Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 702: Enter the Great Lakes 2/3

Sudden changes made Laxhen unbelievable, staring at the blank of the desktop brain, the calm conference room was broken by the humming sounds, and Shi Yuanye and Zhao Jun did not speak, and they greeted themselves in front of themselves. The boiled water, in fact, the so-called disarmament plan is just a wake-up call for everyone. They create an atmosphere step by step, that is, let these military officers know that this army is not their private property, everything belongs to Zhang Xiaoqiang, everything belongs to the Yinchuan government. .

"Don't be surprised, this is also the arrangement of my brother. He thinks that Yinmeng is not the same as Hubei. The cities and regions we control are ten times that controlled by the Hubei base. The future battle is quite difficult. We will not be as good as the status quo. There are more combat missions assigned to you, so I hope that everyone can work together to complete the revival and rise of China, and together with the brothers to create a peaceful world..."

After Shi Yuanye made a summary, he made some detailed discussions on Chen Fei’s proposal. It is a good move for the army to become a family. The soldiers are adequately supplied, so that they can find women to prosper and deform the economy. Supporting the family, so many women can get a more stable care, once the woman is stabilized, there will not be so many social problems.

Zhao Jun is thinking about some secret information sent by Zhang Xiaoqiang in his mind. This information is only him. Shi Yuanye, Zhou Jie, and Wang Xin of the reconnaissance camp know that the information about Zhang Xiaoqiang’s views on future development goals is against Vladivostok. Some descriptions, as well as the analysis of the general situation of the new era, are more about their future development direction. After recovering Baotou and Hohhot, the Rehe area will enter their sight. Below the Rehe is Beijing, although Zhang Xiaoqiang is only The proposal needs to understand Beijing's intelligence, but they can see Zhang Xiaoqiang's determination to Beijing.

"My brother, the information of Poyang Lake has basically come out. Their gathering place is in the waters opposite Duchang County. The terrain is complicated and there are no large cities around. It has recovered many surrounding villages and towns, but it has not cleaned up along the lake. The county towns in the region, from this point of view, their military power is limited, perhaps not as armed as the original gathering place in Wuhan. In addition, we did not find the upper surface of the lake, only some sailboats and boats made of wood, it seems that the rain They have a lot of blows, and a lot of farmland has been found. The population still doesn't know the exact amount..."

In the Information Command Center of the First Fleet of the Yangtze River, Gao Feng reported the results of the helicopter investigation to Zhang Xiaoqiang. At the same time he reported to Zhang Xiaoqiang, the first detachment of the armed guard boat of the Yangtze River Fleet has officially entered the Poyang Lake District. If there is no accident, they will be in the afternoon. Formally contact with there, Zhang Xiaoqiang carefully read the information, and there was a little excitement in his heart. Poyang Lake is a big gift. Mastering Poyang Lake is equivalent to mastering most of Jiangxi. The terrain here is excellent and the food resources are very rich. The number of survivors will not be too small. What he lacks now is the population resources. At the same time, this food resource can also bring great supplements to Hubei. The only thing that needs to be scolded is the attitude of this force to them. Zhang Xiaoqiang does not want to. It’s too stiff to make things happen. If you can let this force take the initiative to join Hubei, then they will reduce unnecessary trouble.

"Hey, are we too careful? I feel that sending troops directly to occupy those places, through force and propaganda, will be able to annex them in the shortest time..."

Liu Feng, as the second commander in writing, also attended the meeting. He was very cautious about Zhang Xiaoqiang. He has different opinions. Now the Hubei base is strong enough. In some respects, it is not necessary to look at other people’s faces. On the top of the upright, what kind of big waves can those people turn up?

"Can't say that, we don't know the basic situation there. Who knows whether it is a power control or several forces control? I don't know if there are any former government officials. Jiangxi Province is surrounded by mountains on three sides. There are two thousand four hundred rivers in the territory. There are also five major river basins of Minjiang River, Fuhe River, Xinjiang River, Xiuhe River and Raohe River. People can avoid zombies and can avoid us. What we need is their population, not their land, and there is no need to be too strong. Mildness can also make them feel safer. As long as our armed forces have an absolute advantage, they are not afraid of them making too big a problem."

Huang Quan has different opinions. After his position, his vision has also broadened. Now Hubei has to open up Sichuan to develop. After opening Sichuan, it needs a lot of manpower as a driving force for development. The Hubei base has too many deficiencies compared to Yinmeng. If you want to catch up with others, they will have to continually explore various potentials. What's more, for Jiangxi people, they are foreigners, and they want to worry about the size of their families.

"Don't say more, Jiangxi is bound to win. Jiangxi has a population of 40 million. At least one million people are hiding in various mountain lakes. As long as I can get half or even one third of the population, we The development in Hubei can make earth-shaking changes. What's more, Jiangxi can be regarded as the barrier of Hubei. After the coastal zombies move northward, Jiangxi is also the only way to go. If the complex terrain is fully utilized, it is impossible to stop the zombies from outside Hubei. ""

Looking at the holographic virtual map in front of him, Zhang Xiaoqiang is wearing a happy color, while his eyes are on another place. Hunan, Hunan is the first gathering place in the inland of the New Era. The waters here are equally rich, and there are many mountains. Junling, the population is concentrated around the town, and a large shelter is set up in a large mountainous area. According to the population of the first 60 million people in Hunan, the population is at least one million or more, and the population is temporary. Under the eyes of the new era, sooner or later, Zhang Xiaoqiang will be grabbed.

Throughout the country, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly felt a relaxed, China's population of 1.3 billion, even if the survival rate of one percent is 13,000, most of the 1,300 people are silent in a corner. Struggling to survive, under the control of Zhang Xiaoqiang accounted for 10%, as long as they continue to gather the population, these people are their most determined fighter in the future.

The first fleet of the Yangtze River Fleet lined up in a rigorous array of unfamiliar waters. The Poyang Lake was so wide that the sailors who drove on the Yangtze River every day felt a different mood, as if the whole heart was let go, and the heart could not help but yearn for more. The vast sea, the high clouds, the lake with a shallow smell, even the most demanding environmental protection is also intoxicated in the most beautiful scenery of the natural lake that has gradually restored its original appearance, the two sides can not Seeing a village, the common zombies in the interior are not common here. The broken walls of villages are gradually covered by the vegetation of the villages and towns. The dense vegetation forms a green ocean, and the lakeshore is made into a line. They feel that they have left the civilized society and reached the most primitive wilderness.

Most of the sailors were enchanted by the clear waters of the lake and the green hills and mountains. They were immersed in this quiet and peaceful natural environment. The only thing that was uncomfortable was Ai Qingshan. As the captain of the Marine Corps, he actually Zhang Xiaoqiang was sent to protect the sailors. Looking at the black and white 12.7mm high-altitude machine gun and brass chain in front of him, he was not a taste in his heart. There were even high-altitude machine guns on the ship that he could not stop. Did he use him?

For Zhang Xiaoqiang's appointment, in fact, Ai Qingshan is just a young man's anti-reverse thinking, especially a person who makes him deeply fear appear in front of him. It can be said that he has become an evolutionary person. He has never been afraid of anyone, but Zhang Xiaoqiang The strong sense of oppression on his body made him unable to help himself jump over the river. In addition to his surprise, he also felt deep fear. What kind of monster is this? Is it just a gas field that is unintentionally distributed that makes him fear this?

"Captain, I am afraid that we have entered the Poyang Lake area. The villages we passed by have been cleaned up. The things that can be taken away have been taken away. Even the complete bricks are invisible. Maybe we The goal is in front..."

Along with the reminder of the captain of the division, Ai Qingshan turned a blind eye impatiently and shouted:

"As for this kind of care? We have heavy machine guns here, no recoil, and there are more than 20 guns in 37 guns. There are also one Marine Corps on the three transport ships, and it is more than enough to deal with some grass chickens and dogs~www.readwn.com~ Ann, follow me, nothing will happen..."

Ai Qingshan’s dissatisfied lieutenant officer was naturally cut in his eyes and said with a long sigh:

"The commander confessed, if you have personally confessed to your brother, your basil wood pulp is gone, and your army's military supplies are cancelled half..."

Ai Qingshan’s tender face immediately burst into a frost, his eyes flashing with dangerous luster, staring at the officer in front of him who was only four or five years older than him.

"How can this be done, is this completely different? I have not completed the task, that is what I deserve..."

"The commander said, if you do things, he will leave the class, he will be off class, and you should not think too much..."

Ai Qingshan was speechless, and the peak caught his life. In addition to the snow-snowed basil wood, he also had a nemesis Ai Xueqi. He always thought that this second sister was the enemy of his last life. His sister is coming to revenge, but then again, Ai Xueqi’s dissatisfaction with him is that his starting point is for him, but he really can’t stand the same control of Ai Xueqi’s old mother, if it’s not Ai Xueqi’s ten At the age of five, he wants to marry this girl and let her harm others. If the supply is really reduced, then Ai Xueqi, the director of the third group of women, absolutely wants to find him trouble. At that time...

Ai Qingshan played a cold war, and Zheng Cai said to the lieutenant officer:

"Chen brother is right, now I will listen to you, what do you say, I have nothing to say, absolutely cooperate, absolutely ..., forget it, if something happens, even if you have problems, it doesn't matter to me... ...."

Lieutenantly staring at the shameless Ai Qingshan, wanting to talk and not knowing what to say, suddenly shouted:

"There is a ship in front...."

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