Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 719: Free economy 1/3

When it comes to Venus, Venus also secretly sighs, and he is also difficult to do. Tens of thousands of people need a lot of food every day, and they have to pay them a salary. As a result, there is more food. These workers are also solid-eyed, and they have to receive food on a daily basis. If you are willing to work, you will strike if you don’t see food. Even if it’s intimidating, it’s useless. In the end, it’s still a habit to buy people’s hearts, and then the capacity can’t keep up, and the food can’t come. It’s a last resort. Venus thinks of the military ticketing method. Set up the food exchange department, send workers military tickets, let them freely exchange, so that the military ticket becomes a valuable thing to preserve better than food, but this thing can only be distributed in the construction team, in case Go out, he can...

"Then I can't do anything. In fact, the top leaders don't have to be so careful. Our sphere of influence has more than one million people. Even before the end of the world, it is comparable to the population of a small country. Ok, you think about it. You have to pay a large bag to pay for the goods when you go to the street. If you only have rice, you have to bring a steel scale. If the scales on the two sides are different, it will be more lively. I heard that the Lord In the city, the prison is closed because of this fight..."

Song Weidong is much more knowledgeable than the Venus, who is a good man of Jinxing. As a qualified businessman and a half-manager, Venus is in the early stage of understanding the financial sector. Although it is a last resort, it is a last resort. The development momentum, he does not want to extra-budget, the blood wolf travel is not easy to use his merits in exchange for the status of the main division of the main, he does not want to easily ruin because of his own smash.

"You don't care about these things, you can do your own work. You are just a foreman, not an official of the Ministry of Administration."

Venus is very rude to reprimand Song Weidong, but Song Weidong has no way. When he can't complete the task during the work period, he waits to lose everything to be a worker. Suddenly, he thinks that the two are entangled in the military ticket issue, and he thinks of another way. Turning around and looking around and no one is within 50 meters of them, they said to Venus:

"In fact, the cement is also solved. The cement behind does not come. One is that the capacity cannot keep up, and the other is that the output cannot keep up. We have controlled three or four big cities, and there are many iron ore. There is no shortage of steel. The above only pays attention to the steel and neglects the cement. You see that this week, they have sent at least one hundred and eighty cars, but the cement is only 98 cars. Doesn't this mean that?"

What did Venus hear, touched the rough beard, and looked suspiciously at Song Weidong, who was only in his early twenties, waiting for his words. Song Weidong had not yet reached the age of suffocation, and he followed him. The new method is spoken:

"The rear is poor cement, but not bad coal. We are located in the mountains here. There are a lot of large limestone everywhere. Tens of thousands of workers have not been able to make three or five cement workshops. We just made our own cement, so that Eliminating the problem of transportation also allows us to improve efficiency, after all...."

"How is the coal shipped? Ordos is not bad for coal mines, but there is not enough capacity or whiteness. Also, are you afraid of delaying the project?"

Venus interrupted Song Weidong’s words and asked questions. Song Weidong had already prepared.

"Workers are holding wages, and naturally they must focus on engineering, but we can't conflict with our construction of cement workshops. We are here in two shifts. Although it is for the workers to rest well, they have suffered too much. It is necessary to cherish them so much, and let the rest of the group go to produce cement, as long as they can pay them, or simply sell the produced cement to us, so they have the motivation.

Transportation problems are also easy to solve. Those survivors can't transfer men. It is to prevent them from gathering people. But there are still many women who don't have job arrangements. We let those women form a transportation company to help us transport coal. There is no need to worry about their food and supplies. We only use them in Ordos to pay them. Others can be left alone, and they can be considered to be self-financing, so that they can do their best.... ”

Venus stared at Song Weidong, who was dancing with his eyebrows. He did not think that Song Weidong would have come up with this method. This method is good, but he can't set it down. Let's discuss it above. Zhou Jie’s government department belongs to Simplified departments of personnel refinement, all kinds of things are complicated, it is not too much to call it a day, so when do they wait for their ideas?

"Minister, the General Assembly has sent a proposal, which was sent by the elder brother. Let us find a way to improve. There is a person in charge of each city. You are the mayor of Erdos City. This is yours."

The beauty secretary of Venus suddenly ran over and handed a document to Venus. Hearing that he was the instruction of his brother, Venus quickly took the respectful look and took it with both hands. Then he glanced at the Chinese characters he didn’t recognize and pointed to the glamorous secretary. His face is full of doubts, his secretary is doing this, clearing the scorpion will say to the Venus, but Song Weidong has licked his neck and read the Chinese characters on the document:

“People’s commercial liberalization proposals and their management practices...”

Guo Qiming’s cargo and loan policy freed the productivity of the idle population of the Jiangxi detachment, and Zhang Xiaoqiang’s idea was released. He made the decision to bring Guo Qiming’s system to all the cities under his administration, except for a few. In addition to the key sectors, the publicized economy is gradually transformed into a privatized economy, which will maximize the enthusiasm of the survivors, and at the same time supplement the many details that have not been noticed before, and gradually plunder the system from the outward search. The transformation into a self-sufficient business chain, although it will cause a lot of inconvenience at the beginning, all the previous materials are bases, people rely on their own labor to obtain materials, can maximize the concentration of resources and unified arrangements, but Zhang Xiaoqiang knows One day, from collectivism to private ownership, the former state-owned system reform was like this. Under the pressure of Hubei base, it was gradually relaxed, and finally the result of the free economy blossoming was king.

As a result, Hubei and the grassland have increased their previous production efficiency by at least 30% without much population growth, which has greatly slowed down the pressure on the administrative sector and allowed more emerging industries to form. Everything is happening slowly, but Zhang Xiaoqiang has found a solution to the problem of Hua Guoqiang from the idea of ​​commercialization. The method is very simple. Trade plunders, causing unequal exchanges in the name of commerce. They have a large amount of spare materials. Hua Guoqiang has a large population. Without sufficient resources, Hua Guoqiang uses his population to gradually exchange materials, so that the population of Huaguoqiang can be converted in the most gentle way. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s proposal has been affirmed by others and prepared for it.

Another morning, this day is the third week that Zhang Xiaoqiang reached the Jiangxi detachment. The peripheral investigation unit and the newly joined second special mission team have already clarified the defense system of the Chinese powerful forces. Hua Guoqiang did it. More than Zhang Xiaoqiang’s imagination, 20,000 troops are stationed in various points within the sphere of influence. The lakeshore of more than 100 kilometers is completely blocked. The Jiangxi Provisional Government has spent a lot of manpower and resources, using ten meters of thick wooden stakes. Nailed in the shallow waters along the lake, forming an underwater plum pile to prevent the Yangtze River fleet from approaching. At each commanding height, Hua Guoqiang also made a house, and placed various high-altitude machine guns and anti-aircraft guns to guard against helicopters from the sky~www .readwn.com~ When Hua Guoqiang’s layout was completely presented in the hands of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he and Huang Quan and the peaks all laughed. The seemingly strict arrangement is actually Hua Guoqiang’s self-seeking dead road, and the means of blocking the surrounding waters seems to be still In the Manchu period, the means of defending wooden warships, although this thing is also effective for metal vessels, but now there is underwater blasting that was not available in the past, as long as the water ghost troops are sent on these wooden stakes. Set the bomb, detonated at the same time, this layer of fortifications Yangtze River Fleet is a joke,

In addition, Hua Guoqiang built anti-aircraft positions on various hills, so that the firepower was dispersed. The lake that is most likely to let the ground troops land is equivalent to no defense, and the effective distance of these air defense weapons is 1,500. Mi, Zhang Xiaoqiang has a field cannon that can shoot a few kilometers. When the time comes to a fixed point, Hua Guoqiang has no place to cry.

The most hilarious thing is that Hua Guoqiang is fully prepared to fight and has sealed all the passages that have entered his sphere of influence. This has been equivalent to putting himself in the cell. With the water-wood piles, they can’t even hit the fishing, although some fields Zhang Xiaoqiang still does not believe that they can master the method of cultivating the dealer with zombies. Besides, Hua Guoqiang has a large population, and the population of 270,000 is 270,000 mouths. The daily consumption is an astronomical number. It was not good. Almost every once in a while, someone ran to the three sons to ask for food. In this way, without Zhang Xiaoqiang’s blockade, Hua Guoqiang solved the problem for Zhang Xiaoqiang.

In addition, the tortoise shell defense strategy of the Jiangxi Provisional Government will cause all the survivors of the Jiangxi Provisional Government to be in a state of chaos. There are 20,000 troops, thousands of rifles, and all kinds of heavy weapons have no military presence. Just as a tortoise turtle, it will only make the following people think that the enemy is very powerful. If the troops do not need to hit the following people, they will panic. Once the troops fight, they will not blow up the nest.

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