Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 742: Shock 3/3 more

The bottom of the river is hell, the zombies have been human, and the bones of the river are all human bones. Even the most imaginative painters can't describe this unusually chilling scenery. On the river, countless corpses are stacked. Anyone who sees it will be scared to death. Only Zhang Xiaoqiang can be clear-minded in this kind of environment and hold himself. Not only is there no panic, but he is curious to look at the scene of the river bottom. He has a longer life than ordinary people. The gas pulse, the previous cloud bomb did not let him die of oxygen deficiency, here he is also fine, do not know what is the situation above the head, he is still more willing to take under the river.

The bottom of the river is not only the dead zombie bones. On the contrary, the river bottom is very lively. Countless variegated aquatic creatures gather at the bottom of the river. A black cloud-like black shrimp swims in the bone mountain. The zombies that fall are the shortest. Time is eaten by them as white bones, and a white knife-shaped fish with zombies floating in the water, numerous arm lengths are chasing, and occasionally chasing the gap of the sun, only a dazzling silver light shines, waiting for the flash There was also the glare of the glare disappearing, the zombies and the fish were gone, leaving only a solitary skeleton, and the shadow of a huge truck-like site faintly drifted over Zhang Xiaoqiang's head.

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the turtle like a giant turtle. The eight plate armor of the turtle's lower abdomen is like a city wall. The limbs are short and thick like a barrel. The big tail like a snake tail is its rudder. Every time it turns, it makes it the fastest. The speed rushed to the head of a still-lived zombie, biting his head. This huge turtle only eats the head of the zombie, and the headless body that bites his head is abandoned and is rushed by other fish that follow the turtle. Dividing food, such a Yangtze River is everywhere in the bottom of the river, but the water snake is also considered a strong in the aquarium, or Zhang Xiaoqiang may be used as a zombie to be eaten by countless aquariums.

Another black cloud made up of black shrimp flashed from Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes. Even in the water, Zhang Xiaoqiang's line of sight was still sharp. He found that after the black shrimp flashed, a piece of sand with color swelled in the water, when he broke into the big snake. This piece of sand was discovered when it was actually hundreds of millions of shrimp eggs. I don’t know how many eggs were born in this group of black shrimps. If they can all hatch, there are probably hundreds of millions of black shrimps, and countless countless The skeleton, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought a little, the Z-type zombie crossing the river continued to consume a large number of ordinary zombies, but also provided a large amount of food and environment for the fish and shrimp in the water, these skeletons will form a coral reef in the future, inhabiting The black shrimp inside has a safe environment and can retain the nutrients left in the upstream. I am afraid that in the near future, it will be the kingdom of black shrimp.

Although Zhang Xiaoqiang has a long-term pulse, after all, there is no long fish, and he can't support it anymore. The one-horned horn that pulls the snake will float up. The big snake is unwilling, staying underwater and comfortable, safe, and taking time to suck. Hundreds of thousands of black shrimps on the mouth, but forgot that its owner is not a water snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang naturally has a way to deal with the big snake, and soon a scarlet dyed in the water, the big snake was pulled by Zhang Xiaoqiang.

After the mutated big bird rushed to the air, I didn’t think that the water snake was abnormal. I didn’t know how far it was. I spent a long time in the same place, and all the zombies around me were flying, and even the big fish that were several meters long in the water turned white. A few, did not catch the big snake, so that the big bird is very uncomfortable, after a terrible timid tweet, the big bird skyrocketed, and flew to the z-type zombies that had already retreated into the river.

The danger of the big bird Z-type zombies can not be felt, if it is not blocked by the source of the road, it will not be stupid to stay on the riverside, can not advance, a moment of anxiety, zombies once again issued an elite whistle, immediately, The speed of the zombies that rushed into the eclipse increased by a few more points. The speed of the eclipse expansion also hit a few points, so that the screams came to an abrupt end. The Z-type zombies were not all idiots. Calling the subordinates was just a habit. After this habit is about to damage his life, serious habits will be banned, the source of erosion will finally no longer spread, and the big bird will come to the top of the zombie.

Just at the moment when the python was prepared for defense, two screams came from the source of the eclipse. The two tall men were rushed out of the source of the catastrophic corpse of the nearly half of the eclipse, and jumped on the river bank. The big bird in the air rushed, and the big bird’s claws just caught the two zombies. No one expected that the Z-type corpse was like a ghost, and the two D4 zombies that were involved in the eclipse were suppressed. Become the last ambush.

The zombies did not give up even if the giant birds caught in their claws. Although their bodies were strong enough, the claws of the big birds could only catch half. The claws of the big birds were not vegetarian. They tightened sharply, but they saw firecrackers. The crisp sounds from the claws, the two tough zombies immediately softened into plasticine. Even so, the zombie skin was not scratched, but the black blood was spilled from their mouth and nose fountains, followed by The bird smashed its claws and was about to spread its wings. I didn’t expect the other two giant corpses, who had been waiting by the side, to rush over and hug the giant bird’s claws, limiting the giant birds with great force, and the big birds could not help but The Z-shaped zombies, who have been flapping their wings and wanting to leave, have been protected by the zombies around them, suddenly jumped up and jumped to the head of the big bird.

At this moment, the wings of the big bird have been fanned, and the two giant corpses have been taken away from the ground. The Z-shaped zombies have naturally been fanned and flew to the surging source. At this time, a sudden collapse of the body of the river Raised, a huge snake head appeared quietly on the water, and the snake head naturally screamed at Zhang Xiaoqiang, the water snake quietly and silently, and there was no difference between the crocodile and the crocodile eating by the river, if not Zhang Xiaoqiang Still moving, no one will pay attention to the head of the water snake like a wood pile stuck in the body. One person and one snake did not have any movements, just looking at the Z-shaped zombie that was flying, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the zombie in his heart. Certainly, the back is the source of erosion. Once it has rushed into the source of erosion, the zombie has nine lives and cannot live.

Zhang Xiaoqiang forgot a bit. The Z-shaped zombies had wisdom in the initial form. Although they were not too high, they already had some means. At the second level, they were strange. At least, none of the Z2 zombies that Zhang Xiaoqiang had seen were the same. They are all dressed in various vests. The guys who don’t have the best form of escape are much more powerful than the squirting water snakes. When he thinks that all the big things are fixed, the tassels floating on the zombies will bounce like infinite stretches. The sea urchins, over a short distance, hugged the big heads of the big birds together, suddenly let the big bird panic, slammed into the sky, with two giant pythons on the claws swaying and flying.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyesight can be seen differently. The Z-type zombie tassel's general tentacles are not only wrapped ~www.readwn.com~ but flexible in the big bird's head, each tentacle has sharp bone spurs, constant Exploring the weakness of the giant bird's head, wanting to puncture the puncture, and the two zombies on the giant bird's paw are also hugged, and at this moment they are also infected by the green fog of the previous bird's claw. These two zombies are also embarrassed, even using their own body as a nourishment, let the green fog slowly expand, it seems to want to melt the two birds of the giant bird, the big bird is covered by countless tentacles, only chaos Fly, let the mutated flock of birds falling across from each other panic, a strong wind sweeping, 17 or eight big birds flying in the sky hovering around the giant bird seems anxious.

One of the hairs was red and bloody, and there were two golden spots. The mutated big bird rushed up anxiously. The **** red claws crawled underground to the Z zombies stuck on the giant bird's head. The zombies felt threatened and pointed. The sound screamed, the high-frequency sound applied to the giant bird's eardrum, without the obstruction of the air, just like the treble of 80,000 decibels directly rang around, suddenly the giant bird was irritated by the stimulation.


The zombies were torn off from the head of the giant bird, and countless tassel tentacles broke down. The zombies fell into the claws of the red giant bird, but then, as if the giant ship of the warship was smashed into the red bird On the forehead, suddenly the brain of the red bird's head is split, but the giant bird is subconsciously counterattacking when it is unconscious. This will require the red bird's life, the huge red bird's huge wings and the mighty hanging down. As if the crashed passenger plane was carried to the river, the Z-shaped zombies in its claws also fell with the big bird, even if its screaming screamed for a moment, it could not stop the ending of its drowning, seeing the giant bird. It is about to fall. Suddenly, the zombies in its claws are separated from the middle. A pointed-nosed monkey squats, as if the black little zombies of the macaques fall off from the giant claws, twisting their bodies and falling into the piles piled up in the river...

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