Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 697: Argument 3/3

At this time, Huang Quan couldn’t sit still. Compared with the search for Hu Yaowen, the formation of the second fleet was related to the development direction of the entire base. By that time, tens of thousands of people would be transported upstream through the Yangtze River Fleet, and the upstream supplies and equipment would follow the Yangtze River. Supporting the Hubei base, when the two sides can communicate with each other, Zhang Xiaoqiang's fall in the whole of China is really a big dragon.

"That, Minister Huang, this, I have a request, I don't know..."

The peak thinks of one thing, some troubles, hesitantly asks Huang Quan, the Ai Qingshan that made him a headache, since he found the trace of Hu Yaowen, the promised basil rice pulp has to be cashed, but this thing is only in the power center. It is only a rare item in the base. Even if he is still the captain of the fleet, he can't ask for it at random. Now Huang Quan is here, he can only play Huang Quan's idea.

"Let's say, as long as I can do it..."

Huang Quan has a big hand, and he can do something in some things. Some things can't be done, but as long as he is within his ability, he is personally ok.

"This, I have a subordinate, called Ai Qingshan, is an evolutionary, not very old, but the ability is not small, he is looking for Hu Yaowen this time is conditional, to give his little sister a cup of perilla wood every day... ...."

There is some guilty explanation at the peak. The perilla pulp is too rare. Otherwise, as a captain, he only got a few cups of taste before. Now, as more and more babies are born, he even tastes it. The chances of the children were gone. Huang Quan wanted to promise it. He suddenly remembered that Zhang Huai'an in the base had told him something. The basilmilk had to cut the cortex of the perilla, in order to protect these things. To die, I had to have a proper period of cultivation, so he was sent to search the troops to the surrounding mountains to search for new perilla, but he was vetoed. The reason was that the last search for the rosewood suffered a mutant beast and lost. Three soldiers, now the persian wood can only guarantee the needs of the curtain Pepe and several high-level children, which makes him embarrassed,

"If there is no way, I will compensate for it from other things..."

Seeing the brows of Huang Quan, the peak of the heart is half cold, and it is difficult to make it difficult for Huang Quan. It is better to let Ai Qingshan be embarrassed. If he can't do it, he will lie on it. Can Ai Qingshan still eat himself? However, Huang Quan suddenly waved his hand, and the atmosphere said quietly: "There is no more, one cup a day can still be done, this thing will not deteriorate in a short time, I will send the goods to you to send you ...."

Huang Quan promised to be happy, but his heart was bleeding. He contributed his son's rice pulp. Before Zhao Xiaobo gave him a fierce woman in front of N people, Chen Ye naturally received news. He never gave him a good face, even if Chen Ye knew that Huang Quan and Zhao Xiaobo really had nothing, but she was uncomfortable in her heart. If she took out her son's wood pulp and gave it to others, would Chen Ye kill him?

"Geng Ge, Huang Quan sent back a plan for the formation of the Second Fleet. It was the peak to help plan. Huang Quan believes that the program is highly enforceable. Please ask me too..."

Huang Tingwei handed Zhang Xiaoqiang a document. Zhang Xiaoqiang grabbed it in one hand. At first glance, he saw the ship solution on the upstream ship. He immediately sat up straight, and a word and a word were scrutinized. Then he shouted:

"Let Wang Le, Zhang Huai'an, and Liu Feng to find me, and inform Liu Feng, let the personnel selected by the second division all report to the first fleet, let the peak help them to set up the fleet's shelves.... ”

Then Zhang Xiaoqiang tilted his legs on the table and relaxedly leaned on the chair to read the formation plan. The peaks also described some of the operational objectives of the Second Fleet. The peak believes that the upstream area is the focus of their subsequent development. In line with Zhang Xiaoqiang’s expenses, the Second Fleet mainly explored raw material origins and searched survivors, and then relied on this to form a new detachment base, which, like the colonies of the Great Navigation Age, carefully and cautiously developed upstream forces and eventually It becomes the raw material output place...

The thinking that sees the peak is very cautious. Although the eyes are not long-term, the degree of danger is not high. Sichuan is mountainous. It is easy to find a more dangerous place as a base for the transfer base. Because of the mountainousness in Sichuan, it is easy for survivors. To avoid the zombies, he also proposed a whimsical survivor search program, set up a propaganda fleet, used a big horn to publicize the base on the Yangtze River, set rescue points along the way, place food and materials, and even put some cold weapons and shields. In addition, how to fight zombies, how to find non-toxic mutant plants are compiled into books, so that most survivors can be dispelled, even if they still have doubts about the Yangtze River fleet, they can make them live better. As long as they can survive, they will have the opportunity to be compiled by them in the future.

Unconsciously, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the last page, perhaps to vent his own unhappiness. Huang Quan wrote the request for the peak. It is not a hope that Zhang Xiaoqiang can help him solve this problem that may have caused him to be killed by Chen Ye. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know that this problem might make Huang Quansheng not die, but just glanced at him. For him, the perilla pulp did not seem to be a big problem. When he put down the documents, everyone also came to him.

"You have all seen it, Wang Le, you first talk about how feasible the ship is to solve?"

Wang Le is thinking, cold and not heard Zhang Xiaoqiang ask, directly nodded and said:

“High, better than the new ship I thought before. The idea of ​​this report is perfect. Cutting the old ship, keeping the structure of the hull and transporting it to the upstream, it is easier than rebuilding the ship, the power system is also It’s not a problem. There are a lot of marine diesel engines in our warehouse. They are found by shipyards and repair shops along the Yangtze River. Don’t say one or two hundred tons of boats. Just give me enough manpower, thousands of tons of big ships. Can come out, this is the standard modularity, it is a genius to come up with this method."

Listening to Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart is loose, the most difficult thing to solve is solved, then other problems are no longer a problem, and another document in hand is handed to Wang Le, which is an affiliate report of the ship plan, which records the Yangtze River. After the third rain, the fleet rescued the size and quantity of the collection vessels. These vessels were all found on the shore and stored in various ways. Although most of them had rust marks, they could at least float on the water.

After Wang Le took over, if he got the treasure, he got up and said to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"This... this is really good. We don't even have to prepare the materials. I will take people to accept these things. I also ask my brother to mobilize large trucks to help me."

Wang Lelian, who had been promised, had no thoughts for one second. After Zhang Xiaoqiang said that he had a urgency, he would not go. After that, his three wives would ask Zhang Huai’an to make some jokes. Liu Feng was also restless. When Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhang Huai'an discussed the materials allocation of the Second Fleet, the big hand said:

"Hey, what kind of supplies do you need? Just give me two armed speedboats, ten transport ships, what kind of materials can't be done? The first fleet can never let the base have a particle bomb~www.readwn.com~ I have sent a rice, and everyone is a bullet of a car. The goods of a car are transported to the base. Can we not match them?"

When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard this, his face sank. Zhang Huai'an shook his head. Liu Feng was an acute child. He thought about making achievements, but Zhang Xiaoqiang’s intention to form the second fleet was not clear. Now the base is not bad. Materials, the materials obtained by the first fleet could not keep up with the capacity, and they were stored in several dispatch bases along the Yangtze River. Then Zhang Xiaoqiang became angry.

"Liu Feng..., can you wait for a solo flight? How do you see the first fleet being red? I tell you, your second division can be converted to the second fleet. The first fleet has a problem. Otherwise, why should I divide the Yangtze River Fleet into two? You reminded me that the materials and supplementary plans of the Second Fleet will be under the responsibility of the Logistics Department and the Equipment Department. You only need to perform the tasks. Others don't have to worry about... ""

Liu Feng did not dare to scream, bowed his head and trained, and regretted his death. In this way, they did not want to develop as freely as the First Fleet. Then they turned their minds. This is actually good, at least not responsible, as long as Just perform the task. The problem with the first fleet is the foresight of the car. At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang spoke again:

"Why should I stay with you? It is not for you to be here. I ask you, what do you think of the combat objectives that the Second Fleet will launch on this project?"

This time, Liu Feng left his mind, and Zhang Xiaoqiang asked him that he must be well-informed. If so, why should he find another? Standing up and saluting Zhang Xiaoqiang seriously, the righteous words said:

"We are the team of my brother, and my brother only needs to give orders and goals. We just need to complete the instructions of my brother..."

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