Apocalypse Cockroach

Vol 3 Chapter 754: Awkward night 3/3

Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn’t do the same as the animal. The food was just a small matter for him. In the last days, the forces that did not know how to use the zombie corpse were poor. It’s plain, and the country’s strategic food stored in the mountain’s belly could not be found. There is no power in the library that can be self-sufficient. No matter how prosperous Shanghai is before, how rich the reserves are, as long as it has experienced ubiquitous corrosion, the lush vegetation will wither into hay. The status quo in Shanghai is a group of people in the last days. The former materials are enjoyed on the heap, but they don’t know how to carry out their future. Once the materials are consumed, they will not have anything left.

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s account of nature is beyond the expectation of Mo Shaoyun. He did not say anything more. He sorted out his guilty conscience and began to report another incident. This matter is related to their current safety. Mo Shaoyun is serious about it. I’m careful to mention it with an unprecedented dignified tone. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s listening is absent-minded:

"The exchange of fire in the morning caused the attention of the surrounding forces. The guards found that many people spy around us. Some people crossed the dividing line and entered our control area to test. These people are the cannon fodders sent by other evolutionists, even if they are killed. Deterrence is formed on them, so they are not moved for the time being. Do you think you will meet other leaders tomorrow?"

When Mo Shaoyun talked about this suggestion, he was very nervous. He was afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang would dislike his proposal and blame him for taking the initiative to make Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not find Mo Shaoyun’s legs shaking because of nervousness, looking at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling, Zhang Xiaoqiang Sitting on the sofa, Mo Shaoyun stood beside Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the three girls who had finished their dinner also came out. When Zhang Xiaoqiang was talking about things, he did not dare to go forward, just stood at the door and waited.

"You don't have to worry about these things. I will do the rest, tell the guards, take a rest at night, and they will be very busy tomorrow..."

Mo Shaoyun listened to the clouds in the fog and was sent out by Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang sat alone in the living room smoking a cigarette. He was not on the mind for the surrounding forces. Through Mo Shaoyun’s investigation, in addition to the power of the iron head. Other forces have inextricably linked with the big forces in Shanghai. The original iron head was able to withstand the surrounding area, and it was quite safe. Now he changed Zhang Xiaoqiang, others started to move around, and they are not yet Knowing the specific situation, once you have figured it out, you may not be able to start with him. For this small town outside Shanghai, Zhang Xiaoqiang has no thoughts to do more entanglement. Mo Shaoyun’s worry is just a joke to him. His goal is not only the iron head. Small forces, at least he has to arm thousands of people, to give the survivors a hopeful goal.

"Master, do you need to go to bed?"

Man went to Zhang Xiaoqiang's side and stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang's eyes. The water in his eyes was moist, perhaps he had already been appointed. He only wanted this man to be a little better for her, but the gentle means she showed did not touch Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang. There is no Man in the eyes, staring at the carpet in a daze, even if he can see the gentle warmth of the man's chest, he has no signs of diverting his sight, and he slowly sinks in Man's heart. When Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly stood up and said to her:

"You all stay in your room at night, don't go out, even if there is a big movement outside, don't run around..."

Hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang's account, several women were a little surprised. They wanted to ask and didn't dare. They could only watch Zhang Xiaoqiang walk out of the gate. After going out, Zhang Xiaoqiang walked directly to the small lake. The sky was already dim, and the bleak sky made Xiaohu. It is also fascinating. The lake is quiet. There are giant arches in the lake with rockeries. With Zhang Xiaoqiang approaching, the lake begins to fluctuate, the arches begin to tremble, the water splashes, the whole rockery is alive, and it becomes a mighty dragon. With a lantern-like eyes staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang, the huge tail is still beating the water, so that the quiet lake can make waves.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang discovered that the snakes of last night were still tied to the head of the water snake. This 30-meter-long snake was a rare three-level mutant animal. The original defense of the snake was very outstanding. After the evolution to the third level. Every scale is a treasure, but here, Zhang Xiaoqiang can't convert it into a usable gear, and I don't have the mind to go back to Hubei to give Wang Le armor. I hesitate a little and jump on the snake head. Untied, thrown into the small lake to hide.

The water snake carried Zhang Xiaoqiang to the darkness outside the community. The armed guards along the way looked at the one-horned dragon in awe. The fear of the surrounding forces in the evening disappeared all the time. The dragons sheltered their forces. What are you worried about? Just as they secretly reassured this dragon, Zhang Xiaoqiang and the water snake had completely lost into the darkness, and no one knew where they were going.

The first night when Zhang Xiaoqiang went ashore was a lively night. The whole town seemed to be a noisy pot. The night sky was shimmering and the flares were shining. Even if it was seen in the city center, no one knows the surrounding area of ​​Shanghai. What kind of battle happened in the town? From time to time, there was a collapse of the building and the collapse of the building. From time to time, I could see a huge bonfire shining in the four wilderness. The screams from the faint screams made most people in the power frightened. I don't know what happened, I can't run with Zhang Xiaoqiang, but no one thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang alone challenged all the surrounding forces, and it was still a night battle. At night, the defensive side familiar with the terrain would definitely occupy a clear advantage. If you are not careful, you will be counted.

Mo Shaoyun is the most nervous person. He was originally a public. According to the rules of Shanghai, he will not be able to become a manager anyway. The evolutionists will not promote the waste that they can't pick and shoulders can't lift. Now, under Zhang Xiaoqiang’s hands, he has the opportunity to turn over. This opportunity is the biggest turning point in his life. It is the hope that he can live. When others are pointing at the light of the night sky, only the light is pointing. He is begging for God to make Zhang Xiaoqiang safe.

Followed by three maids, they volunteered to serve Zhang Xiaoqiang. Although the contact time is not long, Zhang Xiaoqiang is really not a violent person. In some respects, he respects them. This kind of respect is especially valuable in Shanghai in the last days. Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang does not show concern or comfort, just a pair of indifferences that are not far from close, is enough to make these girls convinced. If Zhang Xiaoqiang has something to do, will they return to their previous days? Or even worse, at least Xu Manna was in front of them, they don't have to be abused by the evolutionists, and they may not be able to do so in the future.

As for the other survivors and armed men, there is no reaction, just waiting for numbness, no matter whether Zhang Xiaoqiang is dead or alive, they have little to do with them, at least for the time being, when the continuous gunshots reverberate in the middle of the night, intermittently Some people rushed into the sphere of influence. Most people thought that when Zhang Xiaoqiang failed to be counterattacked by others, the armed men were ready to surrender. I did not expect that they were only warning about the routine before surrender. The intruders of the guns took the initiative to let go of their weapons and surrender. In their remarks, the talents present at the scene understood what Zhang Xiaoqiang had done.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't want to sit down and talk with other evolutionists. He didn't have the energy and time to waste on these people. During the daytime raid, he found that the mutant water snake had adapted to the sound of gunshots and explosions. It was amazing, maybe the big water snake. I have been immune to these things for a long time with human beings. In this case, there are more places where the big water snakes can be used. First of all, the big water snakes are huge, even if they are on the ground, they can reach six meters and a hundred meters. Anyone will have a shocking intimidation, and ignore most of the small caliber guns. Once the resistance players find that their weapons can not produce even a little bit of damage to the mutant snake, morale will collapse in the shortest possible time.

The bullet will not have any damage to the big snake, nor can he do the same, and even if he is standing on the head of the big snake, most of the bullets will not hit him. The armed personnel will always choose a more threatening target shot, no more than no. The 100-meter-long behemoth is even more threatening. Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang is an evolutionary, it will not be more threatening than the big water snake in the eyes of armed men.

Even if there are a few bullets that shoot at him, it can't hurt him under the king of the rat. At the end~www.readwn.com~ Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn't even have to shoot, just driving the snake to hit the building with his head, he can hide in The armed men in the building collide with the building into pieces of debris, and the big snake's unicorn can form a barrier space in addition to sharpness, which not only eliminates the resistance of the strong wind, but also excludes dust and debris from the barrier. Let Zhang Xiaoqiang not dust.

All this made the big water snake begin to emerge. With the big water snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not need to fight alone. The remaining power of this town became the stumbling block that Zhang Xiaoqiang wanted to get rid of. The people continued to run over to Mo Shaoyun. Surrender, Mo Shaoyun is also unambiguous, with armed men running on the edge of the dividing line, whether they are actively approaching them, or are hiding in the distance, they have been paid for guns, and they have been assembled together. This busy is busy in the morning, in the morning. When they waited for Zhang Xiaoqiang to return, the maid who served Zhang Xiaoqiang informed Mo Shaoyun that Zhang Xiaoqiang had returned to his residence with the water snake.

No one knows when Zhang Xiaoqiang went back. Suddenly, everything around the town and the town fell under the control of Zhang Xiaoqiang. A total of seven evolvers were removed by Zhang Xiaoqiang overnight, and the blazing fire came at the dawn of the day. Gradually extinguished, Mo Shaoyun took dozens of armed personnel to compile the personnel and forces of other forces, and at the same time cleaned up the body left by Zhang Xiaoqiang last night.

In the original town, there were not many armed men. In the early morning, whether they were hiding or breaking up, they all came out from their hiding places to inquire about the news. All the evolutionists were cut off by Zhang Xiaoqiang in their own nest and lost their heads. The armed men and survivors automatically became the property of Zhang Xiaoqiang, the inventory of personnel, the statistics of materials, and the reception of the entire town, so that Mo Shaoyun was in a state of sorghum excitement, until Zhang Xiaoqiang woke up and let him hand over At the time, Mo Shaoyun did not close his eyes.

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