Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 752: Gossip star 1/3

The floors here are also very high. Looking at it, each residential building has a height of more than 20 stories. It is also considered a high-rise building in the inland. It is just a small residential building in general, although the floor is high, but it is also It can be seen that there are not many buildings in the living. Any balcony with clothes drying is basically inhabited. The original place where the leader lives is not inside the building, but the leisure center in the middle of the green belt. The leisure center is only three stories high. It is a European-style classical villa style, the outer wall of marble carving, and the broken arm Vilas in the fountain pool in front of the door all show the style here.

After passing through the fountain pool, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that the ground was all carefully scrubbed. It was really smooth as a mirror, and the door was covered with bright red carpet. The stone statues of the two moon goddesses seemed to welcome him at the welcome. The carpet entered the house, and the luxurious European style decoration made his eyes shine. Twelve girls dressed in transparent gauze greeted the new owner on the carpet. Behind the girl stood a tall man in a black evening gown. Beauty, golden hair, delicate nose, and the clear eyes of autumn and the **** lips of red and bright, all make people shine. This woman looks familiar, Zhang Xiaoqiang just glanced at it. No longer manage her.

"I will be yours in the future, you have to pity me...."

The woman pleaded with Zhang Xiaoqiang in a tone of screaming with a strong voice. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at him with amazement. He always felt that this woman was familiar and very familiar, but he did not have any connection with this woman. In the eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes, the woman's Chu Chu can be turned into a hint of light pride, charming eyes hooked Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes, whispered:

"I am Xu Manna, you must have seen the movie I played..."

Xu Manna said that Zhang Xiaoqiang understood that a third-rate star before the end of the world, some popular public figures, not famous for her acting skills, but the day-to-night scandals and messy door events, no matter the unspoken rules Or the mobile phone is left behind. This woman has been thoroughly researched by a national name on the body of a whole body, and almost caught up with the famous Japanese woman.

"You are Xu Mengna? Are you really Xu Manna?"

Zhang Xiaoqiang was surprised by the inquirer, she let her rise to the chest, the smile in her eyes became thicker and more watery, as if to dissolve Zhang Xiaoqiang inside, and her heart was very happy, as long as Zhang Xiaoqiang was interested in her, she would Grasping Zhang Xiaoqiang's conquest, let Zhang Xiaoqiang, as the former Yihan, is generally called the minister under her skirt.

"I have seen photos of you not wearing clothes, but I still think that Cang's body is better. Also, your skin is not as good as her. However, you can be the No. 1 character in China. Now, let me go out..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang used Xu Manna as a flavoring agent, but did not care if the woman was going to climb to his bed. Xu Manna suddenly slandered. She couldn't believe the face of this man who was indifferent. Zhang Xiaoqiang's appearance was not outstanding, most It seems to be a little smaller than her. This is still the second time that Zhang Xiaoqiang drank the rain. The improvement on the skin is really true. Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang is thrown into the crowd, it may not be recognized in the first place.

It is such a popular man who can ignore her famous person and let her have some doubts about whether Zhang Xiaoqiang has no long eyes. When Xu Manna almost blew her chest filled with silicone, more than a dozen girls on the ground looked at each other. Looking at the mean woman in front of her despise, Zhang Xiaoqiang is looking at the gorgeous furniture and Western body oil paintings, turned to see Xu Manna motionless, suddenly frowned, his body restrained murderous out, and shouted to her:

"Do you want to be driven out by me?"

Xu Manna is just an ordinary woman. She has no sensitive intuition of evolution. If Zhang Xiaoqiang does not release murderousness, it will be similar to the average person, but once released, even the evolutionist can't stand it, let alone her ordinary person. The liver and gallbladder have been ruined, and the urinary sensation can no longer be stunned. The dripping yellow liquid dripped from under her gorgeous evening dress. This Zhang Xiaoqiang was even more annoyed, and said to the girls:

"Throw her out to me, tell the people outside, find a job for her. If she doesn't want to work, she will drive her out. I don't have a guy who eats white rice..."

After sending away Xu Manna, Zhang Xiaoqiang easily sat on the sofa, his eyes swept to the coffee table, the cigar box on the side of the golden candlestick, only the eyes swept away, there were clear girls taking out the cigars, and the baking was lightly heated. To his mouth, licking a cigar, a pair of warm, white hands pressed on his shoulders and gently kneaded. Just as he enjoyed it, the delicate dining car slowed down the gorgeous silver tea set and sent it to him. Coffee, a cup of black tea, and a cup of green tea have been soaked for him.

This Zhang Xiaoqiang finally understands what time the evolutionary people in Shanghai have lived. This small force only controls this small residential area. The armed forces are less than 80 people, and the subordinate population is less than 300. It is so luxurious. The enjoyment, as well as a little star, waited for his favor, showing why the evolutionists annihilated the conscience, and all the survivors were slaves. The privileged class is always unimaginable to ordinary people.

"Master, Xu Manna really has no quality, such a woman is not worthy of you. If you need it, we still have a sister who is much more beautiful than Xu Manna, and still a virgin. The original owner always wanted to move her. Xu Manna stopped and became a slave of sin, suffering in the cellar. If you want, let her out to serve you?"

Just when Zhang Xiaoqiang enjoyed the massage, the girl behind her whispered to Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang was slightly tight, and then relaxed. He heard the girl’s meaning. I am afraid that serving him is just by the way. It is true that the girl is released. Xu Manna knows that she is a mean person. If she is not as good as her, a little stronger than her, it will trigger her heart, and she is favored by her, and it is no big deal to deliberately frame a little girl, just like ancient times. The daughter-in-law always guards against the man’s mouth, but the beautiful prostitute who is stared at by the man.

"Let it out, the people who used to go in, don't ask for guilt, all of them are released. I have my own rules. I can't have so many people to serve here. You can choose two to clean and clean~www.readwn.com~ Other people go outside to do what they want to do..."

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not really want to stay here to be king. He wanted to find the remaining army in the shortest time. At the same time, he controlled a region and gathered some survivors to lay a foundation for the Yangtze River Fleet to take over Shanghai. If there is a long eye. The **** wants to deal with him, and he doesn't mind killing. Zhang Xiaoqiang told these girls to ask for help. They can't go anywhere in this room. Now Zhang Xiaoqiang makes them wish.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang finished drinking tea, someone had already prepared hot water for him, and the replacement clothes were also in place, making Zhang Xiaoqiang very uncomfortable. Even at the Hubei base, no one gave him this level, in some respects. He still has to do it himself, and here, a look, a posture, there is a girl who sent what he wanted to the hand, suddenly felt like a waste of hands and feet.

However, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not refuse, this is also an experience, as long as it is not indulged, when he walks into the gorgeous wide bath, in the pool-like pool long bath, two slippery white body from his body Side left and right slide into the water, holding a towel and toiletries for him to clean, Zhang Xiaoqiang is really uncomfortable at this time, want to let the two girls leave, but see them are very serious to clean themselves, some of him The place that I can't reach is also cleaned in place, and I will be safe. Anyway, I have been looked at and I don't care.

Smoked and smoked, Zhang Xiaoqiang was all over the body, from the hair to the soles of the feet were scrubbed in place, the whole person also has an unprecedented comfort, and under the guidance of the girl, squatting on the waterbed next to the pool, let The two girls gave him a full body massage. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't eat tofu. He just closed his eyes and enjoyed the service that he had never had before. His heart was also tangled. What if he could not enjoy such treatment in the future?

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