Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 748: Crazy 3/3

After the evolution, the snakes were flying fast, and they swam on the river surface. The scenery on both sides of the river seemed to be streamlined and quickly flashed on the side. After half an hour, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the outer buildings of Shanghai, and more high-rise buildings stood in the middle. In the distance, under the blue sky, a layer of black mist filled the city, forming a strong and contradictory contrast. It seems that there is no unpredictable danger in Shanghai. It is not close to Shanghai. Zhang Xiaoqiang already has the actual situation in Shanghai. It is understood that the suburbs of Shanghai are still in the hands of zombies. The closer to the city center and the sea, the safer it is. The zombies have already given up the city. Only a few zombies are swirling in the complicated terrain, and they can’t get out in the dead. The city has concentrated most of the wealth and materials in the southeastern region. These materials are being squandered in the hands of Shanghai survivors. They are venting and enjoying the hard-fought materials, the shortage of materials and the eternal death in the first two years. The crisis is suspended in the heads of each of them, and now they are retaliating to vent their own negative feelings. Of course, this can only be owned by the evolution of those vent.

After the end of the world, some people became evolutionists. With enough power, there is no need to worry about the former government that has not appeared for more than two years. Some of the troops that have survived in the past have fallen victim to the chaos, and some have become new forces. Apart from the military system, some of them retreat to the corners, guarding a few survivors, and waiting for support that will never happen.

No one knows how many small forces there are in Shanghai, and no one knows how many survivors there are in Shanghai. One thing is certain. Each force has its own evolutionary person. According to the hierarchy, at least two or more evolutionists can Set up a small force, or else it will be swallowed up in the shortest time. The ordinary survivors will be reduced to slaves under the hands of these evolutionists. Shanghai has a lot of materials enough to squander. The value of these survivors is not reflected in the creation. It is only a simple oppression of slavery, and the toy of the superior is alive.

The survivors of Shanghai are sad. The evolutionists don't care about their lives. They only care if they can get enough enjoyment and happiness. The survivors are not in the same eyes of the evolutionists. They are just a group of slaves. A group can serve themselves. The slaves of pleasure, the survivors no longer have dignity, and no longer have the right to be human. Their lives and self-esteem after the end of the world are trampled. It can be said that Shanghai is now a human hell. Some people always want to please these. The survivors are swearing for the tiger, betrayed others to exchange the favor of the evolutionists, but they are just the running dogs in the eyes of the evolutionists, including the woman who had infiltrated into the sandbank yesterday, really want to live in Shanghai, live well, only The evolutionist can do it.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is very hesitant. Shanghai can go or not, go, maybe you can lay a nail in Shanghai, and lay a good foundation for the future Yangtze River fleet to recover Shanghai. If so, he will have to waste a lot of time in Shanghai, of course, He can pretend that he doesn't know anything and goes straight to the river. Even if the evolution of Shanghai has intercepted the Yangtze River's exit, he does not believe that someone can stop himself. Besides, his main goal is not to recover Shanghai. Looking for Australia in the sea, if the time spent in Shanghai is long, when the new era is freed from various troubles, God knows what variables will be there?

Hesitating, there were several wooden rafts and two motor boats suddenly appearing in front of them. The wooden rafts lost their power in the river. They were slowly drifting down the water. The women and children crowded above were screaming loudly, and the screams screamed to pass the women and children. The extreme fear in the heart, there are at least ten people on each wooden raft, and six wooden rafts add up to sixty or seventy people. These people are panicked by the two motorboats, even if they are far away, Zhang Xiaoqiang I also see the despair and anger of those people.

Suddenly, a blue motorboat plowed a few meters of water on the river and slammed through one of the wooden rafts. A small figure was thrown high from the raft. On the water, he was dragged by a motorboat. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s eyes shook sharply. Everything he saw was clear. There were two men on the motorboat. One was driving a motorboat and the other was dancing with a hook. The ropes, at the moment of the two-phase interlaced, the round iron hooks flew up the wooden raft to hook a child in his teens, piercing his chest and dragging the child to slide on the river.

A row of drainage columns rises in the fast friction between the children and the river. The men on the motorboats are red and distorted. The faces of the embarrassed people have a perverted smile. The children roll and sink in the water, and the water splashes. The motorboat turned and dragged. When it was not long, it could not see the human form and became a mass of tangled meat. The group shook the layers of water under the water.

The men on the motorboat are laughing and laughing, and they can see that they enjoy this kind of entertainment and happiness. The women and children on the wooden raft are crying in despair, and another woman is caught by another man on a motorboat. Out of the wooden raft, the screams came to an abrupt end when she entered the water. This time, the iron hook hooked the woman’s lower abdomen. In the water waves, the woman’s upper body clothes were washed away by the water waves in an instant. The body was spinning in the river. As the motorboat turned in disguise, the sharp iron hook suddenly split the woman's body into two. The blood splashed, and the two bodies slid in the river with the internal organs. After three or five seconds, it turned into disability. The woman of the corpse was swallowed by the river, leaving only the scarlet vortex and the clothes that had been pulled off before floating on the river.

The former boy had never been unhooked and rolled over on the river until he was cut off by the ropes, and then slowly sinking into the bottom of the river. The man on the motorboat took out a new iron hook and was excited to find the next one. In the horror of the wooden rafts, the motorboats circling around the rafts rushed to the raft again. Suddenly, the two men jumped from the rafts and struggled to swim across the river. They expected the rafts. The people can attract the sight of the hunters. The hunters are indeed attracted to the sights. They are attracted by them. The men driving the motorboats are intertwined with each other, and each rushes to their own goal. The steep hull is like a sword. The waves of water came in and hit the prey they selected in an instant.

A man is like a kicked ball, flying from the surface of the water to the sky, the bones of the whole body are broken, irregularly twisting and falling to the surface of the water. At the moment of falling, the motorboat that accelerates rushes to hit it again, eventually It was blown into a **** fog, and the broken limbs fell to the river surface, fainting the river, and another man was pushed into the bottom by a motorboat. When the motorboat hovers over the layers of white waves, the man has become a floating body. The water wave swirls.

Zhang Xiaoqiang has been sluggish, his eyes almost lost his focal length. He kissed a killing that was not for food, not for supplies, or even for living space. The killers were killed only to satisfy their simple animal desires. Enjoy the power and joy of taking away the lives of others. www.readwn.com~ The targets of being killed are the same kind of human beings, but on those excited cheeks, Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t find them even one. A little bit of ambiguity, Zhang Xiaoqiang is also a killer. The human beings who died in his hands are ignorant. There are Han people, Mongolians, wolves, and new eras. There are also men and women. Zhang Xiaoqiang will never be because of Enjoy killing and killing, every time he kills someone to save more people.

So seeing this scene today, Zhang Xiaoqiang can't accept it for a while, he is sluggish, but the killing is not over. The man on the motorboat is like a cat playing with a mouse, and the survivors on several wooden rafts are used as toys for any play. Perhaps they are already impatient, one of the motorboats draws a huge arc on the water surface, accelerates the bow to a wooden raft, and the fast-moving motorboat rushes to the front of the raft in the shortest time, then the whole The motorboat stunts from the surface of the water, over the short space, the survivors who hit the raft on the raft, a few huge muffled sounds, the motorboat swayed and swayed into the water, behind the motorboat, The survivors seemed to be tumbling by the wind-stricken scarecrow and fell to the surrounding water. As a result, the survivors on the raft lost two-thirds, and the remaining two fell on the raft and cried.

Another motorboat suddenly rushed to the raft. In the screams of the survivors, a snowy hook hooked the raft, and under the traction of the motorboat, rushed to the side, just in the wood. When everyone on the platoon thought that he was captured by the motorboat, another motorboat resumed its power, turned and rushed over, and also pulled out the hook, hooked the same wooden raft, and the two motorboats simultaneously Pulling, the originally fragile rafts were instantly dispersed, and a scream of screams, all the survivors fell into the water, and several young children were swallowed by the river in an instant...

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