Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 715: Ai Qingshan's fear 3/3 more

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s voice is very depressed, and there is a cold cold. If other people say that they can’t scare the old face, but Ai Qingshan is a faceless, immediately said:

"Oh, my brother, I am an honest man. I don't usually do anything to steal chickens and touch dogs. I am not going to visit their tea gardens. Would you not have a souvenir when you leave?"

Ai Qingshan shunned the weight, took the woman's affairs with him, and discussed the matter of stealing things with Zhang Xiaoqiang. Instead, Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled and pointed at the things on the table and reprimanded Ai Qingshan:

"You can pick a few pieces of tea, but how do you steal the tea from others? Don't say they sent it. Is this cup of tea the cup we used to drink tea? Have you got it out?"

On the table is a red bamboo cup filled with red mud. The cup is filled with black earth. Some sand is spilled on the table. It looks very unsightly, but a three-inch seedling in the cup attracts. Zhang Xiaoqiang's gaze, this seedling is silvery in the form, with a spear in the form, the spearhead is a layer of layers that have not been unfolded, and the rounded stem has small white fluff, but this seedling seems to be not far from death, dejected. The pour in the mouth of the cup, if it is not an accident, it will die.

"This can't blame me, my brother, you know that I have always been very caring. You see that this seedling had just been unearthed, and there wasn't a mung bean big. I was afraid that they couldn't see a foot on the ground, so I dug it out and prepared it. Take care, who knows that I just got it right, the guy who came to see the army, came to see the pit on the edge of the tea, and insisted that I would steal tea and fall into me..."

"Crap, tea is here, you still say that people are falling into you? Do you have even a little bit of a person's duty? Your primary school teacher has not taught you not to lie, your middle school teacher has not taught you to learn to be a man?" ”

Zhang Xiaoqiang is on fire. Ai Qingshan’s sophistry has made him very disappointed. If a person is good or bad, he must first learn to be a good person. Whether he is a good person or a bad person, he has to dare to be a dare to do things. Also hope to let him command the troops in the future, let him take up the lives and deaths of the brethren? Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to eat him, Ai Qingshan was shocked and replied weakly:

"Yu Fanjun fell into a big steal..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at him silently, and glanced at the small tea that would die. The heart was a move. This thing Yang Keer needs very much. Mupe Pei and Shangguan Qiaoyun also need it. Of course, he also needs, though I used the materials to exchange for the fairy fog silver tea, but the things were not assured in the hands of others. He did not pull the following to ask for help. Ai Qingshan accidentally helped him solve the problem. He stepped up the teacup and the young seedlings still died. Look, Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head and said to Ai Qingshan:

"Come with me, I will take you to a place..."

"Big brother... Grandpa... I said that you are my ancestor, don't bring me this way..."

Ai Qingshan looked at the 30-meter-long, three-meter-high, full-bodied water snake almost cried out, the variegated water snake in the light of the colorful scales, the prestige, sharp and sharp, like a knife, still There is such a huge scarlet in the eyes of Ai Qingshan. He is afraid of this kind of soft reptile from small to large, whether it is a snake or a squid, even if he is muddy and squid, he is afraid. The biggest hate thing in life is Why did God not destroy all these things before his mother gave birth to him?

Zhang Xiaoqiang touched the nose of the big water snake. The big water snake liked Zhang Xiaoqiang and it was close. He beat the huge tail and expressed his happiness. He teased the snake for a while. Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his head and saw the unseen Ai Qingshan.

"It’s such a big person, I’m afraid of these things. I’ve said that you kill a lot of people. The courage is still so small, shameless? Hurry up, we have to hurry....”

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s finger is exactly the smooth back of the big water snake, so Ai Qingshan almost scared the urine out, pinched his leg and shouted with a crying voice:

"Brother, brother... I am really wrong. I will be a good person every day. You will let me put a small horse. Even if you really want to give me a lesson, you can hit me, you are welcome, interrupt. I don't blame you for your legs and legs. After you finish playing, you will close me for a lock up. I will be able to shut me for ten days and eight days, so you should be satisfied?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Ai Qingshan's pale face and his horrified eyes, thinking that this guy is still in the clothes, and his heart is still strange. This is Ai Qingshan is a child, nothing to like to play with him, dead skin It’s not good to discipline. I want to train him as a good officer in the future. It’s really a long way to go. But now, when I’m not playing with Ai Qingshan, I’m not too annoyed to point to the big snake:

"Two choices, either you go to his back, or you go to it, I am in a hurry..."

Speaking of the mouth, Ai Qingshan looked at the big snake for the first time. I saw a long-whip-like snake letter flashing in the mouth. A drop of snake snake dripped from the corner of the mouth and fell on the grass directly below the snake head, suddenly changing the green plants. Into the black, not waiting for him to blink, the plant stained with snake grass will turn into a piece of black ash, this toxicity can be even worse than the bones,

"Is it chosen?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang originally wanted to let the big water snake contain Ai Qingshan to hurry, and Ai Qingshan looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was glaring at him. His heart was filled with a bit of sadness. He closed his eyes and shouted and turned away. He decided to go back. The third battalion's resident, with two younger sisters, packed up a little house he usually saved. From then on, he couldn't do it. He just turned around and was dragged by a big hand. From then on, he didn’t see anything sulking. He was thrown out by the big hand, and after a few turns, he fell on the back of the big water snake. Then Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped to his side and urged the big water snake to move forward. ....

Ai Qingshan closed his eyes and shouted at the big water snake. The fingers clasped the slippery snake scales and were dragged forward by the big water snake at a speed of at least 70 yards per hour. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not care. Ai Qingshan’s howling, standing on the back of the big water snake, like the previous use of fists to control the big water snakes. In this dense jungle, the big water snakes are like water, and the speed is super fast. Any terrain can’t stop the big water snakes from twisting. With the sprint of the body moving, the snake climbed through the ditch and the ridge was always stable. Zhang Xiaoqiang secretly admired it. It is not a loss to raise such a thing. At least the forest is super comfortable. Next time you should bring the chair on the back of the snake. It seems to be a bit more comfortable.

Just as he was in high spirits, time passed for half an hour. When they came out from the jungle, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a small county in the distance, Dean. The serpent slowly stopped, and Ai Qingshan, who had already couldn’t stand the bumps, suddenly fell to the ground and immediately sat down on the ground and used it to recede. While retreating, he vomited and vomited, and finally spit it out until he spit. When I had no goods in my stomach, I felt better. I looked up at Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was standing on the back of the snake. I had already divided him into an extreme terrorist.

"Do you let it smash you past, or run behind me?"

This time Zhang Xiaoqiang's kindness to Ai Qingshan is not so difficult to choose a choice, Ai Qingshan immediately screamed:

"Run, young people will run more and run better. I said that I can't sleep well in these few days. I just lack exercise. I have to exercise more in the future..."

Ai Qingshan has not been so afraid of a person in this life. Zhang Xiaoqiang is 10,000 times more powerful than his primary school class teacher. He falls to the head of the primary school class to let his father spank the most. When he falls into the hands of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he is really alive and die, and he swears in his heart. In the future, I must cherish life, away from Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not find Ai Qingshan’s fear of him. He was very satisfied with Ai Qingshan’s attitude. At least he did not bother him, smiled and nodded, driving the water snake forward. Qingshan is eager to rush in the back and dare not fall down.

Halfway through, Ai Qingshan suddenly wanted to run back. Zhang Xiaoqiang and the big snake Mingming were rushing to the tens of thousands of zombies. Although Ai Qingshan had killed a lot of zombies before, the rescue Sanshan troops also rushed through the zombies. But the edge of the zombie tide is not too thick~www.readwn.com~I can't afford thousands of zombies, like this, rushing to the tens of thousands of zombies, he hasn't.

Dean is a small county with a very developed economy. The population is less than 100,000. When the virus broke out, most of the survivors escaped from the roads extending in all directions. After many dangers, they were twisted to the lake. In a big city with a population of one million, there are many survivors in this small town. If it is not the unnatural depletion after the end of the world, at least seven or eight thousand people are there. This is also the case that the three sons and the Jiangxi detachment have always wanted to recover. The city, unfortunately, after clearing the villages and towns around Dean County, they have no extra reserves to recover this small county that is not owned by the armed police squadron. The only way to think of it is to block all the roads around this small county. Die, trap all the zombies.

Zhang Xiaoqiang and the Dashui Snake went straight to Dean. He did not care about the materials in Dean County. He cares about the Z-type zombies in the middle of the zombies. These zombies are condensed outside the city, indicating that they are controlled by Z-type zombies. The Z-type zombies are higher in level than the type 2 zombies. The higher the level of zombies, the better the effect on the plants. The fairy fog silver tea Zhang Xiaoqiang must be saved, so this Z-type zombie will be his Prey.

The horror in Ai Qingshan’s heart is getting bigger and bigger. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t have the idea of ​​guerrillas around the edge of the zombie tide. He rushed straight to the most dense place of the zombies, and he also had to follow the panting after running. In my heart, I flashed all kinds of thoughts and finally annihilated all the ideas of escape. Zhang Xiaoqiang could not be an idiot for such a big foundation. Although he did not play Raoman with Zhang Xiaoqiang, he heard about the process, and the whole operation was flowing. Ten thousand people solved it day by day. There were no casualties of unarmed people, whether they were the other person or their own. This is a miracle in itself. Following Zhang Xiaoqiang, he could not witness and create miracles.

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