Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 746: About Shanghai 1/3

"We are all ran out after the army evacuated..."

Hesitant for a long while, the man still decided to say it, there is a one-horned dragon as a mount, but also dare to rush to the man of the dead sea, killing them absolutely no difficulty, contact on both sides, in an unequal position, Zhang Xiaoqiang is strong, they are weak, For the strong, they did not have any say, and as he snarled, Zhang Xiaoqiang understood the background behind the group of people in front of him.

Shazhou Island is rich in materials. Whether it is wild vegetables or aquatic products, the sand bar is also a good farmland. It can always find some wild crops. It is not difficult to support thousands of people. Even if there is no boat, you can swim from the river. While traveling to the island, these people are survivors around, and they are lucky enough to escape from the city and get together. Or, the people here are the fugitives of the original small forces, either they can’t live or they can’t stand it. Going down, all kinds of people from the group form a new community here.

In the last days, the most ruthless people are the best group of people who live. They don’t need to escape from the group. The true escape from the group is a group of poor people who naturally do not form a new oppressive class. Democratic system of mutual consultation. In this power, men are more than women, women in the position of the power is relatively high, and the man in front of this group can be regarded as the leader of this group of people, the reason is that this man was originally a native of Shazhou, familiar with the environment, also know how to be in the wild And Jiang Li got food...

After listening to the man’s remarks, Zhang Xiaoqiang gradually has a bottom. These people are a group of bitter haha ​​without any oil and water. They can live on the island until now, no matter how good they are to find gaps, just like when he came out from home on the same day, looking for Any opportunity to let him live, but his courage is a little bigger, luck is better, Zhang Xiaoqiang has not made a move to intimidate them, so that the rest of the people are no longer afraid, slowly surrounded up to sit Resting by the campfire, someone found the dead branches and put the tuber plants in their hands and put them on the fire. Some people held their legs and secretly looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang who wore them back.

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s military uniform made a few people in the eyes of the scene, but did not say much. Although the army always occupied a different position in the hearts of the survivors, they had already learned to rely on themselves, but the man was happy to give him Zhang Xiaoqiang. The salt, waiting for Zhang Xiaoqiang's instructions, Zhang Xiaoqiang's keen eye is also looking at the five people in front of him, gradually found some differences, one of the big breasted women seems to have strong hostility towards him, his eyes are very bad, do not know her Where is the hostility?

“There are tens of millions of zombies in Shanghai. Why are there so many survivors?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not respond to the hostility in the woman's eyes and continued to ask questions he was concerned about. At this time, the man pulled the little girl around him and said to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

"She ran out of Shanghai. At that time, a man was sitting in a large plastic basin and was almost exhausted in the middle of the river..."

This little girl is the one who screamed before. She is not very courageous. She is not very afraid of Zhang Xiaoqiang. She is curiously looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang, and her eyes are dignified:

"Are you the People's Liberation Army? There are many PLAs in Shanghai. They are all broken up. They took us back to the underground bomb shelter. Where we have food, water, and medical supplies, we have more than 30 PLAs in the bomb shelter. The biggest official is a company commander, and the people have more than 4,000 people..."

As one of China's most developed and densely populated cities, Shanghai has its own supporting facilities and a set of preventive measures for terrorist attacks. At the beginning of the virus outbreak, the military response was very timely, in the first six. Within a few hours, a large number of survivors were rescued and retreated to the underground bunker as planned. However, the commander who originally formulated the emergency plan did not expect that the situation would reach the worst level. In the first place, there would be 90%. The population was infected as a zombie, and the army itself was also hit hard. Many underground bunkers had no chance to open. The little girl had better luck and military protection. Fortunately, she found an underground bunker and lived in a safe environment with thousands of people.

But the original material of the underground bunker was only consumed by 3,000 people for one year. Even if the supply was strictly controlled, it would not be enough. The 37 soldiers could suppress the population of 4,000 and they had already done the limit. They went out to find supplies and look for it. The broken comrades are even more difficult to talk about. In the first year, a large number of survivors could not stand the underground closed environment and committed suicide. Some people tried to escape from the underground and were shot and killed by the soldiers who kept the entrance. At the end, even the soldiers began. With different ideas, all kinds of negative emotions are hidden in the ground. Even the whole Shanghai is only the group of them. There is no backup, no hope, no mutual encouragement. Everyone is suffering in despair. At that time, they did not know that in addition to the underground bunkers, a large number of survivors were hiding in the complicated underground waterway, using simple weapons to fight the underground zombies, and the **** level was horrendous, so that a group of people would be their biggest nightmare.

The migration of zombies is an opportunity for all survivors. For those who are desperate to kill zombies every day, it is an opportunity for their power to rise. The blanks of zombies are occupied by survivors hiding in the underground in the shortest time. At the time, there was no threat of zombies, and the survivors began a war-like expansion and melee.

The underground bunker where the little girl was seated was spotted before the survivors came out. Thirty-seven soldiers could not suppress the evolutionary who spy. Shanghai’s supplies are not lacking, but there is a lack of large population. In this case, The deforestation of the population and weapons is taking place every day. A large number of innocent survivors have not died in the hands of zombies. Instead, they died in the hands of the same kind. When the soldiers were killed, thousands of survivors were taken over. The real disaster began to come, and women, especially beautiful women, became the toys that the evolutionists used to play with. The men were reorganized into teams, armed with simple weapons to fight with other forces, or for the site, or for supplies. Or for the grievance between the two power leaders.

Every day, people escaped from Shanghai. They avoided the zombies who had not left in the city, looking for any chance to escape from this hell. A large number of survivors were killed on the banks of the Yangtze River, their heads were chopped off as warnings, and countless survivors were People grab back and become slaves, as bait to lure zombies, luck will live for a few more days, bad luck is directly killed with the zombies.

This little girl is a native of Shanghai. She can find all kinds of opportunities and materials that others can't find. At the same time, she chooses to go up the river and avoid the fierce and evil forces. The checkpoint set at the mouth of the sea is lucky to find this. Still able to survive, can save the dignity of the small forces ~www.readwn.com~ until today, Zhang Xiaoqiang appeared.

Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that even in a big city with zombies, survivors will not die. In the beginning, whether it was to recover Yinchuan or Wuhan, there are always survivors found to gather, the only difference is that his troops are strong enough, those survivors do not have Any opportunity to form small groups and forces, under the strong army collection, any forces will be broken up, survivors will be assigned to various positions, no chance to linger, and Shanghai zombies are their own, the zombies leave the blank It became a hotbed of sin, and the survivors suffered for two years. They finally had the opportunity to continue to live, but they were once again hit hard in the man-made disaster.

Time passed away in Zhang Xiaoqiang's thinking. Without Zhang Xiaoqiang's permission, these people did not dare to leave. The little girl who ran out of Shanghai flashed her eyes and stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang's single soldier ration bag, but did not dare to ask for it. There is no shortage of food on the sandbar, but there is not much food. They live like wild people every day. They eat and use the most primitive things. Otherwise, they will not expose themselves to Zhang Xiaoqiang to ask for salt.

The undulating water waves in the river gradually stopped. Zhang Xiaoqiang finally came back to see the little girl’s longing eyes. She picked up the individual ration bag around her and threw her two bags. She casually said to the man:

"You don't go anywhere else, you just stay here. If you have a fleet coming, how long will you report your brother's name, they will arrange it for you..."

When Zhang Xiaoqiang’s words came out, the faces of the five people changed, and they began to exchange their eyes. The flames flashed in their eyes and exposed their complex feelings. After Zhang Xiaoqiang finished speaking, he waited quietly for them to answer. Although the population here is not much, Zhang Xiaoqiang has decided to merge it into Hubei. As long as he decides, these people are not allowed to bargain with him.

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