Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 693: Clear the line of thought 3/4

"Do you know the Jiujiang detachment base? You brought people to recover the chemical plant there, that is, the garrison there received news that it will be disarmed, and the material that was swept away at night disappeared. This is the first one in the entire Hubei base. One company's troops defected. This company was incorporated and appointed by me. The impact was quite bad. If we had earned some merits before, I would have to give it a point. I am afraid that I will die..."

The peak said this is very stunned. He still has a word that he said, even if he doesn't have to die, he may not be a soldier. Ai Qingshan looked at the peak with amazement. After a long while, he regretted shaking his head and said:

"I said Boss, do you think everyone is as honest as I am, the company I told you after I last performed the task? They are not good things, they have **** smell, it is killing and killing. But you can do it well, don't appreciate it, and say that the dog can't smell it, but it makes me smell it. Isn't that ignorant?"

When Gao Feng heard this, he did not have any regrets and annoyances. He stared at his eyes seriously and asked in a word:

"Isn't it that the female soldiers of your team have been sneaked out? After you hit someone, do you want to kill them?"

Ai Qingshan touched her nose and said:

"They are not my woman, they can't see it. You think that the little girls outside are pure in love. God knows how bad they are, and they have seen a lot of meat. If it is not Xueqi, I am too lazy. Take care of these broken things..."

After talking about his guilty look around, seeing no sisters around him is a peace of mind, patted the peak of the shoulders and said:

"Boss, I also listened to you for a long time, can you always say that something is right? My time is precious, many girls are waiting for me to help them understand the health, if you want me to run with you, I have absolutely nothing to say, first of all, I have to get at least one-third of the weapons and ammunition in stock so that I won’t lose money..."

"Beauty you... don't think about it, I can never betray it anyway. Anyway, it's so dangerous outside, I still have a sense of security with my brother. I am looking for you to escape the army. You don't have a nose under your hand." You took him to help me find the bastard, and I will give your sister some basil wood pulp so that she can drink it every day..."

If you use something else, Ai Qingshan may bargain, but the basil wood pulp knows the value. The peak of the basil wood pulp gives him a few cups. He gave it all snow and snow, and Xue Xue loved it. Taste, after controlling, the zombies are more flexible. Later, his dead skin and the casket have not been obtained from the peak. This thing only supplies absolute high-level, Huang Quan, honest people, and Muppei. And the children, as well as some newborn babies in the base, this thing can only be seen at the peak, how easy is it to get?

"In a word, if you can't get out of it, I will report all your greed laws to my brother, and let you down the stairs..."

Ai Qingshan’s threat made the forehead of the peak full of slashes, and he asked in disgust:

"Do you see my greed with your eyes?"

"I can't see it, but I won't make it up? I planted it..."

Huang Quan was sent to the Yangtze River Fleet by Zhang Xiaoqiang. In fact, for the defectors, although Zhang Xiaoqiang was angry, his heart was not so much valued. The team of more than 100 people could kill him if he sneaked. He wanted to go to Wuhan to see Yang Keer, but the base. There are too many chores. When there is no Zhang Xiaoqiang, Huang Quan and Zhang Huai'an can all discuss their ideas. But after Zhang Xiaoqiang returns, they all seem to have deteriorated overnight. All of them let Zhang Xiaoqiang take the idea. Zhang Xiaoqiang has no temper. Many things are backed up in the past, such as the communication between Hubei and Yinchuan, the plans for survivors around, and their industrial development plans.

Zhang Xiaoqiang sat quietly in the depths of the base, a small stream near the hidden valley, gazing at the clear stream and slowly smoothing his mind. At this moment, listening to the sound of the sound of the water, thinking back Everything that happened after I returned to the base, Yang Keer was injured, most of the strength of the new era was exposed, and the future development direction, as well as the defection of the Jiujiang base, in just a few days, a lot of things were like an avalanche on his head. He came over and made him unprepared. Under the influence of various thoughts, he was amazed. He didn’t know how to deal with it, and even he lost his mind. In fact, the biggest responsible person of Jiujiang’s defection was his own, not completely clarified. Under the circumstances of thinking and considering the consequences, ordering the major disarmament is not only difficult for Huang Quan, but also the other main officials of the army. The second division is also suffering from the catastrophe, and because of their own urgency, the troops have not even prepared for the time. It is even more impossible to communicate with the following in detail, which ultimately leads to this viciousness. The incident occurs, the defector must find it back to punish, the planner It is necessary to kill, or it will open a bad head in the future.

After thinking about the real thoughts beforehand, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not blame himself, but he was relieved. Now he is not afraid of making mistakes. He is afraid that he will always make mistakes. If he finds a problem, he can solve the problem and clarify one thing. He remembered another thing. The problem of the new era, he and the new era is not a big hatred. Even if he rebelled against the two legions, the Hubei base destroyed the ninth legion, and the grassland legion cooperated with the northern military region to destroy the two reserve corps. When the new era was attacking the base, thousands of casualties were caused. These are not the reasons why Zhang Xiaoqiang hates the new era. The only reason he and the new era are not dead is that Hudson has hurt Yang Keer, and Yang Keer may always stand. stand up.

He is such a person, Yang Keer is his family, hurt his family, he doubled or multiplied ten times to get back, the Sichuan crisis caused the day, so that he almost fell short of the air frigate has crashed, the crew Only live down to Marlena and Hudson, Marlene is now under his control, life and death are in his mind, the next thing he has to deal with is Hudson, public vengeance, and he will give Yang I can find the scientific research that can improve cell recovery. This trauma-repairing fluid for evolution is a miracle of the last days. Through the extraction of stem cell specimens from specific marine mutant animals, researchers have discovered that they are far beyond the end of the last ordinary stem cells. Hundreds of times the speed of self-replication and transformation of other cells can be said to be a miracle of universal cells.

Stem cells were originally controversial findings in medical history. Stem cells are an under-differentiated, immature cell. Scientists have developed artificial embryonic stem cells, which make it possible to treat terminally ill, but this kind of human stem cells and society. Ethical conflicts have been banned in many countries. This is the contradiction between people who are arrogant. In theory, every stem cell embryo can develop into a normal human.

However, the stem cells before the end of the world have great limitations. Even if they can regenerate, it is only a theory to repair various tissues. At that time, science and technology could not study super-stem cells that could break the limitation, but the new era is mutating. The beast found the answer. This kind of stem cell is also quite overbearing. It is not something that ordinary people can bear. It often causes the speed of organ failure to exceed the speed of stem cell supplementation by stimulating the human potential. If a person breaks his hand, use super Stem cell regeneration, except that the hand is intact, other places will be turned into a mummy-like dry corpse by inspiring all potential, so this result is born to the evolutionary, and only the evolutionary body can survive the potential.

This result can be said to be one of the greatest discoveries of the last days. Its value is no less than the JS matrix of Shen Li research, and the transformation of viruses and sera developed by Maribo, the result of slowing down the body and aging, if these results are Together, it will be a turning point in the history of human evolution. New human beings will be born, and each one can grow into an evolutionary person. Each one can recover the injury in the shortest time after the injury, and even grow back like a gecko. Broken organs, as well as the old springs that can increase their lifespan by at least three times, are combined and the effects of the explosion are almost equal to the nuclear fission in the history of human evolution.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn't help but fight a cold war. At that time, most human beings are evolutionary. They are either agile or more powerful and spiritual. www.readwn.com~ Maybe there will be more ability to be excavated. Come out, some people are longer than electronic control, just like Lu Junyi, some people are better than mechanical optimization, just like Xiaolang in Yinchuan. Maybe a lot of bottlenecks in the development of technology will be broken, as long as he can firmly grasp these three technologies. In the hands.

There are only one kind of technology that Zhang Xiaoqiang really masters. The JS matrix, the other two are in the hands of the new era and the database of the son-in-law. If you want to get it, he has to go to two places, Australia and Beijing. None of the places is reliable, and it is not enough to describe it with the Longtan Tiger Cave. However, Zhang Xiaoqiang decided to go once before, but now he has once again strengthened his determination.

The creek of the stream is like a bamboo sound, and the torrential water takes away the passage of time. Zhang Xiaoqiang listens quietly to the world, and throws away all the distractions in his heart, slowly emptying his mind and purifying his heart. Everything was figured out, Xianghe Anning returned to himself, and because he found that Yang Keer could recover from the original method, his inner anxiety was slowly gone. Suddenly, he wanted to understand why, because of some so-called The miscellaneous thing, not to see Yang Keer, is actually his inner fear. He does not want to see that Yang Keer’s face is white and soft and lying on the ground. This kind of pain makes him deliberately avoid. This is also the fear that he can't restrain, more than the fear of life and death.


Xiaoshizi flew down from the fingers into the creek and opened a little water. The flowing stream did not leave, and the traces of the stone were annihilated. Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly stood up and walked outside, and decided to fear and He doesn't have to overcome it. He has to find a real medicine to see Yang Keer. Before that, he must work hard for it, even if he pays the same price, and... Hudson must die.

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