Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 728: Opportunity 1/3 more

"My brother, I have already transferred 52,000 people, including 13,000 professional and technical workers, 15,000 pregnant women, and the rest are children aged 5 to 10 years old. The fleet has dispatched a total of 288 ships, transported 3,200 tons of grain, 15,000 tons of various living materials, and medical, production, and other materials of 750 tons. The crew has reached the limit, and many people have been working at high intensity for a week, with a maximum of four hours of sleep per day...

The remaining population is still 230,000, of which 22,000 are manual craftsmen. They have begun to dredge the surrounding irrigation system. It is expected that more than 200,000 mu of farmland will be cleared in half a month. It is a good place for abundance. With the cooperation of corpses, it can grow at least three hundred thousand tons of grain per year, and it can support more than 400,000 people in the central region.

We are going to leave about 30,000 agricultural population, and here we will build an agricultural town, which is responsible for planting and breeding. In order to avoid conflict with the third division of Jiangxi, we are not prepared to build fishing boats, only to build wooden boats for transportation, and to maintain The relationship between Zizi and Wuhan will open up more fields and strive to build the largest food center here. In addition, the brothers are required to send troops to destroy the zombies in Shuyang County. Although there are waterway barriers, it is a hidden danger. ”

This time, Zhang Xiaoqiang reported that Zhang Huai'an sent a government official who was responsible for receiving the work. This middle-aged man named Zuo Hanshan has been doing his best under Zhang Huai'an. This time, he was sent out to explain that he is very important to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Personal ability is also good. It took only three days to clear all kinds of miscellaneous physics, and proposed future development proposals. However, after all, he first contacted the top head for the first time. After seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang, it was inevitable that he was nervous. At the time, his legs were still trembling slightly. On the surface, his thoughts were clear and his statements were smooth. In fact, his back was wet with sweat.

Zhang Xiaoqiang squinted his legs and carried the scent of silver tea that he had made. He did not have a bite of his taste. The thoughts were not on the work of Zuohanshan, but on the overseas island of Australia. Jiangxi officially entered the finishing work. I don't need him to worry about it anymore. As for the problem of zombies, Zhang Xiaoqiang also has a good plan. Now that the zombies are no longer in his heart, only a new era can really attract his attention.

"Oh, if you can solve the zombies in Shuyang County and the scattered zombies around you, you can set up a Qingyi Brigade and slowly clean up. According to our budget, it takes about one year. The entire zombies around Puyang County can be cleaned up. Clean, at that time, we..."

Zuohanshan also thought that his request was too much, and carefully looked at the contemplative Zhang Xiaoqiang, hesitantly told the plan later. In their new plan, the nearest city to this colony was Shangrao City. The total population of Shangrao City is more than six million, of which the urban population is not much, most of them are scattered in the countryside, so you have to be careful about the scattered zombies in droves, which is why the Chinese power is always strong. The reason why development cannot be achieved is surrounded by millions of zombies. Even if they have certain force, they cannot expand their living space. Therefore, the new breeding base must destroy the zombies in Shuyang County, and then let the left-behind troops constantly clear the scattered zombies. Step by step to clean up the zombies around.

"What? Millions of zombies? Where are the millions of zombies?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly woke up, and the small-scale zombies were not in his heart, but once the zombies exceeded 500,000, it was a huge threat. More than one million means a huge battle. A battle will consume a lot of material and ammunition. For the soldiers who are going to die in a certain number of columns, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who is aiming to open Sichuan and digest 300,000 people, is not worth the battle.

"Yes, it is the zombie around the breeding base. The breeding base we set up here is surrounded by millions of zombies. The reconnaissance unit reported that thousands of square kilometers of zombie communities are constantly moving, one day. Will arrive at us, in case they smell something, those small rivers may not be able to block the zombie tide...

Therefore, after the resettlement base, we hope that the brothers can send troops to solve the 400,000 zombies in Shuyang County. After that, the garrison can clean up the zombies in batches. Even if only a few hundred zombies are killed every day, one year is enough to cover the entire county. When the corpse is clear, we will have room for manoeuvre and agriculture will be better developed. ”

Zuo Hanshan said that Zhang Xiaoqiang would understand that Shuyang County is surrounded by water on three sides. There are also large lakes in the county. It is a city in the lake. A large number of zombies cannot find an exit. They can only be nested in the county. These zombies are hidden dangers. In the case of Shuyang County, where water is needed to develop agriculture, it is necessary to take the lead in solving these zombies. In the past, the Jiangxi Provisional Government did not have the ability to solve this problem. Zhang Xiaoqiang had to solve it.

"Well, I know, you have made a good development plan for Jiangxi. Try not to conflict with the three sons. They fight fishing, we will farm, and in the future, if we are in conflict with them, we must take the initiative to shrink. Let them not think that you have robbed their rice bowls, so that the two sides will get closer and closer..."

There are only three sons left in the three forces of Poyang Lake. For this power, Zhang Xiaoqiang gave a name, and later as a minion to tap the potential of Jiangxi. In some things, he must make the population under the Three Sons benefit. They are not disgusted with Hubei. They gradually agree with Hubei. At that time, the power of the three sons is his. There is no need to make it too stiff. To put it bluntly, this is politics.

After sending out the left Hanshan, Zhang Xiaoqiang took the silver tea in the cup and killed it. He picked up the plan in front of him and flipped it. After a long time, he stood up and walked around the house, affirming the talents of these people, at least the plan they drafted. Zhang Xiaoqiang can't think of such details, and his sustainability is relatively high. He can control the operation in the general direction, but he can't do anything about these fine little things. However, with the plans made by the following people, the establishment of a grain base in Jiangxi will be done. There are no problems.

Yuanshan was born and raised in the Poyang Lake. After the arrival of the last days, he followed the tide and slowly lived to this day. Before that, he had eaten all kinds of sufferings. He had taken risks for a bite of food because he blocked the path of the evolutionary. There was only one breath left, and all kinds of dangers made him squat. Before the end of the world, his encounters could be written as a legendary thriller, but in the last days, such stories are almost every There are survivors, but some will have the opportunity to write a sequel, while others will become a good meal in the zombie mouth.

As the squad leader of the manual craftsmanship, Yuan Shan and his team are doing the work of digging the ditch. There is nothing to complain about Yuanshan. Every day, rice is full, and a fish is eaten in three days. Even if it is injured, there is clean gauze. With bandages, at least let them find some memories before the end of the world. In the last days, the truth of human life is not reflected in the truth of dogs.

Compared with Yuan Shan, Zhang Jun is not very well-received. As a rare master here, the horizon is wider than most people. He knows that in a chaotic world, as long as he is courageous and lucky, the opportunity will be in the past. Hundreds of times, as long as he seizes an opportunity, he can take advantage of the situation, far more powerful than when he is a lower-level soldier. So he found a good relationship with the village Yuanshan today.

"It’s Zhang Jun, what other work is it for me? I will go there soon, wait for me to dig this trench..."

Yuan Shan waved a crossbow with a sweaty, sweaty back, and foamed the mud that had formed a hard block in front of him. A worker behind him was using a dung to dig a pile of excavated mud into the farmhouse in the shape of a character. Mtlnovel.com~ Once it is full, let the people behind it pick it away, all around the entire canal, all in this way, dredge a stream of water.

"Yuan Shan, don't do it, I have something for you, maybe we won't have to do this later..."

Zhang Jun urged the urgency, Yuanshan refused to hand over the tools to the people behind him, hands smashed. Get some, take clean sand and pick up the clothes to wipe the sweat, climbed to Zhang Jun, dissatisfiedly muttered:

"I said that you are also, all day thinking about messy play, that is, not working hard, now the day is not stronger than ours? Three meals a day full of side dish soup, every three and five fish and lake fresh, in case You are not lazy if you find yourself lazy and you are out of the team."

Yuan Shan’s words made Zhang Jun very contemptuous. The whole small farmer thought about it. Yuanshan’s dryness to the night, the sweat that flowed out could be counted, and he could fill his stomach and drop what? As the only postgraduate student in the village, Zhang Jun, how can he eat like a girl like Yuanshan? Originally, Yuanshan complained that Zhang Jun, who was blackdened, no longer complained. He whispered:

"Little cousin, what the **** is going on?"

A little cousin let Zhang Jun extinguish the little flame in his heart. In the end, this dark and strong man is his only relative, even a distant relative who can't be beaten by a gossip. Pulling Yuanshan to the side of the secluded place, carefully watching the movement around, Zhang Jun whispered:

"There is a chance to make a fortune. As long as we grasp this opportunity, we will live in the granary in the future, and we will live for three or five years. Even if we don’t do anything in the future, as long as the Hubei forces are not destroyed, we will be rich. Also, if we have enough, we can apply for immigration and immigrate to Qinghai. We will never see the corpse in our lifetime..."

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