Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 711: Landing 2/3

"The front is the waters of Raoman. We don't usually go. The people there are just like the mad dogs. They don't care about it. If they take advantage of it, we have no frigates. They all come together. The captain doesn't want us to get too much. More blood, so..."

Yan Fanjun pointed to Zhang Xiaoqiang's commentary on the broad lake in the distance. His face was unwilling. As a strong party, he was weakened by the weaker party. He said that he was embarrassed to go out. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the direction of the 娄凡军, and saw the blue wave. There are hundreds of wooden rafts on the rippling lake. When they are close, the scattered wooden rafts on the lake seem to be summoned and concentrated together. It seems that the other party is ready to reapply and use the wall to stop the army. Close, but the speed of the wooden rafts can't catch up with the speed of the motorized ships. The speed of hundreds of big ships is not reduced at all. It slams straight to the other side. During the period, the bow of the Yangtze River fleet is unique. The flag is flying. It was pointed out by the long sword that the roar of the engine rushed past hundreds of thousands of tons of ships.

Suddenly, the wooden rafts that are gathering are scattered and desperately spread out to the two sides. The iron boats are no more than wooden boats. They simply don’t come, let alone this flag is not familiar to them. It’s obviously not the Jiangxi detachment they are swaying. At that time, the fishermen on the block of wood plunged into the water. As the ship shook, a piece of wood was broken and bounced off. The water was full of people falling in the water and floating wood. The hundreds of big ships used to comb. None of the wooden rafts were able to escape. The men and women who floated in the water stared at the people standing on the ship's side with fierce eyes. Then they changed their faces, the uniforms on the ship, all the armed soldiers were black and black. The nine-fifth rifle is not the Jiangxi detachment they are used to bullying.

The speed of the ship was very fast. In the blink of an eye, the general lake surface of the garbage dump was left behind. Zhang Xiaoqiang and others did not feel anything, but Yan Fanjun felt that the blockage of the block in his heart dissipated, and the whole person fluttered and flew, finally looking for Back to the kind of warfare that followed Zhang Xiaoqiang's unscrupulous warfare, the special team of hundreds of people behind him also smiled and squinted at each other.

When the fleet arrived on the other side of the bank, suddenly there was a ringing of the bells, and countless people rushed out from the forest on the other side. Eighty percent of them were holding charred wooden spears, and many people were holding them. Sniper smashing, holding a lot of muskets, but holding a rifle's phoenix horns, tens of thousands of people gathered on the other side of the boundless, looks like swarming ant colony, the fleet began to slow down slowly, with mountains The pressure leaned against the shore, and suddenly the sky flew a rain of arrows. The dense long arrows were like dark clouds. After flying for dozens of meters, they fell into the lake.

These super-noisy brands that are worse than the peasant army have provoked the fleet. The next moment, the light and heavy machine guns of all the frigates began to turn. The Sanqi and the modified field guns on the ship also aimed at the other side, and issued orders with the fire. The cannons of various calibers were the first to sing, and the blank grounds a few kilometers away burst into a roar. In a group of flames, the splashed soil rushed to the height of more than ten meters, and suddenly the crowds who were screaming and screaming were quiet, then Heavy machine guns began to fire, countless long flames rushed out of the fleet, the lake's dense reeds were smashed, a group of wet mud was smashed, and the farthest fried to the side of the crowd, and then those people The battle began to be unstable, but the machine gun fire did not stop, suddenly turned the muzzle, aimed at the canopy on the head of the crowd, and whether or not it would be accidentally injured, the bullets of a bullet box were instantly emptied, and the rows of canopies seemed to have installed explosive devices. , blasting continuously, some big trees are even divided into two by bullets, countless pieces of broken wood are all flying swords to the crowd below, a scream, the crowd is also To adhere to quitting en masse.

When I can no longer see a living person, the building army is excited to look at Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"They are scared..."

"They can't be everyone, Huang Jiguang, Dong Cunrui, can come here, fight for a sigh of relief, I will let them go, who dares to insist?"

When Zhang Xiaoqiang spoke, an inflatable boat was thrown into the water. Countless soldiers carried down the rifle and climbed down the ship's side. The machine gunners fired several shuttle bullets into the woods from time to time. The cannons were all prepared. Once the infantry was hit, They will fight back with all their strength. For the safety of the soldiers, Zhang Xiaoqiang never slams ammunition.

Not to mention, I am not afraid of death. When Zhang Xiaoqiang took the special army of Yan Fanjun to the shore, he only saw a mess of ground, various spears, wooden bows, arrows, and broken grass shoes, rotten cloth, obviously It was a plastic scoop that was used as a tableware, and even found a rifle with two magazines, showing how flustered those people escaped.

It took three hours for the troops of 3,000 people to assemble on the shore, leaving 500 people to pick up the materials that were unloaded from the ship. Zhang Xiaoqiang followed the 2,500-strong team with the squadron, and behind the woods was a piece. The fishing village built by the logow shed has not yet entered the city and smells strong fishy smell. The sewage in the shack area is flowing across the river. The large areas are all mud. These black muds are all kinds of footprints and garbage, and rows of wood shelves. The big fish hanging on the viscera were waiting to be air-dried, and some shacks were burning. It was obvious that the people ran away from the fire and caused the fire. This area was previously investigated. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not go in to inspect the locals. The habit of living, with the troops bypassing the shack area that is even more dirty than the pig pen, did not think of a dark child rushing out to run away, ran down to the ground in a few steps. An evolutionist of the special team threw away the small mud in his hand and swayed the soldiers around him.

This is a little boy, naked, with black mud on his body, which smells bad smell. It seems that this dirty child is malnourished, quadriple and numb, but the stomach is not small, the child Unfamiliar, looking at the soldiers around him in horror, Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at him and saw him a little more than two years old. It was obviously forgotten when people retreated. I didn’t know where to go. I had to hide in the fishing village and see Many people want to escape and hide.

"Take it down and wash it, give him some food, wait until it's over and find his mother..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang waved to let the children go down, and then the big forces started again~www.readwn.com~ The scattered soldiers were boundless, drowning large swaths of mountains, when they walked less than two kilometers, they were in a cave Found two women and a large group of children, naturally according to the previous disposal, sent back, as more and more survivors were found, Zhang Xiaoqiang is a bit strange, why have not yet led the emergence of people?

Before the crowd fled, the grass on the ground was stepped on a path, and it took no effort. It was always possible to find hundreds of thousands of people who were incomparably in front of the sudden indifferent soldiers and held up their hands in the **** of the soldiers. Down to the lake, perhaps they also saw that these soldiers are not interested in killing them, Zhang Xiaoqiang is becoming more and more bored, too relaxed, and has no sense of accomplishment.

More and more intelligence was asked from the mouths of these people. More names were surrounded by soldiers. They rushed into the shack and grabbed a crying man or woman. For some manual and manual feet. Male and female, they tied it directly with a long bamboo pole, seven or eight people, let them advance and retreat together, and under the drive of the soldiers, one by one, the ancient slaves walked in a long queue. .

Zhang Xiaoqiang has already remembered how many people have been arrested. The person who was first caught will report a number to him. Later, he has forgotten the number in front and is too lazy to ask the staff officer. He just walked boringly and his heart was still I wonder, these people are not as docile as the three sons said, but they don’t know that Raoman is taking people to solve his deserters. At this moment, they are in the river ditch to salvage the materials and weapons of the falling water, plus their sudden appearance. Huge, let Raoman they are caught off guard, or else how many people will die.

"Very the beast!! Be careful..." I sent an alarm later, followed by Yan Fanjun, turning back and changing his face, yelling:

"Hey brother is careful, everyone attacks..."

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