Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 750: Landing 2/3

"Who is chasing you?"

Silence for a long while, Zhang Xiaoqiang still can't bear to give up these people, even if his heart has been honed like a stone, no matter how changed, Zhang Xiaoqiang still has a trace of humanity, the dozens of lives in front of him are between him, he I can find countless reasons to leave. For example, even if he stays, the power of one person alone cannot change the weak meat that Shanghai has formed. Even if he settles these people, he cannot guarantee that he will leave. These people will not be detained. The evolutionary of the engulfing, he can not kill the evolution of Shanghai, not to mention the evolutionary ability of the outside is strange, there are many evolutionists he encountered can easily kill him, Gusi, Ming Mingyue, also There are some unknown women in the small town. These people are much better than him. He used to have good luck. It doesn't mean that luck will always be so good. In the event of an accident, isn't Yang Keer hopeless?

But these reasons that can convince anyone can not convince Zhang Xiaoqiang's heart, he is him, even if he is murderous, his heart is as hard as iron, as long as he is still alone, leaving a trace of humanity, he can never give up These people, even if they have nothing to do with him, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s inquiry did not dare to respond, they dripped down, and one of the men with worn glasses whispered:

"We are just a group of people. Anyone on the Yangtze River can kill us. At first we have twenty-six wooden rafts that want to cross the river. Now there are only so many people left. Blocking the Yangtze River is the unspoken rule of Shanghai. ...."

It is also the truth of sheep and wolves. The survivors are the property in the hands of the evolutionaries. The evolutionists can freely abandon these survivors, but they are not allowed to offend their majesty. Moreover, the evolutionary itself is also human, human beings are social animals, and there are no survivors. As the cornerstone of the lower layer, how can they enjoy the happiness of the upper class?

"Whose power is this piece?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his chin and pointed to the river where they were. He asked the man with glasses and his whole body shaking slightly. The man narrowed his neck and said:

"This piece is not our original place. The owner here does not know the specific situation. Any superior is not what we can look up to...."

When Zhang Xiaoqiang heard this, he didn't know why, and he was very upset. It took only two years for Shanghai to return to the slave society. There is still a new era outside, and China's interior is in a mess. He is an enemy of Zhang Xiaoqiang and the new era. For the renaissance of China, the elites of Shanghai in the end of the world are actually dragging back from China. If they wait for the new era to land, they don’t even need to send troops. They only need to send a few apostles, and maybe they can turn the evolutionists in Shanghai. Point the butcher knife at his power.

Suddenly, Chinese history flashed through his heart, Yangzhou on the 10th, Jiading Santu, and the Mongolian massacre of the Han Chinese. These were the butchers that Chinese traitors surrendered to their compatriots. The traitors wanted to please the conquerors. In order to conceal the fact that he is a traitor, he often makes a more crazy act than the conqueror. What is the difference between the evolutionary in Shanghai and the traitors who have been stigmatized for years? When the zombies have just left, they will be a blessing to their compatriots. These guys are not as good as the new era. At least the new era is still gathering the survivors to work for the recovery of civilization, and the Chinese in Shanghai are simply the burials of the Chinese civilization. The last glimmer of greed was just to satisfy their lusts.

"Follow me ashore..."

No need to say anything, even if it is an enemy of the entire Shanghai evolutionary? When Zhang Xiaoqiang started his eleven people, he played a big foundation, sheltered a million people, killed thousands of zombies, and used it in this group of dare to kill zombies, only dare to kill his companions in front of the bastard. What? Now that you know that the survivors of Shanghai are not good things, what does Zhang Xiaoqiang still need to avoid? It was a great time that he returned to Hubei with a big water snake and led a 100,000-strong army down the river to destroy everything that was not pleasing to the eye.

After all, Zhang Xiaoqiang urged the big water snake to climb out of the river and quickly rushed to the river embankment. The scales of the water snake and jade-like jade will not drip when they are out of the water, and the mud pool that swims across the river will not leave any Mud spots, the survivors in the back in order to catch up with Zhang Xiaoqiang but they are very embarrassed, they are just a group of women and children, the youngest need adults to hug, wait for this group of people to cross the sticky quagmire, standing on the shore with mud, Zhang Xiaoqiang And the big snake has disappeared, only to hear the intense and short gunfire from above, so that everyone below is scared to pale, or the former man wearing glasses shouted to others:

"Don't move, go back to the river or die, no matter what the above is, we have to wait here, in case something happened... everyone is ready, the woman washes her face If you can live, you will not be interested in your feelings. The children will stand together and hold the small ones. If they don’t want to take them, you will go out and find food. Don’t go to the city. Center, don't go to the store, don't go to someone else's place, use what I used to give you, eat grass, eat leaves, no matter how hard, you have to live..."

The man explained in the shortest time, and everyone in the room did not object. Several women were stripped off in front of everyone, walked down the river, and washed themselves with the cold river. Twenty children stood on one side. Older children, holding smaller children, big or small, don’t dare to cry, just numb the adults to put food and objects on them, a few men kneeling and biting The teeth look at the group of children who are about to face the difficult life alone. In Shanghai, the evolutionists can't see the children. If they are beautiful children, they will keep enjoying them slowly, but those who look like they are too young or too young. Children, they will drive them out and let themselves die. There are too many such abandoned children in Shanghai. They live like stray dogs, look for any opportunities to survive, some steal, some to grab, others Then learn to use the body to exchange for food, or to be selected as a reserve soldier by the evolutionary, killing their companions to prove their bravery.

In the past ten minutes and a second, the gunshots on the top have not been broken, there are shots of rifles, bursts of pistols, and the roar of gunpowder. Waiting is often anxious, but people here want this. Anxiously infinitely extended, because the longer the time, the trials they will face will be delayed, and the mother of the child can stay with her children for a few more minutes.

No one dares to say that Zhang Xiaoqiang will have something, and he dare not say that he has nothing to do. An evolver who challenges the evolutionary who has the power is to die, but with the monster, it is necessary to look at it for a longer period of time, Shanghai evolution. They are all arrogant, they will not resist the end, even if they encounter strong opponents, as long as they surrender, they can still retain their own interests and identities, and the conquerors are willing to have one or more evolvers under their own hands. The only one who suffers is the survivor.

It was not until half an hour later that the gunshots began to be sparse~www.readwn.com~ before the collapse of the building, there were intensive screams, Zhang Xiaoqiang had only one person, the screams would not be his, one can The monsters with the dragons insisted for half an hour, which made the survivors who suffered so much more hope, especially the mothers of the children. Before Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at their eyes, they did not have a special dislike for the children. They have a little bit of luck, maybe Zhang Xiaoqiang is a little bit kind, maybe they will give these children a way to live?

"Everyone is ready, it must be that the adults have won. This time we can live to see the adults. The children have given me the spirit. I have not reached the worst level. Everyone should not squint. Laugh, laugh, the adults have won, we are happy for the adults..."

Invisible, the glasses man has become the small leader of this temporary small team, at least proficient in the current survival rules of Shanghai, knowing to give up, also know how to please contact the evolutionary, others have no rebuttal, can not live now is not a fool The people of the last days know the true meaning of abandonment. In today's life, where there is no value for money, they can't give up if there is a glimmer of hope. If they can impress the ambiguity of the superiors, even if they let everything go.

About ten minutes later, Zhang Xiaoqiang and the Dashui Snake reappeared on the heads of the people. Zhang Xiaoqiang and the Dashui Snake did not change before. They did not experience the smoke that was infested after the war, nor the scars after the fierce fight. Even the blood didn't get a drop, what was it when I went ashore, what was it after the fight, so Zhang Xiaoqiang made several men more fearful, which only shows that Zhang Xiaoqiang and the big water snake are far more powerful than them. Outside of the imagination.

"All come up, that is the one who wears glasses, that is, you are responsible for these people..."

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