Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 725: Dagger tactics 1/3

The huge risks must have huge benefits. What's more, Zhang Xiaoqiang is about to let his benefits far outweigh the risks. After Cheng Liguo nodded, a complete operational plan was finally formed from Zhang Xiaoqiang's mind. The death of the Jiangxi Provisional Government was in China. Strong, Hua Guoqiang is dead, everything is not a problem, even those who are scattered in the army, Zhang Xiaoqiang are not in the eyes, even if they jumped into the wall, as long as Hua Guoqiang’s head is in hand, the soldiers will not Respecting the order, the only trouble is how to find the home of Hua Guoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, the force of Huang Quan and the three sons, did not expect them to fight. These troops had only one mission, to disarm the soldiers of the Jiangxi Provisional Government, control the population of 270,000, and prepare for the evacuation of survivors to Wuhan while deterring people. The population that was previously accepted at Raoman’s side all went to Wuhan, and they chose to pick them up and prepare for the river.

The number of 270,000 people is almost twice that of the Hubei base. If you want to digest it slowly, you have to wait a year and a half. Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't have this time. Although the zombie moves faster than he imagined, the zombies are always In the inland mobile, more than one day's preparations will have a chance to win. Hundreds of thousands of people are desperate for hundreds of millions of zombies. They want to be free from the crisis of zombie frenzy and have to rely on their own efforts.

For the assassination of Hua Guoqiang, most people are optimistic about Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang's ability, they also know one or two, so far, at least in front of them, Zhang Xiaoqiang has not encountered a real rival, the only one who is not optimistic about Zhang Xiaoqiang is Cheng Liguo, Hua Guoqiang started his assassination and killed the leader who was in front of him in the most despicable way. There were many evolvers. After Hua Guoqiang became the governor, he was the most prepared for others to assassinate him, no matter what he was eating. Still drinking water and rest, they are very careful, almost to the point where they can seamlessly drill, Zhang Xiaoqiang to kill Hua Guoqiang, and in case of failure, there is no chance to easily solve Hua Guoqiang.

The time of punishment was chosen at night, with more than a hundred evolutionists fully armed, special black uniforms and bulletproof vests, a rifle with a muffler and infrared night vision scope, and grenade that each of them had. With the pistol, this unit is the special team that Zhang Ziqiang gave to the three sons. The captain Yan Fanjun led his men to wait in the dock area. The square of more than 100 people was silent, like a group of stone statues standing in the wind.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is also wearing combat uniforms, helmets, rifles, and backpacks. They have to fight slower, hit and kill, and specialize in airlifting the best equipment and weapons. After all, Hua Guoqiang has at least seven The evolutionary of more than ten people, when Zhang Xiaoqiang smashed the three people who were behind him, he grabbed the process and went to the wooden board on the dock. Afterwards, Huang Quan’s slightly worried farewell was heard:

"Hey brother, everything is careful. If things don't work for us again, the key is that you can't have anything. How many people expect you to take them to defeat the zombies and rejuvenate China..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned and rushed to Huang Quan nodded, and glanced at him and the three sons peak, suddenly reprimanded:

"I remembered the things you had been fighting before. Don't think that this is all over. When I come back to see how I can clean up you... and there are three sons. After you are so impulsive, just hit me and see you still. dare……."

Cheng Liguo didn't feel any coolness in the breezy lake wind. At this moment, he was sweating and shivering. Ai Qingshan was not the first time to climb the snake back, but he enjoyed it like Zhang Xiaoqiang. Standing in the wind, he did not perform much better than the ordinary person of Cheng Liguo. There were only four people on the back of the black and black, and the other one was a squat in the back of the snake to observe the surrounding lake. Around them, a black shadow followed it. After that, each water snake had two soldiers, just letting them all rushed along with Zhang Xiaoqiang to Hua Guoqiang’s lakeside defense zone.

There is a cloud tonight, and there is no moonlight on the surface of the lake. Even people standing next to Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t see it clearly, let alone others who are tens of meters away, if they rely on their own boating, they may be lost on the lake. Direction, but the big water snake is not afraid. The road that the water snake walks through during the day still remembers that dozens of water snakes formed a formation under the leadership of the little black and black, with a boundless momentum to break the water wave and swim forward, leaving only Road water pattern.

Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that these water snakes are scary and okay. I really don’t want to let them fight. Don’t say rifles. Even a few firecrackers can scare them to death. Counting on this group of seemingly mighty water snakes, it’s not as good. Counting on a group of rampant sows, to the underwater piles that Zhang Xiaoqiang had been in during the day, the water snakes even hesitated, and rushed straight over. The water snakes on the rugged and sharp rocks of the land can be flat, not to mention here. All the soldiers and water snakes in the blink of an eye went to the shore.

There is no moon in the sky, it is suitable for their secret operations, and Zhang Xiaoqiang is not allowed to tell, and the squadron has made a hand-to-hand gesture. More than a dozen agile evolutionists in the team spread out together and divided it into five groups to rush to the surrounding Fortune 500 meters. In the past, Zhang Xiaoqiang had learned during the day that there were three people in each of the bunkers. In order to prevent them, they also sent three people to deal with a bunker. The waiting time was short. All the evolutionists returned to the warning on the shore. In the team, less than five minutes before and after.

At this time, Cheng Liguo took a sip of cold air and had goose bumps all over the body. He did not think that the soldiers around him were evolutionary, and there was a bit of hope in his heart. Maybe Zhang Xiaoqiang could really kill Hua Guoqiang, if that was the case. All the promises of Zhang Xiaoqiang may be honored. When I think of this, the previous tensions have disappeared, and the restlessness has disappeared. A heroic work is like a shot of blood into his heart. He whispered to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"Hey, the soldiers here are the most loyal troops. It is best to let the dead hand. If they wake up and get out of trouble, I am afraid they will be amazed."

Cheng Liguo’s proposal did not make Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitate for a second, and he smashed his head. The five agile evolvers once again rushed out. Although there were some indiscriminate killings, compared with this mission, fifteen human lives were no longer released by Zhang Xiaoqiang. In the heart, immediately after the troops set off again, Cheng Liguo did not care about the snake group who was with him. He took the lead to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Suddenly, he stopped and turned to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"Well, there are special patrols along the lake fortifications. They are specially dispatched to check the duty of the night guards. We must find a way to solve them, or else..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang and his men stood next to a corpse, watching more than a dozen soldiers kneeling on the ground scratching their heads. They just found the patrol team under the reminder of Cheng Liguo. They rushed out and killed the evolutionists in the team. I thought that the other soldiers almost threw the rifles at the same time, and they slammed on the ground, even if they had a copper whistle on their neckline.

"蟑螂哥~www.readwn.com~ Their chiefs were killed by Hua Guoqiang in the face of tens of thousands of people during the day..."

Cheng Liguo knew something. He was there during the day. He told Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned and looked at the soldiers on the ground. The patrol and every soldier in the bunker were familiar. The patrol team disappeared. Other bunkers will naturally It was found that even if they sent people to act as patrols, the patrols who met every day suddenly changed their faces. Even if the pigs knew that there was a problem, if they killed them, they would have to turn the whole blockhouse along the lake area to their part. All killed, this is not a group of fifteen people, but a full three hundred people.

"The lower-level officers and men offend the evolutionary, what punishment is there here?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly asked, Cheng Liguo was a first stay, his face was hard to look at, and he whispered:

"The offender is slowly stuffed in a large tank filled with white charcoal. At first, the head is placed outside. The bottom is half cooked. The person is still alive. It takes half a day to die. He will let him see before he dies. Your own mature lower body..."

With Cheng Liguo's remarks, most people's faces have changed. A living person sees the scent of his own waist below, and smells the roasting aroma of his body. This scene is definitely a nightmare. Relatively speaking, a knife The man’s arteries were cut through, and his blood was drained to death, or the most benevolent death.

"I heard it? Everyone took a knife and gave me a piece of meat on him..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang pointed to the elegans who were killed by them and asked the patrolmen. Cheng Liguo suddenly understood the meaning of Zhang Xiaoqiang and quickly said:

"This is your only chance. As long as there is a warning among you, everyone else will be killed alive. As long as you kill Hua Guoqiang, you are all right, or you can cut a knife or kill us. You yourself selected……."

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