Yangtze River Fleet provided countless supplies to the main base, gathered at least 10,000 survivors, and made significant contributions to the base. The Yangtze River Fleet was particularly outstanding in the absence of much comparison between the Army and the Army. In addition to providing various materials and fuels to the base and some rare mutant species, they also tried to collect arsenals in the cities along the Yangtze River. Under the leadership of local survivors, they found a lot of firearms and ammunition, and some Machinery factories can be transformed into military equipment.

In this way, while supplying blood to the main base, the Yangtze River base began to expand itself. From the initial 700 people, it expanded into a large army of 5,000 people. There are hundreds of ships, three thousand Marines, and many The logistics personnel who are counted in the compilation, Huang Quan can't get rid of it. Yang Keer can't think of the Yangtze River Fleet at all times. One to two, the development of the Yangtze River Fleet is allowed to be planned by the peak. In the end, there is enough power to rescue the zombies. Zhao Deyi’s troops, Zhao Deyi said that the above words are not embarrassing, but on the matter. In his view, the development of the Yangtze River Fleet is very dangerous. It is only a line away from self-reliance, although the peak believes that there are many base intelligence personnel around. Surveillance of him, but did not know, his expansion of the troops actually only listen to him, not the base and Yang Keer, even if he has more intelligence personnel and the base of the hardcore, there are no more supporters.

Now that Zhao Deyi stood up and spoke, it is not intended to pull the peak back to the track, lest he slip more and more far away. Zhao Deyi’s words also let the surrounding officers discuss it. To be honest, they are embarrassed. Usually they are all killed by Huang Quanguan. The war supplies and the supply of life are all given by the throat. Usually, an officer is promoted. The background, qualifications, military strength, and soldier evaluation form of the person must be combined and sent to the military department for review. Ascension, self-recruitment of troops, and the provision of weapons, do not want to think about it, unless you want to sit on the bottom, but compared with the Yangtze River fleet, they can only use the sour psychology to scream: "Is this not a warlord?"

"And his Marine Corps, the 3,000-strong Marine Corps has surpassed the ordinary regiment. The third-team squad leader is still a 16-year-old child. Thousands of soldiers are mostly children, although he is an evolutionist. Can you count on a child to manage the army? To be honest, although I am the one who saved these children, I have to say that these children are really not suitable for the battlefield..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang heard this question and looked at Huang Quan. The Yangtze River Fleet is obviously wrong. Why is Huang Quan not blocking? Huang Quan did not notice that Zhang Xiaoqiang saw him. He just wrote a note about what Zhao Deyi said in his notebook. After almost finished writing, he said to Zhao Deyi:

"The problem of the Yangtze River Fleet has its own arrangement. I don't need to say more. I asked how to prevent similar problems in the infantry. In the future, our army should be streamlined. In some places, there will not be too many troops. How do you do well? Their ideological work, to control them? You have to come up with a practical way, I don't want the problem to happen to you..."

Afterwards, the total number of the Army’s problems was mentioned, and the detailed rules for the previous withdrawal plan were set. Huang Quan let the officers go out to their respective units and stay in the conference room with Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not I asked the words, and now there is no one. He said to Huang Quan unceremoniously:

"You tell me about the Yangtze River Fleet. If Zhao Deyi said it is true, then your work is not done well. This time you will bear most of the responsibility. You must not transfer it to another place to reflect on it..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang said that although this was not a spurt, it was more serious than the reprimand of Huang Quan. The words of Huang Quan’s dismissal were all said, and Huang Quan could not help but smile, with a hint of grievance:

"Hey, you forgot, the highest commander of the Yangtze River Fleet is you..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang was stunned at the time, and his heart was still thinking about it. He was not at the base to shut him down. Huang Quan explained Zhang Xiaoqiang's departures one by one. Zhang Xiaoqiang gradually turned from Huang Quan's story to the ins and outs of the HD incident. When Yang Keer took over as commander of the Yangtze River Fleet, the peak was still the deputy of the year, as a private army, the Yangtze River Fleet. Not subject to the control of the Ministry of Military Affairs, even the logistics department can not control, people are the major customers of the logistics department. Every once in a while, there are always large quantities of materials and weapons and ammunition transported to the hot spring base for transshipment. Yang Keer never cares about the fleet. Just thinking about it, I commanded the fleet to go there to go around. Everyone who signed the order, I always found some surprises. From the very beginning, Yang Keer assigned the fleet to Gezhouba and got an armed police squadron. After the equipment, Huang Quan and Zhang Huai'an no longer restricted Yang Keer, but the Yangtze River Fleet became a wild monkey. It did not require logistics, no need for military personnel to supplement, and even did not need material supplements. Only Wang Le’s equipment department needed to repair the vessel.

After listening to it, Zhang Xiaoqiang grabbed the cigarette case in front of him and took out the last cigarette to the mouth. He took a long sullen breath through the cover of smoking. After all, he did not explain clearly before, Yang Kerer Irresponsible, Huang Quan did not dare to reach out to explain his cautiousness, but it did not have much relationship with Huang Quan. The Yangtze River Fleet has the status of a banned army, has its own resident, its own logistics, and in many respects, the base is beyond its reach. In fact, the accident is also expected. If Zhang Xiaoqiang is not in a hurry to disarm, after he returns, the Yangtze River Fleet will be automatically assigned to his own, and various problems can be solved. However, he has not yet received the peak. Because the news of disarmament was spread out and caused an accident.

"It seems that the problem of the Yangtze River Fleet has reached a point where it is hard to return. If the peak is really ambitious, then it may have been self-reliant as a king. At the beginning, he had a perfect opportunity. Zhao Deyi was besieged and you were blocked. At the base, the hot spring base became an empty city. The only maneuvering unit was his Marine Corps. At that time, it was only necessary to delay the reinforcements, or to make mistakes and not to reinforce, maybe..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang said that he couldn’t go on, Huang Quan couldn’t listen anymore. He was soaked in cold sweat. If it was, the population of the entire Hubei base would be destroyed, except for Huxin Island and the hot spring base~www.mtlnovel The .com~蟑螂 base and the Sanshan defenders will be annihilated. At that time, even if Zhang Xiaoqiang came back, there was nothing to do. At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly had another idea. The peak did not disappoint him. I must know that the peak is independent. There is only one line for the king. Even if he is afraid of Zhang Xiaoqiang coming back, he will lead the Yangtze River fleet to the lower reaches, saying that he will not be able to get rid of the shadow of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Compared with the betrayal of self-reliance, the negligence of being able to be dismissed or even imprisoned becomes acceptable. Small problem.

"You personally go to the peak and stare at it. If the defeating company can find it, don't worry too much. If you don't surrender, you will kill it. Huang Tingwei's air combat squad will cooperate with you. If you can't find it, you will stay there to help reorganize. Don't abolish the Yangtze River for the time being. The remaining troops of the fleet avoided the turmoil of the people. They controlled all the officers at the company level and let the intelligence department intervene in the investigation to see how many people were mixed with our team to eat the big pot of rice. All the unqualified ones were retired... ""

Zhang Xiaoqiang said that Huang Quan nodded in a row. Nowadays, when the development direction of Hubei base is transformed, everything must be stable. Now, unlike the moment of gathering out, there is no urgency to live and die, and there is no barrier between people and others. Now every person is precious and can't easily lose. Suspension of the Yangtze River Fleet's disarmament can quickly stabilize the people. When they control the situation, what do they want to do? Those speculators who are mixed in the army can't look down on the spray. come out.

"The handling of the peak should be cautious. At present, you can't move him. You must stabilize the people. Besides, his question has a lot to do with Yang Ke's ignorance. Anyway, he used to do a good job. No one can deny this. You can give him a little bit, let him put down his mind, about his punishment..., let him stop and use it...."

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